Weekly Wizard News

This Week at a Glance: 

Wed. 11/16 - Early Release Day

Wed. 11/16, 7pm - PTO Meeting at The Beth; please reply to Evite here

Fri. 11/18, 2:30-4:30 - Bib/t-shirt pick-up & registration for PRS Road Race in the gym

Sat. 11/19 - PRS Road Race

The PRS Holiday Shopping Spree Is Almost Here!

On Wednesday, December 7, from 12:00pm - 2:00pm in the PRS Gym, PRS students in grades K - 5 are invited to come and shop. (Up to 8 gifts for only 25 cents an item.)


To participate, please send in 10 gift items per participant between Nov. 14th- Nov 23rd, and leave them in a donation box at the PRS main entrance. Each grade has a "theme" to ensure a variety of gift items. Please leave your name on or inside the bag.:

Kindergarten: Gifts for Adult Men (like dad, grandpa, uncles, teenage boys)

1st Grade: Gifts for Adult Women (like mom, grandma, aunts, teenage girls)

2nd Grade: Girl items (or co-ed gifts good for either gender)

3rd Grade: Boy items (or co-ed gifts good for either gender)

4th Grade: Gifts for Adult Men (like dad, grandpa, uncles, teenage boys)

5th Grade: Gifts for Adult Women (like mom, grandma, aunts, teenage girls)

2022 PRS Staff Pie Rush

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's time for the annual PRS PIE RUSH! The Thanksgiving Pie Rush is a great tradition at PRS which the Staff loves and anticipates each year. Each Staff member and bus driver picks a pie of their choice to enjoy with their family over Thanksgiving. We need about 95 pies to make this event happen. If you'd like to donate 1 or more pies, please sign up below. Pies can be homemade or store-bought (no frozen pies, please). Please deliver pies to 22 Partridge Dr or 101 Hobart St between Sunday, 11/20, and Tuesday, 11/22. There will be bins for the pies. Thank you for helping show the PRS staff we are grateful for them this Thanksgiving!

Sign Up Here

Support the Homeless This Holiday Season

For the past several years, members of the PRS community have helped Friends of the Homeless (FoH) of the South Shore provide Christmas gifts to families living in homeless shelters or transitional housing by donating newly purchased gifts. Again this year, the PRS Community Service Committee is sponsoring this holiday gift program. If you are interested in helping out the homeless this holiday season by sponsoring an individual or family, please contact Jen Korn (jenniferkorn212@gmail.com). FoH aims to give three gifts to each person sponsored, totaling about $60.00 per person. We provide donors with the first name, age, gender, and sizes for each person on the list, as well as the client’s interests or gift suggestions as a guide for shopping. Thank you for your support.

Road Race Details & Reminders

Fri. Nov 18

  • 12pm - Online Registration closes
  • 2:30-4:30pm - Bib/t-shirt pick-up & registration in the PRS gym

Sat. Nov 19 @ PRS

  • 8am - Bib/t-shirt pick-up & last chance to register
  • 8:40am - Warm-up begins
  • 9am sharp - Road Race / Walk begins

Please, no bikes, scooters, or rollerblades on the course!

PTO Meeting, 11/16, 7 pm - Ready for an evening out? Join us at The Beth in the Shipyard for a PRS PTO meeting where we will hear what's new from School Committee members Michelle Ayer and Matt Cosman. To help with planning for space and appetizer orders, please let us know if you can make it. 


7:00-7:30 pm: School Committee Update

7:30-7:40 pm: Q&A 

7:40 pm: Update about news at PRS, upcoming PTO events, and more! 

8:00 pm: Cheers! 

The PRS PTO Directory is finally here!

The directory will reside password protected on our website here. The password is: prspto22

Coming up Soon, Save the Dates: 

  • Wed. 11/23 - Early Release
  • Thur.-Fri. 11/24-25 - No school, Thanksgiving
  • Wed. 12/7 - Early Release
  • Wed. 12/7 - Holiday Shopping Spree
Full PRS PTO Calendar of Upcoming Events

Updates and Recaps

The PRS 4th grade took a field trip to Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology on November 9. The grade was separated into two groups upon arrival which allowed for one to attend a hands-on learning program entitled “Igloos to Adobe” lead by an experienced educator, while the other group gained admission to both the Peabody Museum and the Harvard Museum of Natural History for open exhibition exploration. Students had the opportunity to handle artifacts used by Native American tribes to learn how natural resources were used to meet basic needs. The field trip was planned and funded by the PRS PTO. Special thanks to Lauren Davalla for organizing this trip!

The Fall Book Fair Co-Chairs would love to extend a tremendous thanks to all the PRS staff and parent volunteers who assisted with this year's event. Special thanks as well to South Shore Lawn Greetings for the wonderful signage outside the school. We hope you enjoyed attending the Fair with your children and greatly appreciate your support! Incredible job, Kristin Khtikian, Jane Cullinan and Nicole LaBrie! Thank you for all your hard work!

Many thanks to the 5th Grade Activities Committee, especially Catie O'Leary and Kelly Moore, for organizing the pizza & ice cream social on Wednesday. It was a blast! We are also grateful for Mrs. Bucey, Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Burritt who read bedtime stories to our students as they munched on pizza!

Happenings Around Town

There are a lot of events coming up around town! Mark your calendars for the HHS production of Music Man on December 1st-3rd at 7:00pm and Dec. 4th at 2:00pm. The High School has graciously donated a 4-pack of tickets to PRS family. We randomly drew a student's name and Conor Robertson (3O) is the winner of the tickets! Congrats Robertson Family-- we will be in touch with the tickets! And thank you, HHS!

Visit our website to see events around Hingham

PRS PTO Website

Upcoming Events

Lunch Menu

PRS Fast Facts

Around Town

Contact Us

Content by PRS PTO Co-Presidents

Leslie Wittmann and Kelly Gorra

High Street, Hingham, MA 02043

Contact us for submissions.


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