PRAY with Your Spouse

(Boy/Girl Friend)

Hello Ted, 

Pray with your Spouse (boy/girl friend)


I asked that question to a few of our family members in our weekly ZOOM meeting last Sunday night.

Here are a few of our answers:

Why pray with your spouse (boy/girl friend)

  • Trisha- "It creates a deeper level of spiritual intimacy when you express what is on your heart and mind and bring it before God. It deepens the level of communication when you verbalize your deepest needs and bring them before God."
  • Emma Grace- "Praying with them can help you realize something that the other person is going through and might be too scared to talk about. Or you could learn what’s on their heart. An overall good experience to share with your partner to grow closer!"
  • Trinda- "Christians are not meant to live like Lone Rangers [independent]. Praying together or corporately is the model Jesus gave us when the disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. He taught them to pray together, saying: "Our Father, who art in Heaven...Give us this day", etc. in The Lord's Prayer."

Through prayer we begin to understand what is on the mind of the other person as they lift their praise and concerns before God.

Plus, it brings God back into focus as the center of the relationship!

Tudi and my background-


As a newly married Christian couple approximately 55 years ago in Manhattan Beach, California I was moved to ask Tudi if she would agree to pray together. She immediately said “yes”.


Before falling asleep I simply suggested we pray about whatever was on our hearts.

I STARTED our prayers together by praying for people we knew and various work situations and challenges, all in the name of Jesus our Savior and Lord.

TUDI began to pray. She started by saying something like, "Dear God, help Ted to know how wrong he is about...!

I remember slamming my hand down on the bed, saying something like "THAT’S NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO PRAY! It's self centered! We're supposed to say, "God, your will to be done!"

It was quite a start to our prayer life together!


The Triangle:


In the early years of marriage Tudi sincerely asked me that question- "How can I please you most?"

My response:

I drew a triangle on a piece of paper.

I told her that for our marriage to honor God we need to look to Him first before each other.

We will then naturally draw closer together (as depicted in the Triangle).

Guess What?

Jesus, the Word and Prayer- It’s so essential to abundant living as man and wife.

We have definitely found it to be a winning combination to a fulfilled marriage!!!

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,

and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭


Through the Christian Business Men’s Committee (CBMC) I was testifying of my faith in Jesus everywhere and to a variety of audiences both large and small (20-2,000) throughout America.

Sometimes the host committees would ask, “Does your wife speak also”? Early on my answer was, “YES, SHE DOES!” 

Boy was I wrong!

It was total ignorance on my part because that was “not” how God wanted to use Tudi.

It took years for me to appreciate our differences, but once I did I saw my wife blossom, including her witness of her faith in Christ.

God’s Word Spoke to Me regarding Tudi-

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭


A great way to start PRAYING TOGETHER is using The Lord’s Prayer. To honor the Lord while in PRAYER.

You can alternate, prayerfully reading a line at a time.

Another great passage to read together is the LOVE chapter- 1 Corinthians 13

For any scripture- Alternate reading and praying- and of course pray for known needs of friends and family, leaving time to pray for your own heartfelt praise and requests.


Tudi's gifts include mercy, prayer and outreach because she is a good listener. Tudi is outstanding at interacting with people. She is always introducing her new friends to me, inviting them to play golf with us, attend our church and adult class and/or inviting them to the women’s Bible study.


As I look back at our lives- Jesus Christ, the Word and PRAYER are the centerpiece that has given us a wonderful and fulfilling marriage relationship; this is also the case with our relationships with others. Our desire is to apply prayer to all that we do or say.

I honestly can’t imagine trying to be a leader of the home and a faithful Christian husband without prayer. Healthy, humble prayer is a wonderful blessing to the Body of Christ and propels our witness of faith in JESUS to the unbelieving world.

PRAYER with your SPOUSE (boy/girl friend)- It truly is THE ABUNDANT LIFE!


Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4

P.S.- You're Invited:

Wednesday, Oct 19

Big Canoe Chapel Board Room

4:00- 5:45pm

A small group of ordinary believers will gather to experience WItness Breakthrough- Reporting Back!

Thus far Tudi, Randy and I have agreed to share our recent witness experiences.

All are welcome!

You can simply listen or share your own recent outreach experiences.

Hope to see you there!


 As a reminder, here are the Weekly Prayer Topics:

Week 1- Pray Scripture to pray more wisely and draw closer to God 

Week 2- Pray "Your will be done" (when you really just want to say "no!")

Weeks 3 & 4- Pray “HELP “ when faced with major health and/or financial issues

Week 5- Prayer In the Business World- Don’t waste 80% of your Life

Week 6- Pray for your children/grandchildren 

Week 7- Pray for your church to be a house of prayer/ outreach

Week 8- Pray with your spouse daily

Week 9- Pray via zoom with and for your family 

Week 10-Pray for God’s open doors to witness

Week 11- Pray often for all leaders, locally and nationally

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