PRAYER During Health and Financial Stress


Hello Ted,


(& you may want to pass it on)

So far we have covered in the weekly Crossroads of Life Chapters

1-Pray Scripture

2-Your will be done Prayer

3-Prayer in times a Health Crisis

This Week:



I lost my high profile job in Atlanta in 1991 so some of the following years my stressful times were public knowledge in both the business and Christian communities.

 As Tudi and I endured my financial misfortune many verses in the Bible guided us, like this one-

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength"

Philippians 4:12-13

My goal was to endure financial hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ; then with the comfort I had received from the Lord, to one day comfort others. Also in the verses just quoted my personal desire was to know how to both “live in plenty and in want”


(as an ex baseball pitcher (now golfer) this has been a favorite cartoon for many years)


In both health and financial trials the cartoon’s message rings true also. As we went through both health and wealth trials I would often look in disbelief at our situation wondering “WHAT HAPPENED?”

You’ve read already in the previous weekly email how PRAYER was so essential for our HEALTH challenges.

The same is true in our FINANCIAL trials-

PRAYER was essential!!


The following verses were used as Tudi and my prayer source constantly during the financial trials for many months.

I entitle these verses GOLD REFINED IN THE FIRES OF LIFE (health and wealth)

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.” Revelation‬ ‭3:15-18‬ ‭

As you read and pray these verses be sure to enhance your prayer life by praying scripture rather than only praying.

Actual examples of 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

(comfort others with the comfort we've received from the Lord.)

I will never forget these 2 encounters

Within the year, two men came to me independent of one another to ask my advice during their times of great financial stress.

The economic times were stressful for each of them. One man was a very well known successful entrepreneur but was in danger of losing great sums of money. The other was a long time business owner in the process of losing his entire business, including greatly affecting approximately 20 staff. Both were Christians in leadership positions for many years in their church and other areas of Christian influence. I knew them both to be men of Godly character


As described in an excerpt of my book (found in Intro lll- V) IF WE ARE THE LIGHT, WHY IS AMERICA SO DARK? - Below is a brief economic history of what happened to me during my FINANCIAL COLLAPSE- It's very important to know before you hear my advice to both of them.


The following 'GOLD REFINED BY FIRE' testimony is in the introduction of the book (published in 2015)

“Like most, I have had numerous challenges in life. Prior to starting Witness Breakthrough we lost everything- our home and business- due to the 9/11 attacks and lengthy health-related expenses. My business was tied directly to the tourism and non-profit industries, which underwent very lean times.

Daily, I cried out to God for wisdom, understanding, and direction. One morning, I read that "..Jesus went to a quiet place.." (Mark 1:35).

I found a quiet place on the Silver Comet Trail (a delightful 30 mile biking and walking trail on the west side of Atlanta), six miles away from dense crowding. The bench I found there provided a private spot overlooking a clearing.

For over 40 years, I have read the Bible daily. Through His word, I have found answers to every problem and challenge I've ever faced... I love God's Word! In my quiet place, I did three things the Bible directed me to do:

• Cast all my care upon the Lord- health and financial challenges (1 Peter 5:7).

• Praise Him for everything that had come our way (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

• Humble myself and be still before God (Job 40:4-5, 42:1-6)

Faithfully, for 2-3 hours several times a week for more than a year, I met with God at my quiet place and did the aforementioned. Guess what? Things got worse, not better! I knew I was doing all I could do spiritually, yet every work opportunity continued to fizzle. Work that normally came through dedicated effort never got to first base. At last I secured a financially significant four-month consulting opportunity- it was a “done deal”. I appeared in the business section headlines as the consulting interim president of a major non-profit organization. The attorney had drawn up the agreement. I arrived for my first day on the job with bags packed for an extended stay. But the job that was going to help me recover financially fell through! A number of similar experiences, coupled with extreme extended financial pressure, crushed me. I understood how Job must have felt.

I continued to go to my quiet place, finding tremendous peace that passes understanding. At the end of my unhurried time with the Lord, I would pray Romans 12:1, "in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship.” This Silver Comet Trail quiet retreat became my place of deep worship and peace during the financial turmoil.

However, my financial situation did not improve. In addition, I was hit from behind by a truck, causing extreme whiplash and ongoing therapy. While traveling for WB, I had two painful pancreatitis attacks and was hospitalized. I certainly identified with Revelation 3:18 I was being refined in the fire of suffering.

However, the WB ministry expanded despite my poor health and financial pressure. Many times I would buy one way airline tickets, sleep in my car, or hawk my '95 Buick to pay for essential health insurance. It was quite a change from my earlier years of flying only first class, staying in luxury hotels and living at the Atlanta Country Club for over 20 years. My ways are not God's ways, and that is certainly true for Witness Breakthrough! I had planned on being financially independent in fulltime ministry, but instead I am totally dependent on others for financial support through individual gifts, foundations, and churches.

Through the "fires" in my life, I've gained a clearer vision. Without a doubt the church is the WB target market, and multiplication of the gospel is the goal. After being equipped, ordinary people will share Christ in obedience and love (Acts 4:13, 23, 29-31).

By faith I accept His ways as far better than mine... God refines the gold of our faith through trials, and when we endure, greater faith will result. I see clearly now that God wants me first to love Him, then to reach out to people. People are the bottom line to life! (Luke 19:10).

WB is dedicated to multiplying the gospel through training the church. If We Are the Light, Why is America So Dark? is meant to encourage, challenge, and build up the believer to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ."

THE QUIET PLACE will always be one of the great revelatioms of my life because it was 'GOLD REFINED IN THE FIRE' that could have never happened when I was "hitting home runs"- rather, it happened because of our HEALTH and WEALTH STRIKEOUTS!!

THE TWO MEN….my answer

Again independently of one another they both SAID about the same thing when we met, ”I know a number of people who have had major financial difficulties but you seem unwavering- you haven't held back from your ongoing influential Christian leadership. HOW HAVE YOU DONE IT?”

Frankly, I was somewhat shocked at first. After thinking about it I quickly gave credit where credit it is due- to the Lord and His Word.


Reality is, in life “it rains on the just and unjust”.

My identity is not in my job or finances- it's in Jesus Christ. (However I enjoyed my job- it was a wonderful chapter in my life, but it does not define who I am.)


Again, independently of one another I said to both of them, ”Go to a quiet place and experience God- perhaps as never before using the aforementioned guidelines that helped me."

• Cast your care upon the Lord- health and financial challenges (1 Peter 5:7).

• Praise Him for everything that's come your way

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).

• Humble yourself and be still before God (Job 40:4-5, 42:1-6)

They both seemed “greatly disappointed“ with my recommendation. They never said so in so many words but it was the strong impression I got.

They were both looking for strategic worldly advice on how to recover financially, not God’s insight about finding a QUIET PLACE ...I've never heard from either man again!


In the trials you face, will you seriously consider getting alone in prayer with God?

As a result of God’s grace in my life through the Silver Comet Trail experience of PRAYER, it was and will be a highlight in our lives forever I can truthfully say, "thank God that He used Tudi and my medical and financial trials to allow us to be much closer to Him and be more fruitful in the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

THROUGH PRAYER……Maturity, VISION, Fulfillment, LOVE, Joy, PEACE are all growing in our lives….thanks be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Tudi and I are living out "we know what it is to be in need....what it is to have plenty...we can do everything through Him who gives us strength" Philippians 4:12-13


Acts 17:28


As a reminder our WB Reporting Back small group gathering is scheduled to meet again September 21 ---our goal is to encourage one another to become John 3:16

Witnesses—compelled by love to share the Gospel of Jesus—-Big Canoe Chapel Board Room--4-5:45pm----all are welcome

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