A Ministry of Presence

December, 2024

Prophets of Hope meets the 4th Thursday of the month @6 pm in the Fireside Lounge.

Next Meeting:

January 23, 2025!

Happy Holidays

Prophet Minutes and News

We are full of joy serving our often forgotten communities. People who are incarcerated, families who have a loved ones in jail; women escaping from an abusive situation, youth who are entangled with the justice system, unsheltered folks, women leaving jail to find a different path, and people struggling with the challenges of mental illness and are incarcerated.  POH is providing clothing, food, love, compassion, holiday treats, toys, coffee, tamales and Grant’s cookies. My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation for the Prophets of Hope who are doing so much for our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

During our November meeting we shared all that the POH is doing. Kathy gave us an update on the clothing project, Joliene on the lobby ministry, Carol on her work with the DOJ and Santa Clara County, Blaine Street and Main jail programs and Peter shared about his program on Sundays.  

We are now providing clothing bags to the jail, Monarch Services and the probation success center. Kathy and her team Patty, Joliene and Natalie are cranking them out.  

Peter is interested in having backup for his Sunday afternoons. We talked about moving the men’s program back to Tuesday which may be more convenient for folks. Bev will check with Ed at the jail.

We are awaiting the final clearances for Joliene and Lisa Hoesing. We are looking forward to their creative contributions to the POH. Lisa will be sharing her Zentangle expertise with the women at Blaine (and maybe Main). Joliene will be supporting our programs in Main and Blaine.

As of December 1st we will have a new sheriff, Chris Clark. Also, Deputy Chief Frietas will be moved from the jail to his new position in Operations and Brian Cleveland will take over the responsibility of running the jails.  

A reminder that no paperclips or staples should be brought into the jail or Blaine, ever. We do have a plastic bin in the Reentry closet in Main. I have put communion cups in there and a faux candle. Please feel free to add materials in there to be used with your programs. I will put song books in there this month.

Kristi advised that the Twice is Nice store is in Half Moon Bay if we want to do a field trip for the clothing project.

Our friend Maggie Morales who, along with her volunteers, teaches crocheting in Blaine, provided us with numerous crocheted soap/exfoliating bags. These were distributed to Monarch, our clothing bags and AFC. All were thrilled to received these handmade gifts. Thank you Maggie for your time, patience and generiosity.

POH purchased 350 Ramen packages, mini composition books and chip bags for the jail holiday bags. Unfortunately, we cannot help put the bags together; the jail staff will be doing that. But we are in those bags in spirit.:-)

POH will provide a tamale dinner for the youth at juvenile hall on Sunday the 22nd. We have been providing this dinner for the past ten years. Kathy provides the horchata and Marianne’s provides ice cream with a donation from our dear friend Raneta.

Kathy provided a letter POH can use when seeking donations. If you need a copy, please let Kathy or me know and we will provide you with one. 

Last month the BOS approved the Secure Youth Treatment Facility to be developed in our juvenile hall facility in Felton. They did not approve of the development of a ranch/camp and will hear the proposal in February. There were strong feelings expressed by the community against having an additional 10 bed ranch camp. Probation held a community meeting to hear concerns and a local organization Milpa held two additional community meetings. Bev will keep folks informed about when the BOS will hear input on the proposal.

Kristie Clemens, program director at the jail, has invited all volunteers to meet on Tuesday, January 21st at 6:30. We did this last year and met both Liz and Angel from the CIC chaplain program. Please mark your calendars and I will send you the invite. It will be held at the Sheriff’s office, 5200 Soquel Avenue in Santa Cruz. Kristie will also be joining us the following Thursday sharing about the new CalAim program.

Jail and Court Resources

Prayer Requests

For M who is facing a hearing to determine whether he should be transferred to adult court. Prayers of strength and comfort to his family.

Prayers for the mother of K and J who are both in juvenile hall.

Prayers for the jury deciding whether to release A after serving ten years. 

Prayers for Damene that his team find an appropriate housing situation for him. Prayers for his mother who is concerned for her son’s well-being.

Prayers for Julio who continues to ‘fight the system’ in his own way. Prayers for his wife and 4 year old son.

Prayers of joy for Jackie who has successfully made it to her second trimester. Continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy and birth of her son.

Prayers for Irma as she struggles with her incarceration and her mental health.

Prayers for a successful release from jail for Sayra. Prayers that she find a supportive network in this time of transition.

Continued prayers for Aurora’s grandchildren and for Victoria’s parents and her unsheltered friends.

Prayers for our youth at juvenile hall, Sonoma and ranch/camps for comfort and strength during the holiday season and being away from family. And prayers for their families.

I recently listened to an interview with Joan Baez. The interviewer asked her about her singing We Shall Overcome and is she disappointed that there isn’t peace or racial justice or movement for many of the goals of the 60s.  Baez responded that the song is about overcoming the obstacles in the present to make a better future. She said, We Shall Overcome is about overcoming what is right in front of us and then continuing to move forward.  

So I say to all of you, take up a banner now, the one carried by so many for so long. Lift it up, unfurl it, let all those who can, see it clearly. This is the time to carry it, your time to do what others have done before, to make your stand and by doing so to be the standard of vision for all who will gather beside you.

We need you now, we need you, because we need the message you will carry. For too long people have been divided, despairing that they will never see again the truth held high to heal them and the world.  

 Take up the banner: Justice, racial and gender equality, end of mass incarceration, end of war, peace in ourselves and in our world. Whatever is your passion, take up the banner now and we will see each other in the public square.  
