Mary Lampert
Pilgrim Watch

Diane Turco
Cape Downwinders

Henrietta Cosentino
League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area

Mark DeCristoforo, Executive Director
MA Seafood Collaborative

Mahtowin Munro
For immediate release-Save Our Bays! Halt Holtec!
WHEN: Sunday, February 13, noon-1:00 PM

WHERE: Plymouth Rock/Coles Hill,
79 Water Street, Plymouth, MA

Standout to protect our bays with
Aquaculture and Fishermen Associations,
Environmental Organizations, Indigenous communities,
and concerned citizens speaking out to protect our bays.

WHY: We call upon HOLTEC to be responsible and immediately remove dumping radioactive water into Cape Cod Bay from their disposal plan.

After strong community outrage and opposition, the Holtec plan to dump into our bays continues to be Holtec's primary means for disposing of radioactive water. Our federal, state, and local officials have also called on Holtec to desist from employing dumping, yet the company still has not changed their plan. Holtec is here for profit, not to ensure public and environmental health and safety. As we have seen time and time again, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is captured by the nuclear industry, failing to protect us. We must continue to speak out and stand up to protect our communities and Cape Cod Bay.

Senator Ed Markey and Representative Bill Keating clearly call out Holtec to end the dumping plan:

Attorney General Maura Healey warns Holtec that the state will take action: “Our office will take any violation of Holtec’s permits seriously – especially one that could pose a threat to public health and safety. We are continuing to coordinate with our state agencies to monitor this and are prepared to take action if needed.”

Diane Turco, Director of Cape Downwinders: "The entire coastal community is calling on Holtec to immediately remove dumping into Cape Cod Bay from their disposal plan. Surely, Holtec must recognize the deep concern of the community. No amount of assurance of "safety" from Holtec will change that stand. Remove dumping now."

Mary Lampert, Director of Pilgrim Watch: "The Commonwealth CAN prevent Holtec's planned dumping of (1) million gallons of Pilgrim's radioactive water into Cape Cod Bay if it wants to. It is up to all of us to make the Commonwealth act--the Governor, Attorney General, legislators, and our town officials. So don't just agonize over the threat to our safety and our marine-based economy...organize. It is up to all of us to Save Our Bays."

Mark DeCristoforo, Executive Director, MA Seafood Collaborative: "If we allow Holtec to dump their waste in our bay, our ancient maritime economy-the livelihood of so many, providing nourishment to so many more-might be forever lost, sacrificed entirely at the alter of greed."

Henrietta Cosentino, League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area: "The Bay is Plymouth's lifeblood. We must Halt Holtec from poisoning our water."

Mahtowin Munro, Leadership of the United American Indians of New England:
"UAINE believes that any water disposal option with the potential to release radioactive substances and other pollutants in the waters of Cape Cod should be rejected in favor of a safer disposal option that does not threaten human health and the stability of marine life and ecosystems in Cape Cod Bay."