Dear Hospice Supporters,
Just a quick update on some goings on at the Board level!
Our Treasurer, Lee Coulter, has recently stepped down. Treasurer is a time-consuming position requiring a special set of skills. We are extremely thankful for all the work he has done on our behalf during his tenure on the board and wish him well as he uses his time for more relaxing endeavours.
The vacancy created by Lee’s departure has now been filled by Crista Whyte. We welcome Crista to the board and look forward to working alongside her.
Our former Hospice Manager and current New Horizons for Seniors grant coordinator, Jackie Baker, finishes her contract at the end of March. Thank you to Jackie for all she’s done for us in the last 18 month.
PR Hospice Society continues to grow. We are in the final stages of hiring a Resource Development Coordinator to manage our fundraising efforts and have recently posted the position of Program Coordinator, who will look after all our programs and support groups. If you think you could be our next employee, please go to to see the job description and how to apply. The posting closes at 5:00pm on March 18th.
Work continues on our strategic plan, a copy of which we will share with our members as soon as we’ve filled in a few blanks. Getting the strategic plan to where it is now was a huge undertaking and required a great number of additional meetings for the Board, but the end product will guide all our decisions and actions for the next five years.
Thank you to our volunteers for all you’ve continued to do during difficult times. We are slowly getting back to both the hospital and long-term care. A new group of volunteers has just completed their 28-hour training, so we’re looking forward to having more available volunteers as we continue to extend our impact in the community. Our volunteers are the backbone of our Society and we thank them for their commitment.
Thank you, too, to our members, who support us in myriad ways and help us extend our reach as they share Hospice information with the people in their networks. It’s good to know that, whenever we need help, we can call on you and you come through every single time.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook to find great resources, thoughtful articles and up to the minute news about Hospice happenings. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like further information on any hospice-related topic.
Cathy Fisher, President