Monthly Newsletter
November 2019
From the Latest PROTECT : Letter from the Editor
Often the impetus for implementing abuse prevention is either qualifying for insurance or reacting to allegations or incidents of abuse. This leaves organizations feeling like abuse prevention is something they HAVE to implement...mandated and required... another thing on the to-do list. 

What if we approach protection not from a place of obligation or requirement but from a place of caring? What would it look like? A caring approach to parents, children, youth, vulnerable adults, victim survivors, volunteers and staff. If we first asked, “how can I approach this with care and show I care through protecting you?” Would our training, screening or policy writing change? Would we approach it differently?

In this issue of PROTECT , we wanted to answer these questions by focusing on  A Caring Approach.  We set out to discover how we could truly show the vulnerable people in our programs, their caregivers and our volunteers/staff that we really cared. 

We discovered that the old adage “actions speak louder than words” rings true when it comes to demonstrating our care. Our interview with  Southwestern Ontario YFC/Youth Unlimited  ( page 5 ) is an incredible illustration of an organization showing its care for children and youth so they know what to expect from the other adults in their lives. We can demonstrate we care for parents by listening to their concerns ( page 23 ) and by providing clear waivers, releases and informed letters of consent ( page 27 ). Meanwhile, Melodie’s article  Caring for Victims of Child Abuse  ( page 19 ) communicates the need to demonstrate love in action for victim/survivors through policies, screening and training. We also took a look at how organizations can demonstrate they care for their volunteers/staff and how those members of personnel can reciprocate in the article  Whose Responsibility Is It?   ( page 13 ). And finally we answer the question of what care looks like for individuals with disabilities in the article  Can we use restraints?   ( page 9 ). It’s clear that our actions can be a practical demonstration of our care. 

Dr. Seuss, in his book  The Lorax , writes, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” But what if I care a whole awful lot and you care a whole awful lot? Imagine what could get better and the difference we could make. Let’s do it together!

- Victoria Bissell, Editor-in-Chief of PROTECT

P.S. After you’re done reading, I challenge you to share this issue with someone else...for as we all know “sharing is caring.”
From PROTECT : Can We Use Restraints?
Physical restraints have long posed an ethical dilemma in mental health services in North America. On one hand, they help prevent self-injury or harm to others. On the other, they can increase agitation, confusion, and distrust due to their coercive nature. What are child/youth/vulnerable adult serving organizations supposed to do if parents/guardians request compression hugs or restraints for their loved one?

Most professionals agree that restraints should be used as a last resort. But, no matter the methods for preventing and reducing the occurrence of physical restraints, sometimes they are necessary.

“If the risk of doing the restraint outweighs the risk of not doing it, then you should do it,” said Cathy Price, program coordinator at Variety Village, an organization that works with young people with disabilities. The rule of thumb is if the participant poses immediate danger to themselves or others, an intervention may be required.

However, these interventions should only be performed by those who have Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Training, an international instruction program that specializes in “management of disruptive and assaultive behaviour.”  The individual needs to have a behaviour plan in place as prescribed by a psychologist or behaviour therapist and the organization should have a policy in place for reporting that the restraint was used, the outcome, and the followup as discussed with the parent/caregiver after each incident.

Keep reading this article from the latest issue of PROTECT on our blog.
New This Month
You Asked...

Q: How can we recognize grooming behaviour?

(Question 15s of our FAQs.)
November Special
Enjoy a month of free membership

Did you know that you are not a Plan to Protect ® member? You are missing out on so many valuable benefits:
  • Plan to Protect® manual
  • Email and phone support on abuse prevention and protection
  • Monthly Special Interest Webinars
  • Up to 10 on-line training registrations based on the size of your organization
  • 10% discount on our services and training
  • Access to the member section of our website
  • Subscription to PROTECT magazine
  • Discounted pricing on Criminal Background Checks with Plan to Protect® ScreeningCanada

Become a Plan to Protect ® member in November, and receive one month of membership free.
Training Highlights
Distress and Poverty
Special Interest Webinar

This webinar is designed for organization servicing the vulnerable sector. We will provide an overview of the vulnerabilities individuals living in distress and poverty face and provide practical tips for organizations on how to provide a safe environment. We believe we can all help in the mission to eradicate poverty by raising awareness of distress and poverty, by protecting those who are currently living in distress and poverty and by working together to prevent abuse, harm and further distress. Let’s raise the bar on protection!

$30+tax per webinar
Members can register at no cost for monthly Special Interest Webinars, as well as get access to past editions. Apply for membership  HERE.
Plan to Protect ® Through Policies
Complimentary Webinar

This webinar is designed for administrators and leaders of organizations who work with or serve the vulnerable sector. We will provide practical tips and resources for customizing policies. We will also provide an overview of policy services Plan to Protect ® offers to make your job easier. Let’s raise the bar on protection!

Subscribe to PROTECT Magazine
Purchase a subscription to PROTECT to receive a the print version of the magazine to your doorstep twice yearly! Prefer to to read PROTECT on your computer, tablet, or smartphone? View the online version here .

Did you know that we have an entire Resource Store dedicated to helping educate individuals and organizations about protecting the vulnerable? Check out additional resources, including books, manuals, policies, merchandise, and, of course, our in-house magazine.