Once Again, Civil Air Patrol Helping Ensure Super Bowl Airspace Safety | |
Civil Air Patrol is participating for the 23rd straight year in an exercise to help the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) ensure the safety and security of airspace around the Super Bowl, set for Feb. 11 at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.
To help NORAD fighter aircrews maintain their proficiency, Civil Air Patrol, acting in its role as the Air Force auxiliary, provides single-engine aircraft that fly into simulated restricted airspace as a target of interest so military fighter crews can practice intercept techniques.
“Civil Air Patrol is pivotal in NORAD's air defense mission, training our Aerospace Control Alert-trained units nationwide,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Nordhaus, CONR commander. “Their dedication shines as they help CONR prepare to enforce the 30-nautical-mile-restricted airspace that will be in place over Allegiant Stadium for Super Bowl LVIII, epitomizing CAP's indispensable role in safeguarding our skies.”
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Massachusetts Wing's Nelson: 'Go Around ... Over ... or Bust Through' Roadblocks |
Civil Air Patrol recognizes Black History Month with this profile of Col. Walter O. “Tim” Nelson, commander of the Massachusetts Wing.
Nelson wanted to be a military pilot, but his imperfect vision got in the way. In the years since, he’s managed to fly alongside fighter pilots, attack pilots, and transport pilots as a member of Civil Air Patrol.
Once he even got to fly an F-15 Eagle on its way to and from a four-jet, midair dogfight exercise.
“I didn’t puke. I didn’t pass out. I took 6.5 Gs … and we didn’t lose a fight!” he proudly recalled.
Nelson annually accumulates more Civil Air Patrol flight time — and by a wide margin — than any other pilot in the organization, and it’s easy to see why the Massachusetts Wing commander loves his service in the Air Force auxiliary so much.
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Members from Mid-Atlantic Region Join National Salute for Vietnam Veterans | |
Civil Air Patrol members from around the Mid-Atlantic Region participated in the Air & Space Forces Association’s Celebration of Character & Courage: Vietnam War 50th event Jan. 13 at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
The event honored the service, courage, and legacy of Vietnam War veterans and Gold Star Families and served as a renewal of American commitment to account for those who remain missing 50 years after the war’s end.
About half the 31 CAP volunteers served as ushers, handed out programs, assisted veterans, and scanned tickets. The others sang in the choir (pictured) at the front of the cathedral, which included the West Point Glee Club choir and other veterans groups.
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California, New Jersey, Virginia Cadets Reach CyberPatriot XVI National Finals | |
A cadet team from the California Wing’s Fullerton Composite Squadron 56 has qualified for the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition national finals for the fourth straight year and the sixth time in seven years.
Joining the Fullerton cadets will be the New Jersey Wing’s Raritan Valley Composite Squadron team, making its second straight appearance, and first-time finalists from the Virginia Wing’s Burke Composite Squadron.
The CyberPatriot XVI national finals are set for March 15-19 in Bethesda, Maryland.
CyberPatriot, administered by the Air and Space Forces Association, is intended to spur high school and middle school students’ interest in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
The nation's largest cyber defense competition, CyberPatriot puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks, challenging them to harden simulated computer systems and resolve real-life cybersecurity situations faced by industry professionals.
Participants from Civil Air Patrol compete in the All Service Division, which also includes Junior ROTC teams from each of the military services as well as the Naval Sea Cadet Corps. This year a total of 1,390 teams competed, with CAP accounting for 356 — 25.6% of the field.
CAP teams have finished first nationally three times — in 2011, 2012, and 2015 — and second or third eight times.
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Arizona Wing Cadets Presented Spaatz Awards | |
A pair of Arizona Wing cadets received Civil Air Patrol's top cadet honor, the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award, from Brig. Gen. Regena Aye, CAP national vice commander and a Spaatz recipient herself during her cadet days.
Aye made the presentation Jan. 6 to Cadet Cols. Joseph Roehrick (left) and Cynthia Liu during the wing's change of command ceremony in Phoenix.
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New Commanders in Arizona, Kentucky, New York | |
Three Civil Air Patrol wings welcomed new wing commanders in the past month. Two, Cols. William F. Martin III (left) and Linda L. Yaeger (center), have already been sworn in to their new CAP posts, and a third, Col.-Select Jaimie L Henson, will soon assume command.
Henson was appointed the next commander of the Kentucky Wing, to succeed Col. Brian Schmuck. Her selection was announced Jan. 29 by Col. Rose Hunt, Great Lakes Region commander.
“I am honored to serve the auxiliary airmen of the Kentucky Wing and truly excited to see what we can accomplish together during the next three years,” Henson said.
Yaeger assumed command of the Arizona Wing in a ceremony Jan. 6 in Phoenix. A change of command ceremony was also held Jan. 27 in Syracuse for Martin — the new commander of the New York Wing.
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Leaders Learn Cadets Dealing with Different World | |
About 90 wing and region directors of cadet programs from across Civil Air Patrol convened Jan. 12-14 in Phoenix to focus on the challenges cadets face, how to help them succeed, what their strengths are, and where their passions lie.
In addition to learning more about what makes Gen Z cadets tick, participants in the CAP cadet program's 2024 Youth Development Conference heard presentations on the importance of mental health and how the youth leaders can support cadets in crisis.
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Squadron-based SUAS Tech Training Graduates 15 | |
Fifteen members of the Utah Wing’s Blackhawk Cadet Squadron have graduated from the Utah Wing’s small Unmanned Aircraft Systems technician course, taking advantage of the wing’s decision to focus sUAS training at the squadron level.
Col. John Wagner, Utah Wing commander, was on hand Jan. 18 to congratulate the new graduates and pin technician wings on each.
The course “started with the mandate from Utah Wing command staff — ‘Get members trained,’” said Tech. Sgt. Neil Reinhart, the wing’s assistant director for sUAS.
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Increase the Impact of Your Civil Air Patrol Support with Corporate Matching Donations | |
Matching gifts is a surefire way to double your Civil Air Patrol support with the help of your employer.
Many corporations match employee donations. Some also have volunteer grant programs where they will recognize your ongoing support for CAP with a financial donation. Does your employer have a matching donation program?
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New National TLC Virtual Courses Available | |
National Headquarters will begin offering regularly scheduled Training Leaders of Cadets courses to help improve the accessibility of this crucial training for members who work with cadets.
Starting in February, virtual courses will be offered once a month by National Cadet Team volunteers. Courses will alternate each month between TLC-Basic and TLC-Intermediate.
Cadet Programs recently welcomed Lt. Cols. Natalie Franc and Joshua W. Stultz to the team as the new national TLC coordinators. Franc will be coordinating the TLC-Basic offerings and Stultz the TLC-Intermediate.
No changes are being made to locally offered TLC courses at this time. The addition of the national courses is in response to a need for more accessibility to the TLC training. All courses will be listed in the Registration Zone and on this link.
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Cyber Training Opportunities Open to Members | |
In 2020, Civil Air Patrol entered into a partnership with Cisco Networking Academy. Free, quality cyber education for all CAP members continues, with the Introduction to Data Science Learn-A-Thon starting Feb. 12 and running through Feb. 26. All CAP members are encouraged to register and participate.
This six-hour introductory course takes learners inside the world of data science. They'll learn the basics in the fields of data science, data analytics and data engineering to better understand how machine learning is shaping the future of business, health care, education and more.
Upon completion, members will earn a digital badge to share on various social media platforms. Additionally, the first Cisco Networking Academy cohort of 2024 has opened. Once CAP members complete the Learn-A-Thon, they should consider enrolling in one of the 15 Cisco Networking Academy Courses, available in both English and Spanish.
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“NASA's Fallen Astronauts Honored During Titusville [Fla.] Memorial Ceremony”
“Civil Air Patrol Soars High in Utah, Serving Communities Statewide”
“Wreath Cleanup Takes Place at North Dakota Veterans Cemetery”
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For more information, go to Operation Pulse Lift's new webpage on GoCivilAirPatrol.com. There you will find the latest Blood Donation Center schedules, instructions on how to set up a BDC, and other mission information. | |
CAP Marketing & Strategic Communications
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