Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) / Cancelled Vacations
March 12th: PPOA was notified, by numerous PPOA members, regarding the Sheriff cancelling all vacations through April 30, 2020. PPOA immediately contacted Employee Relations for a “meet and confer” and joined with ALADS in a meeting with the Department at the Hall of Justice. Topics of this meeting included numerous issues such as:
- Proper notification to the unions of unilateral decisions significantly affecting members and their rights,
- Exemptions to this new announcement for those with scheduled vacations including special occasions (weddings, graduations, etc.) and/or paid airfare or resort fees
- Correspondence from the Sheriff for members to present to airlines and resorts to expedite refunds, and
- Continued communication.
PPOA will continue to assist members in any way possible during these uncertain and historically difficult times during of the Coronavirus pandemic. The Department has agreed to make efforts to improve communications (proposed conference calls with PPOA and ALADS, twice a week) and include both unions in Operation Plan concepts as they are developed.
As of 3:13PM Friday, March 13, 2020, the Sheriff’s Department chain of command has delegated to Division Chiefs, the authority to grant exceptions to the vacation cancellation order through April 30, 2020, only for extenuating circumstances. Vacation cancellations apply to all sworn and professional staff.
As a result of this development, those members needing their pre-scheduled vacations due to extenuating circumstances, should document any needs, along with any receipts or proof of purchase through your chain of command directed to the Division Chief. Should you encounter any difficulties with the process, please contact PPOA for further assistance.
Remember, the best defense to preventing Coronavirus is practicing good public hygiene similar to flu and cold precautions as well as limiting your exposure by avoiding large groups of people.
Of course, as information becomes available, PPOA will provide continued communication through personal e-mail blasts, our website, Facebook, and our mobile app.
Sub-Groups researched by Rand Corporation
March 9:
PPOA President Rhodes met with members of the Rand Corporation to discuss sub-groups within the Sheriff’s Department. The and Corporation, which was contracted by the Board of Supervisors to provide an unbiased perspective to the perceived cultural issue of sub-groups, is an institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis. Due to their outside objective professional reputation, PPOA looks forward to reviewing their proposed study, member survey, and research process. Further to follow.
Gender Responsiveness Study
March 10:
PPOA President Rhodes had conversations with a representative of the Moss Group regarding Gender Responsiveness, PREA compliance, and overall ideas of improving conditions for the female inmates of CRDF. The Moss Group, Inc. is a Washington, DC-based criminal justice consulting firm dedicated to helping state, local, federal, and private organizations in achieving organizational excellence, and was recently contracted by the Board of Supervisors to report back on any suggestions to the above goals. President Rhodes expressed comments of concern for PPOA members safety and working conditions regarding any proposed changes that will be included in the report to the Board of Supervisors.
Gym Equipment Donated to Crime Lab
March 10: PPOA was proud to donate and deliver a new elliptical machine to the LASD Crime Lab on Tuesday. Special thanks to PPOA delegate/Forensic ID Specialist Jenny Mak for helping to coordinate this donation. In order to help members stay fit and healthy, PPOA's
Star & Shield Foundation
teamed up with New Life Cardio Equipment (NLCE) to purchase treadmills, ellipticals and more for unit gyms in need. NLCE will also extend a special PPOA price to any member interested in purchasing cardio equipment for personal use, as well. For more info, please contact PPOA:
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
March 11: The monthly PPOA board meeting took place on Wednesday in San Dimas. Directors in attendance included: President Rhodes, Vice President Jim Blankenship, Secretary Tony Coleman, Treasurer Robert Maus and Directors Jody Clounch, Joyce Kato, Chris Lee, Carlos Marquez, Tony Romo, John Satterfield, Jim Schallert and Ryan Vienna.
PPOA Welcomes New Sheriff’s Security Officers
March 12: PPOA proudly welcomed 25 new Security Officers to this association on Thursday. President Rhodes, Board Member and Security Officer Clounch, Executive Director Quint and PPOA staff members wished them well as they begin their five weeks of Security Officer training. We look forward to joining them at their graduation next month.
PPOA & ALADS Meeting With Department
March 12th:
A "meet and confer" regarding proposed revisions to the Sheriff’s Department’s Use of Force policies was held at the Hall of Justice with PPOA, ALADS, LASD Employee Relations and other Department personnel. Another meeting will be scheduled to continue discussion of these issues.
Are You Prepared? Take Time to Ensure Your Family is Protected
Do you have a will or a trust? Have you updated your beneficiaries?
PPOA is honored to guide members to proven, trusted estate planners. Call the PPOA office for info: (323) 261-3010.
Deadline for Custody Assistants to Apply for College Scholarship
The deadline for Custody Assistants to apply for college scholarships provided by the
Officer Anthony Thompson Scholarship Foundation
is tomorrow, March 15th. To apply, email your essay and cover letter with your full name, employee number, job location and name of college you are attending to
Heroes Motorcycle Ride Postponed
PPOA is reluctantly announcing the postponement of the 8th Annual Heroes Motorcycle Ride, Sunday, March 29th, due to Coronavirus concerns and protocols. PPOA will contact you as soon as new details become available.
PPOA Benefit Spotlight:
Popa Federal Credit Union
Union membership is centered on the concept of individuals banding together to protect each other and benefit from power in numbers. That is precisely why PPOA members established their own credit union 42 years ago. POPA Federal Credit Union is a full-service, non-profit, member-owned institution with four locations in Los Angeles County. The credit union is one of PPOA’s most popular membership benefits and takes great pride in providing peace of mind to law enforcement personnel and their families by helping them save money while serving their financial needs. In fact, the 42
Annual POPA Federal Credit Union Membership Meeting will take place this Thursday, March 19
at Almansor Court in Alhambra. We encourage all POPA Credit Union members to joins us there. Visit POPAFCU.ORG for more info.
March 14
Workers’ Comp & Disability Retirement Seminar
PPOA Conference Center, San Dimas
Free for PPOA members.
March 17
Retired SCV Luncheon
Coco’s Restaurant, Stevenson Ranch
11 am
March 18
Retirement Celebration for:
· SGT William Barbe
· SGT Daniel Burdick
· SGT Carlos Flores
· SGT Kevin Unland
· SUP PRD Flora Chavez-Garcia
· SUP PRD Valerie Portesi-Johnson
· PRD Donna Valdez
· PRD Jacqueline Stringer
Fleet Management Unit Lot Door 39, L.A.
RSVP/Tix: Cynthia Gallegos (323) 881-8001
March 19
Annual POPA Federal Credit Union Membership Meeting
Almansor Court, Alhambra
5:30 pm
March 20
Annual LASD Texas HR218 Qualification
Denton, TX
March 20
Retirement Celebration for Sergeant Theresa Dawson
University of the Antelope Valley, Lancaster
6 pm
RSVP/Tix: Detective Velazquez (661) 810-9610
March 21
Las Vegas ROMEOs Luncheon
Charlie’s Lakeside Casino, Las Vegas
Info: Bob Canfield (818) 219-2294
March 25
Retirement Celebration for Sergeants Allen Dollens & Brian Dorsey
Bravery Brewing Company, Lancaster
4:30 pm
March 26
Retirement Celebration for ____ Robert “Bob” Claus
Lucky Luke Brewing, Palmdale
RSVP: Christina DeCarlo (661) 272-2607 /
March 28
Retirement Celebration for Sergeant Marion Tucker
Antelope Valley Country Club, Palmdale
5 pm
Tickets: Detective Day (661) 272-2423 /