A Ministry of Presence

Fall, 2023

Prophets of Hope meets the 4th Thursday of the month @6 pm in the Fireside Lounge.

*We will not meet in October.*

Next Meeting:

November 16, 2023

Prophet News

We will not be meeting in October.

And, since our November meeting lands on Thanksgiving we will meet a week earlier on Thursday, November 16th at our regular time and place.

Our faith services in the main jail and Blaine are going well. Please remember to sign up on Googledocs if you would like to join either Patty or me.

Carol, Kathy and I met and are working on a one page resource guide for family's of incarcerated folks. We will attempt to obtain the most recent information and then check with NAMI's Hugh McCormick to incorporate our information into his Jail 101 Guide. Recently, an inmate shared that phone calls are not free. We will make sure we have accurate information on mail and phone calls.

A reminder that this Wednesday, October 25th the ACLU will host a forum with the new Inspector General and his staff. It will be on zoom at 7pm. I sent out the zoom link but if you needed it again let me know.

This year jail staff will be putting together the holiday bags. They will ask us to purchase goodies for the bags. Stay tuned for more information.


For all of those whose lives are being impacted by violence in this country and around the world, Lord have mercy.

For Maria and her son Angel who are living in a car in Capitola, Lord have mercy.

For loved ones who are struggling to maintain healthy relationships with their loved ones who are incarcerated, Lord have mercy.

For all those who are working to address systemic racism in our institutions, Lord have mercy.

For Michelle who secured her first job at Taco Bell, we thank you Lord.

For Rocio who is struggling with symptoms of mental illness while incarcerated, Lord have mercy.

For Angelica who is struggling with anxiety as she navigates a way forward, Lord have mercy.

For Suzanna who misses her husband and children, Lord have mercy.

For all of us who feel weighed down by the death and destruction in our world, Lord have mercy.

For all of us who are blessed with friends and community who sustain us during difficult times, we thank you Lord.

Open these words into your life, receive them into your spirit, let them be like breathing: May the peace of God enfold you, may the grace of God uphold you, may the love of God restore you, may the wisdom of God enlighten you.

You are a beloved part of God's family, a life shaped by the mind and hand of the designer of all life. Each day you awake for a reason. Each moment you share is a blessing.

Rise up now to the place prepared for you. Hear the voice calling your name. Do not hold back but step forward. Open these words into your life. They are a benediction spoken for you, an acknowledgement of who you are.
