The 2023 Spring Tender CLOSES Tuesday!

To: All Tenderers.

Firstly, we wanted to introduce you to Sonia Barreto our Contracts Manager who will be stepping into the Purchasing Department. We are excited to welcome her to the Pratt Homes family - she comes with years of contracts management experience and will be closing the Tender on Tuesday next week.

There are a few additions and substitutions we have changed in our Tender Package and wanted to circulate to ensure bidding is consistent and information is transparent as we received a handful of questions.

 Updated Trade Reference Documents:

  • Pricing Templates - Elements Condominium Upgrades
  • Elements Building Updated Drawings:
  1. Structural Drawings - BLDG-C-STRU-BP-2022 10 05
  2. Architectural - 204154-BLDG C-A200-2022 10 25
  3. Mechanical - 09 14 2022-M3-01/M4-07/M4-08/M4-11/M4-12/ Updated 09 24 2022 M5-02
  4. Electrical - Updated 09 16 2022
  • 6 Plex Updated Drawings - Updated Firewall, Non-combustible Exterior Siding, Fire rated Lumber for Exterior Staircase & decks
  • 6 Plex Exterior Colour Palette - Updated to Composite Siding
  • Exterior Colour Schematic - Elements Building "C" - Luna
  • REMOVAL - Bistro 6 Gym & Kitchen from RFP, work has been awarded

Please note, we require pricing to be submitted as per your pricing template (UNIT rates by model OR By Block). All pricing must be submitted on our Pricing Templates filled out in full. You're welcome to also send your typical quote and scope format, however we must also receive pricing on the provided Excel spreadsheets.

Tender Closes Tuesday: January 31, 2023

Sonia Headshot

We thank you for your commitment to our community, to our homeowners and to our company.

There is lots of work ahead in 2023-2025 and beyond at Pratt Homes so let's stick together! Remember this is only the first tender for the Spring starts, with more to come in 2023 so sharpen your pencils!


Contracts Manager