NOAH, 23 (GRANDSON)- I love cousins fellowship not only because I get to catch up with my family and see how everyone’s week went but also because I love strengthening our fellowship and beliefs as individuals and as a family.
MARY BRENNAN, 22 (GRANDDAUGHTER)- I love how nice it is to be able to catch up with everyone on a weekly basis! Zoom has created such a positive outlook on technology because it is so easy for everyone to be together even when we are thousands of miles apart. It is always such a relief to be able to join weekly and get lots of support from family ❤️.
ZOE, 24 (GRANDDAUGHTER)- I love how our family spends so much time catching up and everyone really cares what each person has to say. At first I didn’t think anyone cared about the ins and outs of my daily life - but my family does!❤️
JEREMIAH, 26 (GRANDSON)- I really enjoy hearing how everyone is doing. I also appreciate receiving advice for issues that I may be going through.
TUDI ("EMMA")- 6 grandchildren living in 3 different states with 3 different time zones, it is very difficult to catch everyone for our zoom call. But what a blessing when we do and can hear their voices, see their faces, and get the updates on their lives. We pray daily for their interviews for jobs, their travel, their exams, their doctor’s appointments, and their relationships with friends. Ted usually has a short Bible study to draw our hearts together, and we end with getting their prayer request updates. We love being a small part of their lives.
JOSEPH, 20 (GRANDSON)- I love CF bc it gives me a chance to catch up with family while also gaining a bit of wisdom every time we meet.

TRISHA (DAUGHTER)- I am so thankful for Cousins Fellowship for many reasons. My top reasons would be sometimes with my young adult kid's schedule they are working during traditional church times. It is wonderful that I know they will hear and participate in conversation around Bible verses and Godly principles that they can apply to their lives.
It is also healthy to hear them express their prayer requests and what is on their heart.
I am so thankful for CF and the ability to connect our family no matter where they are on a map and talk about what is important in life.
TRINDA (DAUGHTER)- Fellowship or consistant Family Fellowship Time is so rare for most families today. Meeting together takes commitment when it isn't always easy or convenient. It takes patience, determination and dedication, even when it's just a small crowd that week. It definitely takes flexible and undestanding leadership!! But it is such a treasure to be able to share with each other, get updates about each others lives and experience the security that authentic care and commitment brings.