A Ministry of Presence

October, 2024

Prophets of Hope meets the 4th Thursday of the month @6 pm in the Fireside Lounge.

Next Meeting:

October 24, 2024

November's meeting will be on

November 21, 2024

Prophet Minutes and News

Oh my! It is October already although the 80 degree weather makes it feel like summer. I hope you all had a wonderful July and August. I traveled to Los Angeles to work with Father Boyle at Homeboy Industries in July. I learned a lot, networked a lot and met Jane Fonda. She is a board member at Homeboy. She looks fabulous although the young woman I sat next to did not know who Jane was. What?!

Our July retreat was a success and I felt we all learned something from Chaplain Liz. She continues to be a source of support for our jail ministry team. The location was wonderful, food was delicious and it was nice just to be together.

Our outreach continues in the jails and in the community. We are now providing clothing bags to Monarch Services and the probation service center said they would be happy to take a few bags. RevBev put in for a grant from St. John's Helpful Shop thanks to Cory's gentle urging.

Retired pastor Jane Grady inquired about bringing a certified comfort dog into the lobby. The lobby team said yes but unfortunately the SO said no. Sigh!

A few of us met with Polly the program manager for the women in Main and Blaine. Natalie explained that we are not just a Bible study program. Polly suggested we change the name of our program to fit what we are actually providing. She asked if we could put together a flyer and they will include that when a new person comes to Blaine. If you have suggestions let RevBev know.

RevBev asked about having a program at Blaine every Wednesday evening and Polly was very encouraging. :-)

If we want to bring in colored pencils or watercolor paints they will put them in our closet. She also mentioned we could use the laptop in Main and Blaine. Blaine has wifi but Main does not. Polly will also looked into music options (as opposed to the boom box).

Polly was not sure about handing out prayer cards but she will check with Kristie.

Our resource guide is out in both English and Spanish. Natalie asked about a form a family member can fill out for jail medical staff. Carol advised it is on the resource guide but when we looked it was apparently left off. I sent a copy of the form to Polly and Natalie and I will make sure the Jail knows to update the paper copy. If you use the QR code it is updated. The form is: Jail Crisis Intervention Team Referral (

Peace highlights a ministry each month. Prophets of Hope is on for October. We will provide information for the E-News.

Natalie is our POH star. Not only did she get on the SO website but now she is on a new brochure: Visiting your loved one in custody put out by the jail. Natalie is shown in the lobby with a beautiful description of the lobby ministry written by Jane. I think this is the first time in over 15 years that our Jail Ministry has been positively acknowledged by the SO. Congratulations to all who have made this happen!!

Kristie from programs will join POH in January to share about the CalAim program.

On Tuesday, October 8th @ 9:30 probation will be presenting to the Board of Supervisors their plan to have a camp and the Secure Treatment housing in our Juvenile Hall facility. As you will recall two years ago Probation was sending our youth to Sonoma County. As of today we have two young people housed in Sonoma.

We are still looking for someone to help support Peter and the Spanish-speaking program on the 2nd and 4th Sundays @1. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of this program please have them contact RevBev.

There are two mental health wellness apps focusing on youth. Both apps are free: Scout by Sutter Health and Soluna: Gen Z mental health. RevBev heard a presentation on Solana which was developed in the UK ten years ago. It is being supported by CalAim and went online in April. Check it out or better yet have the young person in your life check it out.

We are still looking for ways to support our youth as they come out of incarceration. RevBev is exploring a 'welcoming network' model. Stay tuned.

Lastly, please vote NO on prop 36. It will cause more harm taking funds from Substance Use and Mental HealthTreatment and incarcerating more folks. On Wednesday, October 9th @ 7pm the ACLU will have a community event online on Prop 36. To sign up go to:

Jail and Court Resources

Prayer Requests

Continued prayers of strength for Irma as she is now in lockdown.

Prayers for Eden's children ages 8 and 16. Prayers for her husband who is working full time and taking care of the children.

Prayers for Damene who is back in custody and for his mother, Donna.

Prayers for Linda and her family.

Prayers for Julio who is struggling with his health while incarcerated. Prayers of thanksgiving as he looks forward to completing his Para-Legal certificate.

Prayers of encouragement for M who the court is determining whether he should be tried as an adult.

Prayers for Albert who is back at Juvenile Hall.

Prayers of thanksgiving that Probation is planning to keep our youth in our community and not send them to Sonoma.

Prayers for a peaceful election this November.

Prayers that our community take a nuanced view of unsheltered people and all of the circumstances that led them to being homeless. May we continue to explore housing options to serve this marginalized population.

Prayers for all of our incarcerated siblings. May we find ways to address the economic and racial inequities that are so visible in the jails.

Faith is what you have when all else fails. That may seem like a back-handed answer, but stop to consider it. When we are faced with a need in our life we bring all the resources we have to bear to meet it. If it is a small need we may find our response easy to make.

But if it is a great need we can expend all our options, our networks, our knowledge, our finances, our status, until we are empty of the ability to respond.

What remains?


Faith remains because it is always there, just beneath the surface, supporting everything else. Faith is your core. It is your soul. It is who you are.

Faith can respond to any need, any size, any time. 

