January 25, 2024
On Sunday, February 4, Edmonton Transit Service (ETS) mid-winter service changes will be in effect. Riders will see improved service on a number of routes as a result of additional funding approved as part of the City's fall budget adjustment. These routes include 56, 500X, 509, 902 along with a brand new Route 926. A number of other bus routes will have service changes to reflect typical ridership patterns.
Service adjustments occur five times per year. Adjustments are based on transit data, rider feedback, seasonal changes and ridership growth, and make service more efficient and effective for riders. Riders are encouraged to plan their trips early by using the trip planner on
edmonton.ca/transit or Google Maps and selecting a date after February 4.
Key Service Updates and New Routes
Valley Line Southeast and Route 73: Starting February 5, the Valley Line Southeast LRT service will see permanent five-minute weekday peak service. All other weekday and weekend service remains unchanged.
As a result of Valley Line trains running at five-minute weekday peak service, the temporary precursor bus route, Route 73 A/B, will permanently conclude at the end of service on February 3. The articulated buses on Route 73 A/B will be reassigned to help address growing ridership and recent overloads on Route 8 and Route 500X. Route 523 is available for those who prefer to take the bus from Mill Woods Town Centre to Downtown.
As a result of the recent additional investment, the 70,000 annual service hours previously allotted to Route 73 A/B will be redistributed throughout the bus network. This will have an immediate and direct benefit to riders, including improving equitable access to transit service through new and extended bus routes and extended service hours.
Route 926: ETS is pleased to provide riders with a new bus route that will provide service from Lewis Farms Transit Centre to Stillwater. During the week, this route will have 20-minute frequency during peak hours and 30-minute frequency during midday and early evening. On the weekend, it will have a 30-minute frequency during midday hours.
This route will replace On Demand Transit in Uplands, Stillwater and east Edgemont neighbourhoods. Buses from this service will be redirected to reduce wait times across the On Demand Transit service, address growing ridership demand and improve the rider experience.
Arc Update
On January 22, Arc, Edmonton region’s electronic fare payment system was rolled out to seniors 65+ who pay for transit using paper tickets, monthly or annual transit passes or cash.
myArc.ca website is available for senior riders to register their Arc cards and sign up for their reduced fare profiles. Those who purchase monthly transit passes are encouraged to wait until February 1 to use their Arc card so they can benefit from the senior monthly fare caps.
Other service changes
Routes 107 and 117 - These routes have been adjusted to serve the newly constructed Clareview Station Road, which makes the route slightly shorter and positions transit to serve future development on the road.
Route 123 - This route will see a minor route adjustment around Northgate Mall to reduce delays.
- Additional service for Meadows Transit Centre will be introduced to address high ridership growth as a result of ongoing development in the area:
Route 55 - Midday trips will now extend to Meadows but will see a slight decrease in service
Route 56 - Improved frequency and extension of all midday trips from Mill Woods to Meadows
Route 500X - Improved midday service
Routes 4, 902 and 913 will have additional midday service added during the weekday, which will facilitate off-peak travel in busy areas including Whyte Avenue, NAIT, University of Alberta and Callingwood.
Routes 52, 107, 116, 509, 523, 901, 902, 903, 904, 916, 919 and 922 will see improved service during peak times, which will address high loads on many trips and provide additional service on the busiest routes.
Routes 31, 702 and 709 will see service reduced during peak times. These reductions are in the off peak direction where ridership is lower.
Routes 56, 116, 123 and 902 will have improved Saturday service, including more frequency service on Route 56, which connects major destinations and transfer points including Meadows, Mill Woods, Century Park and West Edmonton Mall. Expanded service (earlier or later service) on Routes 116, 123, 902 will also benefit shift workers and improve access to social and recreational opportunities.
Routes 119, 123, 902 and 913 will have expanded service (earlier or later service) on Sundays.
Routes 7, 501, 903, and 904 have had school trips added to them, which will address overloaded trips during school dismissal times.
Construction & Detours
During peak hours, Routes 674, 900X and 920X will detour to 100 Avenue when heading eastbound between Lewis Farms and West Edmonton Mall.