LAS VEGAS, NV – Please see the following statement from the Nevada Republican Party:
"We applaud the proposals shared by Governor Lombardo on expansion of school choice for Nevada children. No child's opportunities should be limited to the zip code they reside in. The soft bigotry of low expectations codified into law by Democrats over the past 8 years deserve to be repealed entirely - and the dollars dedicated to educating children should follow the child, not the school. Nevada continues to have subpar results despite high levels of funding - all of these goals can be achieved without any tax increases.
We support the gas tax holiday proposed, and hope our principled legislators repeal entirely onerous tax burdens such as the Commerce Tax. Additionally, it is refreshing to hear a focus on public safety that has been sorely lacking. We must have safety in our schools and on our streets. This means eliminating the rampant crime, homelessness, and attacks on our police officers. All Nevadans want to live in beautiful and vibrant neighborhoods. We hope the Legislature will support making our state a safe place to live again.
Finally, Governor Lombardo proposed common-sense election reforms that would make Nevada elections respected again, instead of being the laughingstock of the country as we receive ballots and count votes for days after everyone else has moved on. Voters want results Election Night, not Election Month. Voter ID is supported by over 80% of registered voters. We strongly support the abolition of unsolicited, unregulated mail-in ballots sent to empty lots and non-existent apartments, and the addition of voter ID to ensure only legal votes are counted.
It is a new day in Nevada - we have been side-by-side with Governor Lombardo since Day 1, and we look forward to assisting in passing these key priorities while being the watchdogs to ensure our bloated government bureaucracy in Nevada is cut to appropriate levels."