PPIE Names New Executive Director, Steve McCoy-Thompson
PPIE is pleased to welcome Steve McCoy-Thompson as its new Executive Director. McCoy-Thompson joins PPIE as an experienced nonprofit executive, who brings over 25 years of leadership and development experience with corporate, nonprofit and governmental entities. "Steve's experience and demonstrated success align perfectly with PPIE's goals to increase fundraising, enhance stakeholder outreach, and further define our strategic plan," remarked PPIE Board President Stephen Hilton.
"I am excited and honored to serve PPIE and the entire Pleasanton community," McCoy-Thompson said. "PPIE has a strong history of supporting local schools, teachers and students. I look forward to expanding our impact, collaborating with an increasingly diverse community, and building connections with our key stakeholders to create the kind of environment where our children will thrive."

McCoy-Thompson has been active in the first month at the helm, meeting with key PUSD administrators, parent clubs and community members. 
During a reception at the PPIE office, McCoy-Thompson visited with former Interim Superintendent Jim Hansen, Superior Court Judge Steve Pulido, Superintendent Rick Rubino, School Board candidate Steve Maher, Vice Mayor Kathy Narum and Mayor Jerry Thorne.
Giving Fund 2017-18 Campaign
The Giving Fund 2017-18 Campaign began with the beginning of the new school year and raised $333,000 during registration.  Executive Director Steve McCoy-Thompson said, " We are grateful to our many supporters who recognize the value of supporting district-wide funding for vital programs and technology that PPIE provides. While funding for the Giving Fund was down 11% this September, in large measure due to changes to online registration this year, we are working closely with the parent clubs to address the gap and look forward to a positive year."

Elementary Schools
Middle Schools 
$  73,000
High Schools 
$  92,000
Where Needed Most
$  10,000

We've updated the 2017-18 Giving Fund Donor Lists on the website. If you don't see your name - have you made your annual donation yet? If yes, please contact our Data Manager, Sarah Baer, and we'll get your info corrected right away! If not, there's no time like the present to Donate Now to support our students.
Support Measure I1 
Yes on Measure I1
PPIE is supporting Measure I1, a measure that will be on the ballot this November, to provide critical funds for modernizing classrooms and labs our students need to keep up with the growing demand for science, technology, engineering, arts and math education.  Measure I1 provides a dedicated source of local funding to expand science labs, computers and other learning technology so that all students are prepared for success in college and 21st century jobs.

Passing Measure I1 requires a community-based, volunteer effort.  Making this effort now will make more of a difference for our children's education in Pleasanton than nearly anything else you can do. Get the word out by Signing up to phone bank for Pleasanton schools, so all our children can say "I Won" ;-)
PPIE and PTA Collaboration
PPIE is excited to collaborate with PTA Council to determine how to best support student experiences and success through our fundraising initiatives.   A task force is currently under way to take a closer look at ways to minimize donor confusion and determine how to best maximize the impact we can make for students.  Look for information on this collaboration in future newsletters.
Want to get more involved?
Attend our Volunteer Reception, 10/26, 4:30 pm
PPIE is grateful to our volunteers that value quality education in our community and are willing to donate their time to further the foundation's mission of enhancing educational opportunities for all Pleasanton students.  We would love to have you join the ranks of PPIE volunteers.  Come to a Volunteer Reception on October 26 at 4:30 pm at the PPIE office, 333 Division St., to learn about a variety of volunteer roles.
Innovative Student Grants - application now open!
Deadline is December 1st
PPIE provides grants to fund up to $500 for student projects or special events that support student achievement in all areas.  Projects should also support the PUSD Strategic Plan mission: "Our students will make a better world."

The deadline is to complete the application is December 1st. All the information you need can be found on our Innovative Student Grants webpage.
Giving Fund 2016-17: Spotlight on Coaches
One of the ways your last year's donations are working for your children this school year!
A portion of PPIE's Giving Fund 2016-17 funded 4 instructional coaches that provide a variety of professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their practice, which in turn enhances student learning.  Check out this handy chart to learn more about our district's coaches, the coaching model and how teachers utilize coaches.
PD Models

PPIE Around Town
Have you see PPIE representatives at your school events?

We appreciate the opportunity to be an important part of your school community and are happy to attend principal coffees, PTA meetings and other activities at your school.

Please let us know of any events where you'd like PPIE representa tion and we are happy to collaborate.

We look forward to working with you this school year!


Steve McCoy-Thompson, Executive Director

Quality Education is Built on a Strong Foundation