Protective Parenting by Plan to Protect®
A number of years ago, my mom and I were travelling through the Jasper/Banff area of Canada, and we stayed at this gorgeous wood log cabin in a stunning valley. While there, we spotted the cutest baby bear cubs in the woods. They were so adorable I just wanted to pick them up and give them a cuddle. Of course, I didn’t though. Why?
While even though I couldn’t see mama, I knew she was nearby watching and would have gone full blown mama bear on me if I even got one step too close.The truth is that it’s not just mama bears who are fiercely protective of their cubs.
In this issue of PROTECT we are exploring the idea of protective parenting. We’ve packed this issue full of resources and articles for parents and those who work with them. Our desire was to answer some of those tough questions like how to safely entrust your children into the care of others (Page 9), To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate (page 17), and Is Spanking Child Abuse? (page 21). We recognize that as a parent you go through hard things with your kids. For that reason, we’ve included an article on engaged listening entitled You’re Not Listening To Me!!! (page 25) and When The Worst Has Happened - A Parent’s Perspective (page 7).
Last, but definitely not least, we recommend checking out our two PROTECT Recognizes articles on page 5 (PROTECT Recognizes Mentoring Moms) and page 13 (PROTECT Recognizes Safe Families) to see how these two organizations are working to protect vulnerable individuals. I may not be a mama bear, but I am a proud auntie of a precious 8-month-old, Malakhi, and an auntie at Rift Valley Academy where I work. Since I’m an auntie, it is my responsibility, nay my duty, to proudly cheer on my students (aka my cubs).
As you may remember Plan to Protect recently held an International Writing contest. Three of my cubs won the contest and their stories have been published in the book called Safe Stories available on the Plan to Protect Store. You can check out the book in the PROTECT pics (page 30) and you better believe I’ll be sharing that book like a proud mama displaying her kid’s artwork on the fridge.
So, to all the mama and papa bears, to all the aunties and uncles and child and youth workers who love their kids fiercely - thank you for being protective parents. Thank you for doing your part. We hope this issue of PROTECT helps make your job a bit easier too.
Tori Bissell
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Resource Recommendation of the Month!
A collection of three children's books on safety by young authors ideal for readers 4-6, or as a read aloud book by a parent or guardian. Lessons to be learned include friendship, self-esteem, bullying, domestic abuse, and safe adults.
Available for only $9.99 at our Online Store
Question: Why should we use Informed Letters of Consent instead of just a Release and Waiver?
Answer: At Plan to Protect® we recommend that program leaders conduct a risk assessment prior to an event identifying the risks associated with the activity. For the Risk Assessment, CLICK HERE.
A Letter of Informed Consent will include a carefully written Release and Waiver, but it also includes:
- Details of the activity or event
- Description of the activity
- Possible injuries that could occur – provide examples
- Steps taken to reduce the risk of injury, harm and abuse, i.e., elevated supervision, lifeguards, swim tests, etc.
- That there is no guarantee of safety
- Safety rules in place
- Requirements, i.e., hat, sunscreen, water bottle
- Confirmation of ability to participate
- Permission to treat for medical care
The benefit of an Informed Letter of Consent is that it shares the risks associated with the event. When you share this information with the parent, they will not be able to say they were unaware of the risks. Provide the Informed Letter of Consent well in advance of the event, and in a language that the parent will be able say they were unaware of the risks.
We recommend that you secure legal counsel when drafting
Informed Letters of Consent.
Check out our Training in July!
July 20, 2021 @ 12:30pm - 1:00pm Eastern Time
This is a complimentary webinar. Register to participate LIVE with Q&A time, or to receive access to an instant replay.
July 27, 2021 @ 12:00pm - 1:00pm Eastern Time
A one-hour seminar designed to raise the awareness of Elder Abuse. During this community event, we will learn what Elder Abuse is, how to recognize and respond to it, and valuable strategies to prevent Elder Abuse from happening. Everyone is welcome! Let's plan to protect!
Our Plan to Protect® Masterclass: Serious About Safety Workshop is
August 23rd!
MasterClass that will be held in August.
During the month of July, when you join as a member we will provide you with a complimentary parenting video that you can add to your library.
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Membership packages include:
Access to Plan to Protect® updates
Plan to Protect® manual
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- Special Interest Webinars
- Training registrations for our school
- Access to our library of recorded webinars
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- And much more depending on the membership package you choose.