New Zoning Bylaw in effect, know what to expect
January 2, 2024

Edmonton’s new zoning bylaw and city-wide rezoning bylaw are now in effect, representing a significant step forward in the future growth and development of Edmonton as envisioned in The City Plan.

City Council approved the new Zoning Bylaw (Charter Bylaw 20001) and city-wide rezoning (Charter Bylaw 21001) on October 23, 2023. These bylaws came into effect on January 1, 2024, replacing the old zoning bylaw, which hadn’t been substantially overhauled since the 1960s.

The new Zoning Bylaw and map can be accessed at Edmontonians can use the map to familiarize themselves with the zones that apply to their properties by typing in the address of their residences or businesses.

The website also contains educational resources to help Edmontonians navigate the new Zoning Bylaw and understand what it means for development in their neighbourhoods. More resources will continue to be added to the site in the coming weeks.

The new Zoning Bylaw takes direction from The City Plan—Edmonton’s long-term vision for growth and development — and was created through a Zoning Bylaw Renewal initiative that involved more than five years of extensive public engagement, research and technical analysis. It supports more housing everywhere, increases business opportunities and provides greater development flexibility, allowing more people to live locally and access amenities that make Edmonton a great place to call home. It also moves Edmonton closer to The City Plan’s goal to be a healthy, urban, climate resilient and prosperous city of two million people.

Zoning is everywhere—from parks and playgrounds to backyard housing and the downtown core. The Zoning Bylaw contains all the rules and regulations for the development of land in Edmonton. It sets out what can be built where, including where new buildings should go, what types of buildings they can be and what types of businesses and activities can happen on a property.
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