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POWER of a bloc vote
(Many of you know the power of a bloc vote from our earlier e-newsletters.
This message is for those who've joined our email list in the last 3 years.)
A and
B are competing to be the governor of a state with 10 million votes. For
simplicity's sake, let's assume that the state has two types of voters. The mainstream
group has 9 million votes. The minority group has 1 million votes.
If you are a candidate which group would you court to win the race? The 9 million vote
mainstream group, right?
Not so fast.
courts the mainstream group successfully. On election day,
wins that group by
a margin of 53% to 47%. Many gubernatorial elections have smaller margins of differences than that.
The difference is 6%. 6% of 9 million votes is 540,000 votes.
is losing by 540,000 votes
coming out of the mainstream group.
Candidate B courts the minority group, because the minority group knows how to deliver a bloc
of 80% to 20%.
wins that group. The difference between 80% and 20% is 60%. 60% of
one million votes is 600,000. So
the governor's seat by a comfortable margin of
(600,000 - 540,000) = 60,000 votes.
Do you now understand the POWER of a bloc vote?
A small
minority, with a 10% vote share, wins the gubernatorial race!