Happy February, Chartiers Valley Families,
It seems as if the year is flying by as we just celebrated the 100th day of school. I am sure many of your students had fun activities surrounding the 100th day.
February always seems like the calm before the storm, as spring musicals, celebrations, and other activities will soon occur. We are excited to share our students' hard work and accomplishments with you.
Some exciting news from our schools and your students recently are:
PS-The Primary School staff utilizes the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Colt Cart. Teachers discuss a topic and reward students with Super Colt tickets for positive behaviors.
IS-The IS learned all about space and Pittsburgh's connection to going to the moon with a visit from the new Moonshot Museum.
MS-The middle school is bringing Virtual Reality to life thanks to the grant for VR devices. Using these new devices, the students traveled worldwide and into space!
HS-The High School hosted its first Elective-Palooza, an excellent opportunity for underclassmen to learn more about available elective courses by speaking with students and teachers.
These learning opportunities could not be possible without our parents and guardians providing the foundations for our students' learning. I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child.
The education we provide our students prepares them for their future and the good of our community, region, and even globally.
As Dr. Martin Luther King so wonderfully stated, "Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education."
I am so very proud of the work of our students and staff. It is an honor to serve this community.
Johannah M. Vanatta, Ed.D.