June 24, 2022
The City of Edmonton is announcing the launch of this year’s Anti-racism Grants Program. The program was initiated through the City’s Anti-racism Advisory Committee, whose mandate is to raise awareness and drive action on racism and anti-racism in Edmonton, and provide advice to City Council regarding community perspectives on issues relating to racism.
Total funding available through the grant program is $300,000 and will go to support work and initiatives that achieve the City’s goals of informing Edmontonians on racism and its impacts; supporting community organizations working to dismantle individual, systemic and structural racism; and building a diverse, inclusive and equitable city guided by anti-racism.
Anti-racism Grants Program streams:
..........(up to $1,000 each | $25,000 of total funds available)
..........To be used by youth (13-24 years of age) to activate and animate anti-racism ..........initiatives, grassroots organizing and community action. Youth Activation Grants will ..........be awarded on an ongoing basis.
- Project Ready Matching Grant
..........(up to $25,000 each | $75,000 of total funds available)
..........To be used by community non-profit and local grassroots organizations for
..........anti-racism initiatives that have received approved funding and require some ..........matching contribution.
- Local Anti-racism Capacity Building/Innovation Grant
..........(up to $15,000 each | $150,000 of total funds available)
..........Focused on local grassroots organizations working on anti-racism activities and ..........actions that address barriers to participation, promote healing and/or reconciliation, ..........combat systemic and structural racism, and support sustaining developmental ..........change.
Local Community Participatory Action Research Grant
..........(up to $25,000 each | $50,000 of total funds available)
..........To be used by communities impacted by racism to support community-led research ..........activities that address local issues and concerns specific to them.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, August 10.