Board of Governors Welcomes Newest Member
Today is Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo's first official day of service on CAP's Board of Governors.

DeVivo is the president and CEO of Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology and is well-known and -connected within the nation's aviation academic/university community.

She was most recently recognized for her transformative leadership at Vaughn College, founded in 1932 and located in New York City near LaGuardia Airport. Under her direction, the college now offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in aviation, engineering, management and technology to a diverse student body of about 1,550 students, of whom about 80% are members of minority groups.

“It is an honor to join this phenomenal organization,” DeVivo said. “CAP’s commitment to serving the next generation of aviation and aerospace leaders, especially those from underserved groups, is what attracted me to this role of service. I look forward to supporting the board, the staff and the volunteers in their critical work.”
Cadets Flying High Again as CAP Remobilizes
5 More CAP Cadets Earn Private Pilot Certificates
Five more cadets have taken advantage of CAP's COVID-19 remobilization efforts and earned their "wings" recently through CAP's Air Force funded-Cadet Wings program:

  • Cadet Lt. Col. Nicholas Sullivan (far right), the program's 87th graduate, received his FAA private pilot certificate May 21. He is a member of the Texas Wing's Bell County Composite Squadron.
  • Cadet Chief Master Sgt. Chloe Litteral (middle), the 86th graduate, received her certificate May 19. She belongs to the Louisiana Wing's Lake Charles Composite Squadron.
  • Cadet Lt. Col. Jacob Kottraba (below), the 85th graduate, received his certificate May 17. He is a member of the Arizona Wing's Eloy Composite Squadron.
  • Cadet Lt. Col. Calab Martus (at top), the 84th graduate, received his certificate May 11. He belongs to the Ohio Wing's Clermont County Composite Squadron.
  • Cadet 2nd Lt. Deven Valentin Torres (left), the 83rd graduate, received his certificate May 4. He is a member of the Florida Wing's North Perry Composite Squadron.
Operation Pulse Lift Surpasses 4,000-Unit Goal
Operation Pulse Lift, CAP’s campaign to collect blood for the American Red Cross in light of restrictions stemming from COVID-19, met its goal of 4,000 total units collected by Memorial Day by meeting the 4,006-unit mark May 29.

The same day, organizers launched the “100 Days of Giving” Challenge, lasting through Labor Day, in response to increased Red Cross blood needs because of injuries associated with traditional outdoor summertime activities.

CAP collections for the Red Cross began April 16, 2020.
NHQ News
National Commander Provides Retention Tips

National Headquarters' Marketing and Strategic Communications team is reprising National Commander/CEO Maj. Gen. Mark Smith’s Recruiting and Retention Series from 2018.

Smith's Mentorship, Again,” part of the second half of his 2018 series, is featured today.
Applications Now Open for Vice Commander
Applications are now open for CAP's National Vice Commander vacancy created when Maj. Gen.-Select Edward D. Phelka's three-year term as National Commander/CEO begins in August.

CAP members may nominate themselves to fill this position.

Minimum requirements are:
  • Be a CAP member in good standing.
  • Have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Have completed Level V of the CAP Education and Training Program.
  • Have served as a CAP wing commander who completed their term of office other than due to removal for cause.

Applications are due to National Headquarters by 5 p.m. CDT July 1.

The new National Vice Commander will be selected by Phelka and confirmed by the Board of Governors, then assume the position on Aug. 26. 
Applications Sought for National Staff Positions
The CAP Safety Program is now accepting applications for four national staff positions. Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. CDT June 11.
It's time for another edition of “This Week in CAP History.”

This week, we're showing off the Michigan Wing with this 1984 article from the Livingston County Daily Press and Argus. The newspaper featured the work of the Livingston Composite Squadron and highlighted some impressive activities, such as assisting on the scene of a plane crash on the interstate, working to support the U.S. Army and more.

Tweet of the Week @CivilAirPatrol
Insta Photo of the Week @CivilAirPatrol

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