PPOA and ALADS Sponsor Breakfast with Santa
December 3: PPOA was proud to partner with ALADS as sponsors of "Breakfast with Santa" hosted by LASD Spouses Supporting Spouses last Sunday. The private event was developed to help children of LASD personnel who have been dealing with challenging circumstances, such as losing a parent or sibling, or dealing with critical illness.

Photo: PPOA President Nancy Escobedo and ALADS President Richard Pippin share a moment with Santa.
Welcoming New Custody Assistants
December 4: PPOA representatives met with 15 newly-hired Custody Assistants at Biscailuz Center during their first day of orientation on Monday. Second Vice-President/Custody Assistant Tony Coleman was joined by President Nancy Escobedo, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr., Labor Representative Dave Ladjevic and union staff to welcome members of C.A. Class #110 to PPOA.
Judge Rules Murderer Who Killed LASD Deputy Must Remain in Prison
December 5: PPOA sent an email to members on Tuesday to deliver welcome news. That morning, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled that the murderer who was sentenced to death in 1981 for killing LASD Deputy Jack Williams will remain in prison. 

Mexican Mafia member Jesse Gonzalez shot and killed Deputy Williams in 1979 while a search warrant was being served at a home in La Puente. Gonzalez was found guilty of 1st degree murder with the special circumstance of killing a peace officer. 

The issue before the court was whether material evidence had been withheld during the 1981 trial. Thankfully, the judge ruled that the District Attorney's Office had not failed to turn over evidence and therefore Gonzalez would not be eligible for release.

Sheriff Robert Luna, PPOA President Nancy Escobedo and PPOA Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. were among a sizable contingent of Williams family supporters present at the courthouse.

Deputy Williams was a 9-year LASD veteran and is survived by his wife and two daughters.

PPOA Legislative Committee Meeting
December 7: PPOA Legislative Committee members hosted a teleconference with our Sacramento legislative representatives — Lang, Hansen, Giroux and Kidane — for the monthly discussion about legislative proposals in the current 2023-2024 session that may potentially impact PPOA members and public safety employees statewide.
Meeting participants from PPOA included President Nancy Escobedo, 1st Vice President Jay Chapman, Board Member Roel Garcia, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr., and Legislative Consultant Art Reddy.
PPOA has a proven track record of impactful legislative strategies that stretches back more than 50 years and has dramatically improved the rights and benefits of generations of PPOA members.
Appreciation for Dedicated PPOA Delegates
December 7: PPOA was honored to acknowledge our most dedicated delegates at a luncheon in Glendale. These are your fellow union members who volunteer their time to attend meetings throughout the year and help foster communication with the membership. Per tradition, this "Appreciation Luncheon" includes drawings for gifts provided by our law firms and business partners who are proud to support and represent PPOA members. We are thankful for their generosity and the outstanding commitment of our delegates. Special thanks to the many delegates who helped usher in the holiday spirit with extra festive Christmas sweaters!
Note of Correction re: Labor Representation Stats
The most recent edition (12/2/23) of the PPOA Week in Review included statistics about labor representation provided to members of this Association. Statistics going back to 1/1/22 (rather than 1/1/23) were inadvertently referenced. Here are the PPOA labor representation stats for 2023:

  • Internal Affairs investigations: 141
  • Internal Criminal investigations: 14
  • Grievances: 46
  • Civil Service Appeals: 2
  • Demotion/termination cases: 15
Fraternal Order of Police News Update
PPOA members have long benefitted from our affiliation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world's largest organization of law enforcement officers, with more than 368,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges nationwide. All active PPOA members are part of California FOP Lodge 1.

Important news regarding FOP membership for retired PPOA members: When a sworn PPOA member retires and wishes to reactivate his/her FOP member benefits, the following step must be taken: To reactivate your membership as a retired peace officer, you will need to pay FOP annual dues of $40 for 2023. To do so, please send an email to the FOP Lodge 1 Secretary: wmwestermann@sbcglobal.net

Please make it a point to check out Washington Watch — a weekly news update provided by the National FOP. We encourage PPOA members to stay up to date on the legislative news and activity impacting public safety personnel nationwide.

Get a Unique Gift and Support a Worthy Cause
Our friends at the Sheriff's Youth Foundation asked us to share details of this fundraiser with PPOA members and we are happy to help with such a worthy cause. Proceeds from every tax deductible purchase of these custom-built skateboards will benefit youth programs in the communities served by PPOA members. Please visit SheriffsYouthFoundation.org for more information.

Also, coming soon...
The Sheriff’s Youth Foundation will offer a limited-edition Sheriff Signature Series skateboard. The Sheriff Signature Series Skateboard will have a run of 200 skateboards and will be personally signed by all five living LASD Sheriffs.  
  • 30th Sheriff, Leroy D. Baca - Dec. 7, 1998 through Jan. 31, 2014
  • 31st Sheriff, John Scott - Jan. 31, 2014 through Dec. 1, 2014
  • 32nd Sheriff, Jim McDonnell - Dec. 1, 2014 through Dec. 3, 2018
  • 33rd Sheriff, Alex Villanueva - Dec. 3, 2018 through Dec. 5, 2022
  • 34th Sheriff, Robert G. Luna - Dec. 5, 2022 through Current
This Limited series will also include a certificate of authenticity to accompany each skateboard. Keep in mind, this is a limited series, and once they’re gone, they’re gone! Skateboard 001 of 200 will be hung in at the Sheriff’s Museum located in the Hall of Justice. 
*Pricing for each Sheriff Signature Series Skateboard will be announced at the time of release.

December 13
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Members: RSVP to (323) 261-3010

December 25
Christmas Day
The PPOA office will be closed in honor of the County holiday

January 1
New Years Day
The PPOA office will be closed in honor of the County holiday

January 2
Final Day to Submit Receipts for PPOA Steer Clear Program

January 10
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Members: RSVP to (323) 261-3010