Volunteer University Launch One Week Away
As the opening of CAP's Volunteer University approaches, final preparations are wrapping up.

Col. Joe Winter, provost of the new online and off-site school, is leading the staff through the tasks needed to successfully launch CAP's new Senior Member Education and Training Program on Aug. 4, and final formatting is underway on CAP Regulation 40-1 so it can be published to make the program a reality.

The university has over 300 applicants who have been approved by their chain of command and are engaged in instructor training for the Aug. 4 roll-out. But more are needed, said Col. Regena Aye (top left), chief of the education and training program. While we have had a good response to our call for applications, we still need more instructor applicants from the units to teach Level I, she said. If you would like to teach Level I and onboard our new members, please apply today . Our goal is to have over 1,500 individuals who can teach Level I across the country.

In the meantime, Aye said an entire learning track devoted to Volunteer University will be featured at the upcoming National Conference.  Please join us for one of our sessions where you can learn more about how Volunteer University works, how to implement Level 1, how to implement Level 2, navigating the new tools in eServices, the role of education and training officers as well as commanders in the new program, and commander training in the new program, she said.
N.M. Wing Transports 10,000+ Virus Test Samples; N.J. Members Exceed 1.5 Million Meals Distributed
The New Mexico Wing has so far flown more than 10,400 COVID-19 test samples from cities across the state to labs in Albuquerque for processing.

Funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the wing's mission is to assist the New Mexico National Guard, which is supporting the state Department of Health.

Since the mission began in April, wing aircrews have totaled more than 200 flight hours and ground teams have driven nearly 2,500 miles transporting samples to and from airports.

The effort has provided nearly three years' worth of volunteer labor.

And on the East Coast, New Jersey Wing members have continued their partnership with the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and have packaged over 1½ million meals for members of the community.

Members have been volunteering at Community Food Bank locations and community distribution sites across Atlantic and Camden counties since early April for those affected by the pandemic.

The meals account for nearly 30% of all meals packaged and distributed nationally by CAP members during the pandemic.
Texas Wing' s Watts 49th Cadet to Earn Certificate
On July 27, Cadet 2nd Lt. James Watts of the Texas Wing's Black Sheep Composite Squadron became the 49th cadet to earn his private pilot certificate via CAP's Cadet Wings program.

Watts overcame significant barriers to achieve his certificate during the ongoing pandemic.
CAP Teaming Up with Unmanned Safety Institute
Unmanned Safety Institute, the leading aviation-based safety training and industry certification provider for unmanned operations, is joining with Civil Air Patrol to address unmanned aerial systems (UAS) safety and education nationally. 

CAP and USI have agreed to cooperate on enhancing aviation and UAS safety and education at every level of both partnering organizations, including communications and coordination with other agencies and groups throughout the U.S.
NHQ News
'Global Campus' Extends CAP's ES Training

Over the weekend of July 17-19, the National Emergency Services Academy-Mobile Training Team (NESA-MTT)'s "Global Campus" broke all records for CAP emergency services classroom deliveries.

During that time, 93 students and instructors from 28 CAP wings across all eight regions, including Col. Darin Niness (left) and Lt. Col. Mark Lahan (right), participated in four virtually delivered FEMA ICS classes. These included a Northeast Region-Hawk Mountain ICS 400 delivery, a joint Hawaii/Alaska Wing ICS 400 delivery, a joint Rocky Mountain Region/Southwest Region ICS 300 delivery, and a Southeast Region delivery.

So far this fiscal year, NESA-MTT has supported the training of 566 students in 34 deliveries — 15 virtually. Twenty-two of these deliveries were made at no cost to CAP or its members, for an estimated savings of $270,000.
National Conference Registration Exceeds 5,200
Just because you still may be quarantined doesn't mean you need to be home alone. Join more than 5,200 of your closest friends at the CAP's inaugural virtual National Conference.

That's how many CAP members have signed up for the virtual conference, over 5,200 — nearly seven times normal registration for an in-person conference.

If you haven't done so already, your time to register is running out. Click here to register with access code CAPExcel2020 by July 29 to guarantee your spot. Once the event has reached capacity, registration will be closed.
Previewing CAP's Education and Training Program
In the weeks leading up to the Aug. 4 launch of Volunteer University, we're providing an overview of the focus and requirements for each level of CAP instruction.
This Week's Top Headlines

“Airline Pilot Inspires Cadets During Civil Air Patrol's Virtual Meeting”

“Connecting With Kids Using Airplanes

“Wreaths Across America Holding Christmas in July Campaign
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