PRPS Reopening Guidelines FAQs
May 13, 2020
PRPS is thrilled to see the interest that the
PRPS Reopening Guidelines
have generated – including some common questions. We appreciate the input—keep it coming!
1. What are they based on?
Our disclaimer is at the top of the document. This is advice to assist park owners and stewards comply with the authoritative guidance from the
PA Dept. of Health
Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania
—especially where specific recreation and park directives remain undefined. Certain of these recommendations may differ with local regulations or future definitive guidance when issued; and PRPS defers to those authorities.
2. What authority does PRPS claim in these guidelines?
None. We are a messenger interpreting the official guidance in order to offer our professionals a way to plan for reopening and recovery in their locales. PRPS is waiting, like many, for more definitive guidance from the authorities, which may yet be awhile in coming. In the meantime, we opted to do what we could to facilitate planning among all the unknowns. While interpretations may differ, these recommendations are consistent with information provided by the PA Dept. of Health, NRPA and the Governor’s office.
3. What about dog parks, courts, pavilions, and other facilities?
4. What is an “active zone?”
This is not something we are able to define in square feet and specific dimensions, since every facility and every activity is different. In pools it generally means areas that can be separated like swim lanes, diving area and kiddie pool. We are using it as a general term to maximize distancing between individuals and simultaneous groups, while also successfully fulfilling the purpose of the activity.
5. Where can I find other recreation and park resources for reopening and recovery?
These Guidelines are subject to change upon further definitive Guidance.
Revised May 12, 2020