Acknowledging Our Nation's Fallen Heroes
May 29: Our nation is forever indebted to the men and women who sacrificed their lives while serving in the armed forces. PPOA stands with all surviving family members as we honor the memory of these fallen heroes.
Meet and Confer re: California Public Records Act Request
May 30: PPOA participated in a Meet and confer with LASD executives, Bureau of Labor Relations and Compliance representatives and County Counsel regarding the Sheriff’s policy and procedures pertaining to the identification of law enforcement employees who may be considered to be exempt from California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests. This meeting included review of department policy that covers the CPRA exemption process. President Nancy Escobedo, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. and union legal counsel represented PPOA at this meet-and-confer and a follow-up meeting is expected to be scheduled in the near future. 
Public Safety Cluster Agenda Review
May 31President Escobedo provided input during a Public Safety Cluster Agenda Review (CAR) meeting regarding a recommended policy from Internal Services Department (ISD) that seeks to prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition for LA County departments. This policy recommendation resulted from Board of Supervisors’ motion on January 24, 2023 and will be presented for adoption by County Supervisors at their meeting on June 27, 2023.
Retroactive Standby Pay Secured for Qualified DMEC Members
June 1: PPOA Board member Joyce Kato discovered in February 2023 that qualified PPOA members were not receiving their proper Article 12 Standby Pay. The MOU provided that these employees who were assigned “regularly scheduled periods of authorized Standby service at off-duty times” shall receive a $0.25 per hour bonus for such service to a maximum of $90 a month.” After months of discussion with PPOA counsel, the Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner agreed to retroactively pay the impacted employees. The length and timing of the payment are still under discussion.
Update re: Board Member Resignation
June 2: The PPOA Board of Directors sent an email to members of this Association yesterday to address a number of issues related to last week's resignation of a board member. Click here to read the email.

If you are a LASD Sergeant or Lieutenant currently serving as a PPOA delegate and are interested in being considered to fill the vacant board seat, please send an email to (subject line: "612 Board Seat") no later than June 6, 2023. Members who express interest in the appointment will be asked to attend the board meeting on June 14th to speak with PPOA directors about the potential to fill the vacant board seat.

Logistics for 15th Annual Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament
June 2: PPOA staff met with representatives from Friendly Hills Country Club yesterday to handle final logistics for the upcoming Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, June 5, 2023. PPOA has been proudly hosting this event for 15 years and it represents the primary vehicle for our Star & Shield Foundation to raise critical funds for the families of fallen officers.
Fraternal Order of Police News Update
PPOA members have long benefitted from our longtime affiliation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world's largest organization of law enforcement officers, with more than 364,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges nationwide. All active PPOA members are part of California FOP Lodge 1.

Important news regarding FOP membership for retired PPOA members: When a sworn PPOA member retires and wishes to reactivate his/her FOP member benefits, the following step must be taken:
To reactivate your membership as a retired peace officer, you will need to pay FOP annual dues of $40 for 2023. To do so, please send an email to the FOP Lodge 1 Secretary: Be sure to include your full name and advise you are a retired PPOA member requesting membership with FOP.

Please make it a point to check out Washington Watch — a weekly update provided by the National FOP. We encourage PPOA members to stay up to date on the legislative news and activity impacting public safety personnel nationwide. 

23rd Annual PPOA Fishing Trip
Hundreds of PPOA members have enjoyed these annual trips over the last two decades and we hope you join us on the boat next month! This event often sells out, so please reserve your spot as soon as possible. See flyer for details and contact Shannon at (323) 261-3010 to book your seat on the boat.
June 5
PPOA 15th Annual Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament
Friendly Hills Country Club, Whittier
Visit PPOA.COM for details
(Please note the PPOA office in San Dimas will be closed Monday while union staff coordinate the tournament.)

June 6
Final day for for PPOA Members to Express Interest in Vacant Unit 612 Board Seat

June 9
Submission Deadline for Unit 615 PPOA Board Seat Special Election

June 12
Ballot Count for Unit 615 PPOA Board Seat Special Election
San Dimas
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

June 14
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM