Dear Hospice Supporters,
Our volunteers and members have been active over the summer as we work to increase our presence in the community. Our Canada Day booth had many visitors, as did our booth at Pride in the Park. Thank you to all who were able to take a shift at one of these events. We couldn’t have been successful without your participation.
We had a huge number of people volunteer to help Hospice by taking tickets at Powtown Shakedown July 29th through August 1st. Entry to this event on the Friday night was by donation to Hospice, and there was a 50/50 draw on each of the four days of the event. We received over $2800 as a result of the generosity of attendees. Many thanks to Lando Taves for organizing this event and for his support of Hospice. We’re just waiting to hear back about one of the sponsors possibly matching this amount.
As summer nears its end, we are gearing up for our fall programs. If you haven’t seen what Hospice has to offer, please check out our upcoming programs at Of course our one-to-one support of those who are nearing end of life or who are bereaved continues, as we are able to be there for more and more community members every year thanks to our amazing volunteers.
Save the date – we have set our Annual General Meeting for Monday, November 28th at 7:00! At this meeting we’ll have reports on the past year’s activities from all our staff and committees, as well as discussions about where we hope to go in the next year and the election of board members. We have some exciting news, updates and other items of interest to announce at this meeting! More details to follow in the fall.
Did you know that Powell River Hospice Society receives no funding from either the provincial government or Vancouver Coastal Health to cover our operational costs? We rely on grants from various sources and the generosity of our donors to cover all our expenses. If you are interested in learning more about some interesting options for legacy giving, please contact us. You’ll be hearing a lot more about this in the coming months.
Thank you again for your ongoing support of Powell River Hospice Society. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like further information on any hospice-related topic.
Cathy Fisher, President