Roll Up Your Sleeves, CAP: Ariz. Wing
Issues Blood Donation Event Challenge
As a part of the U.S. Surgeon General's request for help during the COVID-19 crisis, the Arizona Wing has just completed its 41st blood donation event and is opening up a special nationwide 42nd Blood Donation Event Challenge for all CAP units.

Go to your nearest blood donation event hosted by the American Red Cross and participate in the holiday gift that keeps on giving. Your contributions this month will be counted as part of CAP's Operation Pulse Lift Blood Donation Program.

Right now the Arizona Wing sits at 1,291 units of blood collected over the last seven months. Why not 1,500 or even 2,000 by the end of the year? Be a part of the giving. Go to Schedule Your Blood Donation With The Red Cross (  to find a nearby donor center and then let know when you or your family members give blood between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve.

Every unit of blood can potentially be used to save three people.
AE Launches Adopt-a-Classroom Program
CAP's aerospace education program is focusing even more closely on the nation's classroom, thanks to a new Adopt-a-Classroom campaign designed to connect squadrons with local educators to help promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects and careers for their students.

Squadrons throughout CAP are being asked to adopt a sixth-grade public or private classroom teacher, preferably with Title I students, to provide aerospace/STEM support and student mentorship and introduce CAP to a diverse and underrepresented group of students.

Sixth grade was selected because the students are old enough to connect with and possibly join a local CAP squadron. Adopted sixth-grade teachers will be provided complimentary CAP aerospace education memberships and will have the opportunity to participate in the free CAP K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) program – the foundational curriculum for the new squadron outreach program.

Options have also been provided for adoption of fifth-, seventh- or eighth-grade teachers, as needed.
#CAPCaresRI Food Campaign a Success
The Rhode Island Wing hasn’t allowed the COVID-19 pandemic to slow down its mission of community service, as shown by the wing’s food drive throughout October and November as part of its #CAPCaresRI initiative.

#CAPCaresRI, begun this year by Col. William Stranahan, wing commander, is designed to align the wing to serve local needs during the pandemic. Throughout the summer and fall, wing members participated in a blood drive as the first #CAPCaresRI project. In mid-October, the focus shifted from collecting blood to gathering nonperishable food items.

Wrapping up collections just before Thanksgiving, the wing donated more than 1,000 items, led by the Westerly Composite Squadron’s 372 items. Donations were delivered to food pantries throughout the state, including the Rhode Island Food Bank, the Blackstone Valley Community Action Program food bank in Pawtucket, Project Hand Up in West Warwick, and the Barrington Tap-In.
65th Cadet Earns 'Wings,' on his 17th Birthday

Cadet 1st Lt. Jonathan Schatz of the Minnesota Wing became the 65th CAP cadet to earn his private pilot certificate through the Cadet Wings program.

Schatz (shown with his instructor, Ronn DenOuden) received his certificate Dec. 3 on his 17th birthday, making the day cause for a double celebration. He is a member of the Southeast Minnesota Composite Squadron in Rochester.
NHQ News
Commander Offers Tips for Effective Leadership
National Headquarters' Marketing & Strategic Communications team is reprising National Commander Maj. Gen. Mark Smith’s Tips for Effective Leadership Video Series from 2019.

Air Force Marathon Open to CAP Members in 2021
CAP's National Task Force for Wellness and Resilience has learned that the 2021 U.S. Air Force Marathon events next September will again include a virtual component, as was the case this year. Walking is just as good as running. The medals for the four distances (5,10, 21 and 42 km) feature four aircraft together.

  • A separate virtual series of events is planned for six months in 2021, each featuring its own medal for completing a 5-, 10-, 21- or 42-km (26-mile) trail. A 15% discount is available for all CAP members in any category (active, patron, alumni, partner, etc.) for the actual September race in Dayton, the virtual race in September, or any of the historic race series. The discount code is "15OFFCAP."

  • Units may wish to organize their own marathon events in their local communities. Those doing so are authorized to use the name "USAF Marathon."

To register and participate virtually or in person, visit the USAF Marathon website. The event registration starts Jan. 1.
CAP Accepting Applications for Nat'l Staff Positions

National Headquarters is accepting applications for the following national volunteer staff positions:
  • National Traffic Net (NTN) HF/ALE Station Operator
  • National Grants and Research Manager
  • Grants Specialist - Multiple Positions Available
  • Marketing Project Manager
  • Senior Graphic Designer
This Week's Top Headlines
“Putting the CAP on COVID-19”

“Historic Aviation Memorial Museum in Tyler (Texas) Hosts Pearl Harbor Memorial”

“Civil Air Patrol Uses Data to Inform Remobilization and Disaster Relief Planning”
Tweet of the Week @CivilAirPatrol
Insta Photo of the Week @CivilAirPatrol

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