For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Contact: Tom Zawistowski, [email protected]


Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the TEA Party-affiliated We the People Convention (WTPC) and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, called for the resignation of Ohio Educational Association President Scott DiMauro for the intentionally deceitful comments he made in an interview on WEWS Channel 5 Cleveland in which he unfairly criticized State School Board Member Kirsten Hill for lawfully organizing buses for Trump supporters to go to Washington on January 6, 2021 for a rally.

Zawistowski said, “Despite Hill acting as a private citizen, who did nothing wrong by going to Washington or while in Washington, and who actually condemned the people who broke the law and committed acts of violence in her statement to the media, DiMauro claimed that “This (what happened in D.C.) was a violent insurrection on our nation’s Capitol” and without any evidence said “This was a rally that had as it purpose overturning a free and fair election.” How does DiMauro know that? Clearly those were not the intentions of Hill nor the people who went with her on the bus trip because they didn’t enter the Capitol and they didn’t commit any violence, they simply exercised their Constitutional rights! It is a disgrace that a person in DiMauro’s position, being the head of an organization that claims to be against bullying, would set an example for Ohio’s 1.7 million children by bullying a State School Board member who did nothing wrong, other than offend DiMauro’s anti-Constitutional and anti-American leftist ideology.”

Zawistowski continued, “OEA President Scott DiMauro, while attempting to criticize State School Board Member Kirstin Hill in an interview, did exactly what he wrongfully accused Hill of doing. DiMauro said Hill should not have gone to the rally in D.C. and “As educators, as people that are very concerned about the message being sent to the 1.7 million children who attend school in our state, we just think that (going to D.C.) was a terrible example and setting the wrong message.” Talk about setting a terrible example and sending the wrong message, DiMauro literally is telling Ohio’s school children that the First Amendment of the Constitution is a bad thing and that it is wrong for Americans to exercise their Constitutional Rights of free speech and freedom of assembly. Except of course when the OEA sends their union thugs to protest, then apparently it’s fine. A partisan leftist like DiMauro is the reason why our public school system is a dysfunctional disgrace filled with anti-American indoctrination and hate.”

Zawistowski concluded, “Furthermore, I find the attempts by DiMauro and his leftist comrades to build the false narrative that EVERYONE who attended the rally in Washington, plus ALL 75 Million Trump supporters, are now somehow “terrorists” and “insurrectionists”, because people other than them committed crimes, to be not only dishonest but intentionally hurtful and destructive to our nation. Any media who support this narrative should be equally ashamed. Any American who is buying this lie needs overcome their own hate and stop listening to the false narrative of haters like DiMauro. His interview and unjust attacks on Hill and her fellow travelers, and the left’s hateful rhetoric, are incendiary and are intended to create more violence. Not to mention the fact that DiMauro is intentionally and publicly attacking at least half the parents of those 1.7 million students who supported Trump! How do you think that makes those kids feel? How can someone who personally hates half the parents in our schools be trusted to be the head of the Ohio Eduction Association and not intentionally hurt those students by his administrative and organizational actions? Therefore we call for Mr. DiMauro to resign immediately and we call for our State Legislators to demand his resignation and we call for Ohio Parents and taxpaying citizens who indirectly fund Mr. DiMauro’s Union to call the Ohio Eduction Association at 614-228-4526 and demand his resignation. We don’t need hateful bullies like DiMauro anywhere near our educational system.”


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