Upcoming simulated emergency at the Mill Woods Stop
February 21, 2024

A simulated emergency will be conducted on the Valley Line Southeast at the Mill Woods Stop starting 11 a.m. on Friday, February 23. 

Regular Valley Line Southeast LRT service will continue using the south platform. No other stops should be impacted.

For this exercise, a car and train collision will be staged and then reported to emergency services. Edmonton Fire Rescue Services is expected to be on site at the Mill Woods Stop. Please note this is not an actual emergency, this exercise is a part of the City and TransEd’s commitment to enhance emergency response procedures.  

If you are travelling near the Mill Woods Stop during the exercise, please follow the direction of emergency service crews. There may be some minor traffic impacts adjacent to the Mill Woods Stop during this simulated emergency, which is expected to take between one and two hours. 
Media contact:
Communications Advisor 
City Operations