The U.S. Air Force marked 76 years of service Sept. 18, as seen in this video by Andriy Agashchuk of the 502nd Air Base Wing public affairs team at Joint Base San Antonio.

Civil Air Patrol is proud to be a part of this heritage. CAP became the Air Force auxiliary on May 26, 1948, with the signing of Public Law 80-557 by President Harry Truman.

In its role as the Air Force auxiliary, CAP is there to search for and find the lost, provide comfort in times of disaster, and work to keep the homeland safe. Its 64,000 members selflessly devote their time, energy, and expertise toward the well-being of their communities, while also promoting aviation and related fields through aerospace/STEM education and helping shape future leaders through CAP’s cadet program.

We offer belated birthday wishes to our Total Force partner, and look forward to many more years of service to come.

More About Civil Air Patrol's Role as the Air Force Auxiliary

Louisiana Cadets Perform Ceremony for National WWII Museum POW/MIA Recognition Day Video

Cadets from the Louisiana Wing’s Pontchartrain Composite Squadron did the honors for the National World War II Museum’s video of the Missing Man Table ceremony commemorating POW/MIA Day on Sept. 15. 

(Pictured, from left) Cadet Senior Airman Alena Rosalie Gutierrez, Cadet Staff Sgt. Benjamin Felton Joseph, and Cadet Airman 1st Class Jade Marie Nicholas performed the ceremony at the museum in New Orleans’ Central Business District.

Narrating was Lt. Col. William Hunton (far left), who commanded the Pontchartrain squadron from 2013-2021 before becoming Louisiana Wing inspector general. 

More About Their Performance; View the Video

Cadets 'Go the Extra Mile' to Become Champions

In observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Civil Air Patrol recognizes the National Cadet Competition championship team from Puerto Rico Wing's Dr. Cesareo Rosa-Nieves Cadet Squadron.

Representing CAP’s Southeast Region, the Puerto Rican cadets took home the prestigious Air Force Chief of Staff Outstanding Team Championship trophy earlier this summer at the end of the three-day competition at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.

The cadets’ victory sends a message to their fellow islanders as well as to their comrades across Civil Air Patrol.

“The message is that if you work hard, you will accomplish and you can overcome any obstacle,” said Lt. Col. Felix Davila, the team's adult leader. “Work hard and do whatever is your passion, and then you will overcome all kinds of obstacles.”

The observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month began Sept. 15 and continues through Oct. 15.

More About the Cadet Team from Puerto Rico and Its Accomplishments

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Programs Recognized with American Legion National Education Award

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Programs has been recognized with the American Legion’s National Educational Award — an honor bestowed after an American Legion Auxiliary member shared her praise of her grandson’s experiences as a Virginia Wing cadet.

Brig. Gen. Regena Aye, pictured with the American Legion's Michael Wetergren (left) and Mark Avis, accepted the award recently at the Legion’s National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Sallie Rossman, 2022-2023 national education chair of the American Legion Auxiliary, nominated Cadet Programs for the award.

“The CAP cadet program provides the ideals of Americanism in our youth that cannot often be obtained elsewhere,” she said.

More About the American Legion Award and CAP's Influence on Youth

Photo courtesy of Blythe Bernhard, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

NASA's Fuller Talks About 'Gateway' Project

Sean Fuller, the former Missouri Wing cadet now working with NASA's Artemis missions, returned to his hometown of St. Louis this past week to talk about the Gateway International project to build a new space station to orbit the moon.

His homecoming included a visit to Busch Stadium as a special guest of the St. Louis Cardinals; a presentation at his alma mater, Eureka High School; and a tour and photo op at the Gateway Arch.

The activities in St. Louis received media attention throughout the day. Fuller granted a podcast interview to KMOX-FM, and KMOV-TV, the CBS affiliate in St. Louis, filed a video report on the presentation he and his NASA colleague, Dan Hartman, made at the school.

More About Fuller's Career and His Ties to CAP

Nation's Blood Supply Availability at Critical Level

The American Red Cross has notified Civil Air Patrol that the nation has reached a critical level in blood availability and, depending on the location, may be as low as a one-day supply.

At this time, CAP is asking all wings to notify members to assist with both personal donations and also work with their local blood collection agency to assist with setting up Blood Donor Centers.

Go to this link to learn more about how to set up a blood drive, and here to find an American Red Cross drive in your area.

Report Your Blood Donations to CAP

New Simulator for National Capital Wing Cadets

Thanks to Boeing Co. for allowing cadets from our National Capital Wing to experience the all-new advanced pilot training system. This simulator is for the new T-7A Red Hawk trainer jet, which will soon replace the Air Force T-38 trainer.

More Simulator Photos Available on Instagram

NHQ News

Combined Federal Campaign Takes Flight

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), overseen by the Office of Personnel Management, unites federal employees across the globe in an unwavering commitment to charity. CFC spans 36 CFC zones, both domestic and international, and collectively raises millions annually.

Civil Air Patrol's CFC campaign is only for its federal employees civilian, military, and postal. It is their opportunity to join CAP on a remarkable journey. CAP is about so much more than just flying. We're about empowering future leaders through STEM education, nurturing our dedicated cadets, and performing life-saving search and rescue missions. Together, we form a force for good, making a difference in our communities and beyond.

Help dreams take flight and make a lasting difference in the lives of countless individuals. Visit CAP's CFC page to get involved.

Then go to this CFC link to participate. Don't forget to use our CFC number, 24876.

CAP Cadet Packet Changes Starting Oct. 1

Cadets receive a materials packet three times during their membership: when they join, at their Wright Brothers Award achievement, and at their Gen. Billy Mitchell Award achievement. Beginning this fall, there will be a change to the aerospace contents included in packets 1 and 2.

Cadet Programs will be rearranging the aerospace content in the first two packets to better serve our new cadets and save costs. Data shows the majority of cadets complete the first two modules in sequence.


Rather than receiving the full set of Aerospace Dimensions modules in packet one, new cadets will receive Aerospace Dimensions Modules 1 and 2 when they join.


The remainder of the aerospace books (Modules 3-7) will be included in packet 2 when cadets who joined after Oct. 1 have earned their Wright Brothers Award. Cadets can still complete the modules in any order; this only affects what's included in the mailing.


This update will make the first packet more focused on what the new cadet needs for their first orientation flight and Phase I promotions while also helping CAP use its resources wisely.

Last Call for New Photo/Video Competition

A Capture CAP Awards competition launched by the Marketing and Communications team this month is winding down over the next two weeks. Entries can be submitted to us at this link by close of business Sept. 30.

The contest is open to every CAP member, not just public affairs officers. The goal is to find the best photos taken and videos produced by any CAP member, including cadets, to support MAC’s imagery needs for a variety of marketing programs and products.


All work submitted for consideration via the online portal must have been completed from Sept. 1, 2022-Aug. 31, 2023. Photos will be judged in six categories: community service, education, activities, fleet, mission, and technology. Videos may cover any relevant topic and will be judged in two categories: video shorts (one minute or less) and two- to four-minute videos.

Details About the Capture CAP Awards

Your Resource for Proper Branding Just a Click Away

The CAP Brand Portal is your resource for properly branded marketing materials for download, guidance on CAP style, aand a number of customizable tools, assets, and templates — including the CAP Flying V logo.

The Marketing and Strategic Communications team is regularly adding new templates and tools, so be sure to check back often.

Volunteer Staff Positions Open in Cadet Programs

National Headquarters is accepting applications for six new national volunteer staff positions in Cadet Programs:

  • Producer-Podcast
  • Producer-Video
  • Instructional Designer
  • Senior Instructional Designer
  • TLC Basic Coordinator
  • TLC Intermediate Coordinator

Details and the desired requirements for these and other volunteer positions are available here.

This Week's Top Headlines

“Civil Air Patrol U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Holds Open House What Their Volunteers Do”

“'A Great Way to Serve': East Texas Civil Air Patrol Soaring with New Members”

“Inspiring the Next Generation of Civil Air Patrol Members”

Tweet of the Week @Civil Air Patrol

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