In addition to this incredible result, we praise the Lord for the seeds of the gospel that is being sown each week by patient consultations and nurses, as they pray with and directly weave gospel truths, as the Lord leads, in the conversations they have with patients in the consulting rooms.
At this special time of year, when we remember the gift that God so graciously gave to the world to bring us hope, joy and a future – would you consider sowing into the life-saving work of the Pregnancy Resource Center so that many more lives can be saved next year?
A monthly gift of $100 will ensure that one mom receives the specialized care she needs to make that all important decision for life.
As we approach the end of 2024, we are deeply humbled and appreciative of all of you who have chosen to sacrifice financially on behalf of this ministry. You are forever changing the lives of those who enter the doors of the PRC and helping to ignite the flame of hope in our communities.