F-22 Raptor Demo Team Inspires Tenn. Squadron
Members of Civil Air Patrol's Tennessee Wing had the honor of meeting with the F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team recently via Zoom.
Maj. Joshua Cabo Gunderson, F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team commander and pilot (top right in photo), briefed Murfreesboro Composite Squadron members on the demo team's mission and capabilities. In addition to the briefing, the team's public affairs officer, 1st Lt. Sam Eckholm, provided footage of the in's and out's of the cockpit.
Humility, approachability, and credibility are three things we as U.S. Air Force fighter pilots look to achieve and strive to live up to every single day, said Gunderson. Humility: We don't go through life by ourselves, we go through it as a team, so, be humble and help those around you. Approachability: As we go through life we make decisions we think are the right decisions at the time. Be a person that allows the people around you to give you feedback when they aren't and grow from that. Credibility: Finally, be someone on the team that people turn to and rely upon to help them succeed, in Civil Air Patrol, sports, music, or school.

Toward the end of his presentation, Gunderson spoke on mentorship and leadership. Click on this video to hear some of his comments:
Pa., Md., Va. Wings Conduct COVID-19 Missions
Members of Civil Air Patrol's Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia wings have supported their counties and states recently with an assortment of COVID-19 missions.

  • Pennsylvania Wing members joined with the Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County and representatives from the Mercer County Public Safety Department to distribute food boxes to those in need. People in over 270 vehicles came to Hickory High School on June 9, allowing the wing to provide almost 14,000 meals to local families.

  • Members of the Maryland Wing, joined by volunteers from the National Capital Wing, have stepped forward and contributed more than 2,800 hours in volunteer support of Maryland communities. Recently, the teams have added personal protective equipment (PPE) delivery services across Montgomery County to local nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals and medical clinics. Over 3½ million pieces of PPE have been delivered by the Department of Health and Human Services. and Maryland Wing members have had a hand in each one of these deliveries. The wing, again with NatCap Wing support, is also assisting with traffic control at three COVID-19 testing locations across Montgomery County.

  • Members of the Virginia Wing’s Prince William Composite Squadron (top right, in photo) moved 3 tons of food supplies one day recently at the request of Prince William County’s Food Task Force. Squadron members assisted in transferring dairy products, fresh produce and dry goods from various storage units to pallets prepared for timely delivery.
W.Va. Unit Highlighted in University Magazine

The late Lt. Col. Jim Coiner of the West Virginia Wing's Mercer County Composite Squadron is remembered in a story in the spring issue of Concord University Magazine. (See pages 46-47.) After Coiner's death earlier this year, Mercer County squadron members named the unit's facility the M.R. Jim Coiner Building in honor of the longtime Civil Air Patrol pilot and senior member, who was a Concord graduate and a popular professor at the university in Athens, West Virginia.
Civil Air Patrol conducted blood donor operations on June 17 at the Arizona Wing's 388th Composite Squadron headquarters at Glendale Municipal Airport. Twenty-nine units of blood were collected for the American Red Cross. The blood drive was the eighth in a series hosted by CAP squadrons in the metro Phoenix area during the COVID-19 pandemic. The wing's efforts during the crisis have resulted in 286 units of blood collected, prompting the Red Cross to recognize the wing with its Outstanding Service Award. The goal is to collect at least 500 units of blood by the end of August.
NHQ News
Mark Your Calendar for This Year's National Conference
The annual National Conference is undeniably the premier Civil Air Patrol event of the year. Whether you joined CAP 50 years ago when you were in your 20s or 50 days ago in 2020, you owe it to yourself to attend the conference.

And this year, for the first time, the conference is completely virtual and free. All the barriers have been removed — no travel, no lodging, no fees, and no reason to miss the year’s conference.

Details will follow, so all you need to do now is mark your calendar for August 14-15. 
Coming Soon: A New Educational Experience for CAP
Preparation for transforming Professional Development to Volunteer University is in full swing. 

On June 19, the inaugural group of 200 instructors received concurrence from Civil Air Patrol's wing and region commanders. Over the next few days, Volunteer University leadership will be contacting these instructors and scheduling their instructor training. 
Instructor and assistant instructor applicants are being vetted and approved on a weekly basis. Have you applied? VolU needs you!

Beta testing is also taking place on the newly created eServices portal that will support all facets of Volunteer University.
Volunteer University is designed with maximum flexibility, enabling the senior member to customize their CAP educational experience. Offering both online cohorts and onsite classes, senior members should find few if any barriers to completing their CAP education, all the way through Level V. 

The “go live” date is Aug. 4.  Watch “PROPS” for continued updates on Volunteer University.
How You Can Increase the Impact of Your Support
Matching gifts is a surefire way to double your Civil Air Patrol support with the help of your employer .

Many corporations match employee donations. Some also have volunteer grant programs where they will recognize your ongoing support for Civil Air Patrol with a financial donation.  

Does your employer ha ve a matching donation program? 
The Week's Top Headlines
“Two Kootenai County CAP Cadets Ready to Continue Service”
(Coeur d'Alene, Idaho)

“Local CAP Squadron Gets New Cadet Commander”
(Peachtree City, Georgia)

“St. Francis Valedictorian Myler Keeps Perspective As Future Waits”
(Traverse City, Michigan)
Tweet of the Week  @CivilAirPatrol

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