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A child is (almost) born!

Sitting across from her Patient Consultant, Mona* was depressed. She felt overwhelmed by the rigors of being a nursing student while caring for several children as a single mom.

Mona suspected she was pregnant again with no support available from the father. She was paralyzed by fear.

Mona’s Patient Consultant listened carefully to her story, providing time and a safe space for Mona to begin to process her emotions.

Still refusing to believe she was pregnant, the Nurse Sonographer performed an ultrasound exam. As soon as she saw her baby’s vibrant, pulsating heartbeat on the screen, a sense of peace and determination overcame Mona.

Mona left her appointment bravely determined to parent this child.

Continuing to struggle with depression throughout her pregnancy and lacking support from family, Mona returned to the PRC last week.

To her amazement, she was gifted a brand-new car seat, and a trove of Christmas presents through the PRC’s Christmas for Clients program! Blown away by the generosity of supporters like you, Mona left the clinic feeling loved, supported and far more prepared for delivery now.

Mona didn’t choose life just once-- she continues to do so every day as she faces the hardships of life. We are grateful that the Lord placed her in our path to encourage her through weekly check-ins and parenting support. 

Please keep Mona in your prayers, as she was expecting her precious baby boy the week of Christmas! What a gift from God.

Thank you for your generous support, allowing the PRC to connect with and serve patients like 'Mona'. Together, we are Igniting Hope and Creating a Culture of Life in our communities!

Would you make a life-saving Year-End gift today?

December Impact

Clients blown away by your generosity...

A heartfelt thank you to all who sponsored a PRC client this Christmas! You may not personally know the specific hearts you have touched and needs you have met, but believe us when we say, you have impacted lives. 

Because of YOU, 67 families had a special Christmas morning opening presents!

All mothers want to give their children the best. In fact, many women we see at the PRC are considering abortion because they lack basic resources for a child. 

2,000 years ago, Mary of Nazareth, another unwed, pregnant woman lacked even a room in which to birth her child. Imagine what Mary experienced when the Magi appeared, presenting royal gifts to baby Jesus in a stable.

PRC clients can relate to Mary… unwed, facing unexpected pregnancies, and from humble backgrounds. Thank you for being their Magi this Christmas!

From the Directors

In the past year, the PRC has been privileged to walk alongside over 500 at-risk young moms navigating unplanned pregnancies! Through targeted marketing and screening (made possible through specific funding received at last year’s banquet), we have seen a significant increase in abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable women visiting the center. Because of you, and the gracious help of the Lord, 230 precious unborn lives have been saved!

In addition to this incredible result, we praise the Lord for the seeds of the gospel that is being sown each week by patient consultations and nurses, as they pray with and directly weave gospel truths, as the Lord leads, in the conversations they have with patients in the consulting rooms. 

At this special time of year, when we remember the gift that God so graciously gave to the world to bring us hope, joy and a future – would you consider sowing into the life-saving work of the Pregnancy Resource Center so that many more lives can be saved next year?

A monthly gift of $100 will ensure that one mom receives the specialized care she needs to make that all important decision for life.

As we approach the end of 2024, we are deeply humbled and appreciative of all of you who have chosen to sacrifice financially on behalf of this ministry. You are forever changing the lives of those who enter the doors of the PRC and helping to ignite the flame of hope in our communities. 

From all of us here at the PRC, and on behalf of our patients-- THANK YOU!


Evangeline Sanders & George Stewart

Executive Director | Development Director

Would you make a life-saving gift today?

Construction Continues...

Thanks to our many generous supporters, construction continues at the PRC’s Salt Lake clinic.

The large garage space is being transformed into a beautiful shopping boutique for the PRC’s Parenting Class clients.

Additional space for the fatherhood mentoring program and a small upstairs kitchen area for staff and board members are also being constructed in this first phase. Next we'll be moving to a full-blown basement renovation creating space for three more classrooms.

If you would like to donate funds to purchase calming and fit-for-purpose furnishings and décor for these spaces, click HERE.


We will keep you updated as the project progresses.

In The News

This month, we bring you the latest news related to the life-saving work at the PRC:

In Quiet Move, Kroger, Sam’s Club Begin Offering Abortion Drug

Kroger Backtracks, Removes Abortion Drug from Pharmacies

Texas’ abortion pill lawsuit against New York doctor marks new challenge to interstate telemedicine

Supreme Court Tips Its Hand on Transgender Procedures for Minors

U.K. to Indefinitely Ban Puberty Blockers as Gender Transition Procedure

Pro-Life Laws Saved 13,000 Babies after Dobbs: CDC Report

436 Church Attacks in 2023, Zero Prosecutions Under Biden

Coming Soon: Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Join the PRC in celebrating and affirming the value of human life during Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS)!

This coming year, the national observance is Sunday, January 19, 2025.

The PRC invites your church to partner with us in one or all of the following ways:

  • Schedule a PRC representative to speak during your service about the Sanctity of Life and how the PRC is offering life-affirming care and hope to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies.
  • Invite a PRC representative to host an Information Table in your church foyer to share PRC resources and ministry opportunities with your church family.
  • Join the PRC’s Baby Bottle Drive from January 19-February 9 to provide life-saving care and resources to women in your communities. 

To schedule a speaker, table host, and/or join the Baby Bottle Drive, click the button below:

Click here to sign up

Current Center Needs

The PRC Boutique needs:

Our Parenting program needs many items at this time. Here is a list of the needed items on our Amazon Wish List.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the ongoing construction at the PRC - may the work progress smoothly so that we can better serve women and families in need.
  • Pray for the women who have chosen life for their unborn babies - may nothing stand in their way of embracing parenthood.
  • Pray for those who may be suffering in secret over past abortions. Pray that they can find the PRC and our post-abortion support program, Pathway to Hope.
  • Pray that more young moms and (especially) dads will attend the Life Steps Parenting classes.


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