September 2023

Industry News

Public records request backlogs?
Using spreadsheets? Short-staffed?

Get up and running with GovQuest today, our cost-effective answer to moving public records requests online.
Discounted Training. Get up to 50% off.

Training funds are hard to come by. With PRI's new tiered pricing you can make your training budget go further.

How it works:

  1. Register the first attendee at a regular price
  2. Second attendee receives 25% discount
  3. Third attendee receives 35% discount
  4. Fourth attendee and beyond will receive 50% discount each

Discount pricing is automatically applied. No coupon codes are necessary.
Download Q3-Q4 Training Catalog

Annual Training Packages

  1. Choose the number of seminar registrations needed for the year.
  2. Buy the package and receive your code via email.
  3. Register for any classes and apply the code when registering to remove the seminar registration fee.
Buy Packages Here
Free Online Agency Records Management Assessment

Think you've got issues in Records? Want to know how your department compares to best-practice?

After you take the assessment, you'll receive an instant findings report with a grade and pointage based on your answers. And, you will be able to download our Law Enforcement Records Management and Technology Governance Guide, free.
Low-cost innovation for agencies needing help.

PRI has developed customized packages designed to provide a quick and easy way to bring PRI to your department.

  • Records Services
  • Records Inventory Workshops and Training
  • Policy Development
  • Retention Schedules
NIBRS Support Services

During this transition period, we want to make sure that agencies have NIBRS help when they need it the most.

Our low cost monthly service support options include:

  • On-demand support to answer NIBRS related questions

  • State-specific NIBRS support

  • Maintenance of state statute tables

  • Auditing
Unlock Your Potential

See what PRI does and how we can get your department beyond industry standards and in compliance.
Case Studies
NIBRS Report Writing Manual

How would you like to improve the quality of your reporting and ensure compliance with NIBRS? Having this instructive manual is the first step.

Available for purchase and download (customizable MS Word doc) on our site for only $479. Also available for only $195 when you register for one of our seminars. 
Getting ready to replace your CAD / RMS?

Complete the CAD/RMS readiness assessment below to see if your department is prepared for your project and download your findings report, free. 
Take The Assessment Here
What is PRI?

PRI is a highly specialized consulting firm that provides public safety agencies records management, IT and crime data consulting, training, and project management services.

With core competencies in public records compliance, UCR/NIBRS, CJIS, RMS/CAD systems, and digital transformation, PRI has proudly served agencies throughout the U.S. since 2008. 
Visit PRI
How To Contact Us

Public Records and Law Enforcement: Legislative Changes Impacting The Profession

Discover how recent legislative reforms are reshaping law enforcement accountability and transparency through enhanced public access to records. Delve into the challenges agencies encounter in meeting these standards and uncover key strategies for effective records management.

Full Article

Good digital evidence management begins with retention.

Problem: Data is everywhere, likely stored in several places or several formats, with growing storage fees.

Solution: Implement good policies and retention schedules. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to find the right system that meets your needs. Develop sound business process to prevent duplication of data, and of effort.

Learn how PRI can help.

Explore More

Records Management Courses

Managing Police Records - $279 per person

In this class, you will learn how to determine how long records must be kept, in what format, when they can be destroyed, and the legal requirements for releasing or withholding records from the public. You will also learn a modernized approach to managing agency files both electronically and those which are still on paper.

Intro to Law Enforcement Records Management - $279 per person

New to Records? In this informative course, you will learn records management procedures in law enforcement, including retention, review, and disposition of paper and electronic records. This training is specifically designed to orient you to basic procedures and best practices and can be attended by personnel from any state.

Going Paperless: Why and How - $195 per person

Legacy approaches for managing records and the prevalence of manual, paper-driven business processes are indications of a real need for digital transformation… modernizing how you create, share, store, and access information and how you provide service to both employees and external stakeholders.

CAD/RMS Procurement and Project Management - $359 per person

Your technology project’s success or failure will have a lasting impact on your agency and career. Make sure it goes right by attending this high-impact learning and networking event, and leave with the tools you need to fast-track getting the right system. This executive-level course is a money-back guaranteed program that will lower the risk of project failure and help ensure a successful procurement process.

Eliminating Risk and Liability in Records -

$279 per person

Attendees will participate in strategic risk analysis and prevention and learn how to implement the approaches needed to protect the agency. You’ll receive various resources/tools for the agency- and self-assessment risk analysis, measuring key performance indicators, and keeping track of productivity.

Public Records and Compliance Courses

Intro to Sealing and Expunging Records - $159 per person

In this 2-hour state-specific course, learn what the law says about sealing and expunging records and best practices for processing these court orders. Topics Include:

  • Overview of state law
  • Processing court orders
  • Understanding the difference between a sealed and expunged record
  • Who has access to these records

Criminal Law for Records Personnel - $279 per person

This highly educational program will provide the legal training your Records personnel need to correctly decipher the events described in your agency's police reports. In order to reconcile what a police officer writes in a narrative with the classification of the reports and how it should be counted for NIBRS purposes, understanding criminal statutes is imperative.

Records as Evidence: Management, Retention, and Disposition - $279 per person

Learn what the law requires regarding the maintenance, retention, and disposition of public records held as evidence. How long should digital evidence be kept? What about other records associated with the case? When a court disposition has been received authorizing the disposition of evidence, is it okay to destroy it? Are there additional retention requirements? This class will address the confusion between what evidence is a public record and what public records are considered evidence.

Florida Sunshine Law for Law Enforcement - $279 per person

A one-day course covering the application of Florida Chapter 119 to law enforcement records. This seminar focuses on public records held specifically by law enforcement agencies and understanding what should or should not be released to the public according to Florida law and corresponding legal opinions.

California Public Records Act - $279 per person

A one-day in-depth course covering the California Public Records Act and how to respond to subpoenas. Taught by California's resident expert, Joseph Surges, learn the ins and outs of public records requests from a practitioner's perspective.

Redacting Records: What Can and Cannot Be Released - $159 per person

Learn how to identify and redact information from police reports, audio, video, juvenile, and traffic records following state law. You will also learn which exemptions may apply beyond the closure of the case. 

Crime Reporting and NIBRS Courses

Crime Stats and NIBRS for the Police Executive - $279 per person

NIBRS is here, so learn all about it in this one-day, extraordinarily informative course about your crime stats. This course is for those who need to understand the changes, how the numbers work, how to keep them accurate, and how they will change.

Writing Reports NIBRS Style - $279 per person

Whether you are transitioning to NIBRS or already there, this practical and informative course will help your officers, FTO's, supervisors, and records personnel better understand crime reporting. In addition to learning about NIBRS and crime reporting under this program, personnel will understand their respective roles in the report writing, reviewing, and coding process. 

Transitioning To NIBRS - $159 per person

This presentation will include a 4-step guide to ensuring your agency successfully transitions to NIBRS. There’s a lot more involved than just updating your system. 

Hate Crimes: Reporting NIBRS Bias-Based Offenses - $179 per person

This presentation will include guidance in the recognition, proper documentation, and reporting of bias-based offenses to NIBRS. Reporting issues and discrepancies rest on the shoulders of law enforcement agenices, which share local data with the FBI's Unifrom Crime Reporting Program. 

Case Management: Status and Disposition of Cases- $179 per person

Learn what case management is and how it affects your NIBRS data, clearance rates, record retention periods, and the procedures needed to keep case status and dispositions correct throughout an investigation and prosecution.

Report Writing 102: What the Academy Doesn't Teach - $279 per person

Every report must contain the information needed to correctly document a crime, aid detectives in follow-up investigations, ensure a conviction, and lessen the burden on reviewing supervisors and records personnel.

Reviewing and Approving Reports: Who should do it and how - $279 per person

Learn how to bring clarity, consistency, and buy-in to the importance of rejecting and correcting errors through a two-tiered review process that ensures transparency, prevents risk in court testimony and resolves the challenge of getting everyone on the same page. Learn how to review reports, correct errors, and document changes to reports the right way.

Leadership, Staffing, and Management Courses

Leadership in Police Records - $279 per person

Building a successful records unit begins with leadership. The PRI Leadership in Records course is a one-day program designed to enhance leadership awareness and competencies. The course focuses on the mindset and skills required to successfully lead and work as part of a records team. 

You will learn how to contribute to the motivation of staff and develop effective teams to meet your agency’s objectives. Learn about the different personality types, how to better manage conflict, increase communication, and help others embrace change more effectively. 

Staffing Analysis- Calculating How Many Personnel You Need in Records - $99 per person

Learn how to correctly calculate how many personnel are needed in your Records Unit. Using a detailed staffing model based on quantity and time measurements of work tasks, this data-driven approach reveals true staffing needs.

On-Demand Training

These web-based, self-paced courses can be purchased for anyone in your agency to complete. Upon registering, you’ll receive a link to join the webinar with instructions. Check your junk mail folder in case you don’t see it.

Case Management

Duration: about 1.5 hours.

This self-paced online accessible course takes the student through an immersive learning experience beyond the live seminar version and can be completed by anyone in your department. Duration: about 1.5 hours.

We see many departments keeping closed cases forever, over-and under-reporting crime data, and misreporting their clearance rates, all due to issues in the world of case management. From too many status options in the RMS to gaps in case management procedure, learn the procedures needed to maintain the proper status and disposition of cases throughout the course of an investigation and the judicial process.

Records Employee Performance Improvement Plans

Improving employee performance and resolving “issues” comes down to having quantifiable accountability measures. Learn how to develop and implement an employee performance improvement plan (PIP) in this interactive, self-paced course.

The course includes downloadable sample PIP’s and forms for tracking performance.

PRI Management Group