Stronghold Games and 2F-Spiele
Announce Strategic Partnership

Stronghold Games to Co-Publish All New
Future 2F-Spiele Titles in English Globally
New Jersey, USA and Bremen, Germany - July 6, 2016

Stronghold Games and 2F-Spiele are proud to announce jointly a Strategic Partnership whereby Stronghold Games will co-publish all new future 2F-Spiele tiles in English globally effective immediately. 

Stronghold Games and 2F-Spiele have worked together previously on the critically acclaimed 504, a hobby board game, which due to its innovative modular design, contains 504 unique games in a single box. 

This Strategic Partnership solidifies the relationship and the commitment of the two companies to work together, with Stronghold Games publishing all new future titles in English exclusively for worldwide distribution.  This arrangement does not include existing 2F-Spiele game lines currently published with other partners. 

With this new Strategic Partnership, Stronghold Games and 2F-Spiele also announce that these titles will be co-published by Stronghold Games in 2016:

Fabled Fruit (Stronghold Games) / Fabelsaft (2F-Spiele)
2-5 Players, 25 Minutes, Ages 8+

Once upon a time there was a marvelous forest full of gorgeous fruits.  These fruits could be squeezed and mixed into the most delicious juices.  You live in this forest and are in search of the most savory fruits.  Friendly forest dwellers will help you in different ways.  You are greedy and thirsty.  Who will be the first to satisfy their appetite for Fabled Fruit
This is a "Fable Game", a new and unique concept in game experiences, where the gameplay changes over time.  The game starts in an initial, simple state, but as you explore deeper into the game system, the mechanisms and gameplay will evolve over time. 

Unlike in a Legacy game, however, the game is never permanently changed. This "Fable Game" will remain just as playable on the 20th play as it was on the first plays of  the game.

The s treet date for Fabled Fruit is October 2016.

Fuji Flush (Stronghold Games) / Futschikato (2F-Spiele):
3-8 Players, 15 Minutes, Ages 8+.

Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards!  Join forces with fellow players to beat the cards played by other players... or independently play the highest card to outdo all your opponents together, flushing their cards down the drain! Fuji Flush is a fast, fun, easy-to-learn card game for 3-8 players that will have both families and gamers shouting as their cards are sent down the drain!

The st reet date for Fuji Flush is October 2016.

Additional titles will be announced at a future date.

Stronghold Games and 2F-Spiele will print these games together at Ludofact Germany, the leading printer of hobby games in the world.  Not only will the games from both companies be of the same great German quality, but this will also enable a virtually simultaneous worldwide release of the titles. 

"We are very excited by this Strategic Partnership with the world-renowned company, 2F-Spiele," said Stephen Buonocore, President of Stronghold Games.  "The opportunity to work with game design master, Friedemann Friese, cannot be underestimated.  As we create these partnerships, we continue to strengthen our commitment to bringing great games from Europe to North America and the rest of the world."

"As a gamer, I was interested in Stronghold Games from the first moment they started," said Friedemann Friese, President of 2F-Spiele. "Crude and Outpost are two of my favorite games.  Over the years they added more games of interest to me, and I always look forward to their new publications."

Friedemann Friese continued, "It is important for me to work together with a company where my games will find a good home. We worked together very well last year on publishing 504. The enthusiasm and energy Stephen and the people at Stronghold Games put into our projects is amazing.  So I am very happy to work together with Stronghold Games on my future projects.  And it is great to be there together with eggertspiele, since Peter Eggert and I are friends for a very long time, and I really like the eggertspiele line of games, too."

About Stronghold Games:

Stronghold Games LLC is a publisher of high-quality board and card games in the hobby game industry.  Since 2009, Stronghold Games has released many highly-regarded games, including the best-selling Survive: Escape From Atlantis!, the most innovative deck-building game, Core Worlds, the smash-hit game line of Space Cadets, and many others.  Stronghold Games publishes game designs developed both in-house and in partnership with publishers around the world.  Stronghold Games LLC is a Limited Liability Company formed in the State of Delaware USA.

About 2F-Spiele:

2F-Spiele started as a one green-haired man show in 1992, always looking for interesting, sometimes weird, but always unique gaming experiences.  After 10 years experimenting, 2F-Spiele started its professional way of publishing games with Fische Fluppen Frikadellen, realizing a high standard in production and artwork.  After increasing success with games like Power GridFearsome Floors, Friday and Felix, the Cat in the Sack, Henning Kröpke was hired to manage operations, with Friedemann Friese focused solely at game design.  This made it possible to complete the mammoth project, 504.  2F-Spiele is a company residing in Germany.


Stephen M. Buonocore, President
Stronghold Games LLC
17 Sunflower Road
Somerset, NJ 08873 USA
Phone: +1-908-304-5711
Henning Kröpke
Fedelhören 64
28203 Bremen
Phone: +49 (0) 421 241-4902