January is behind us and the year is off to a great start! The PSA Board of Directors met in the days just prior to IPPE in Atlanta, and it is an exciting time for our Association. The organization is in excellent financial health, membership is growing, and the leadership has a tremendous program of activities scheduled for the year.
Among those activities is another set of scientific and professional development webinars. Our first quarterly scientific webinar is coming up March 29 at Noon EDT: Dr. Charles Hofacre will present, “Why Is On-Farm Campylobacter Control Not the Same As Salmonella Control?” I think you’ll agree this is an important topic, and Dr. Hofacre will lead a really interesting and insightful discussion. View details and save the date here.
I mentioned IPPE; once again Atlanta was the place to be for poultry professionals from around the world! The PSA staff enjoyed the chance to interact with many of you face-to-face, and for me personally it was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with many of you I have known from my prior industry involvement, and to meet many members and stakeholders for the first time.
Underscoring the excitement for getting involved with our Association was a rush of new membership applications from the meeting. We welcomed at least a dozen new members from folks who stopped by our exhibit hall booth. The staff is excited to report that total membership for 2023 is running about 35% ahead of where we were last year; if you have renewed already, thank you, and if you haven’t, now is a great time to do so!
Finally, we are excited to welcome you to Philadelphia this summer for our Annual Meeting. The Symposia Program has been finalized, and it is absolutely fantastic. Submissions are open for abstract and poster sessions, so be sure to submit your work and present at this year’s session. Also note that registration and housing for the meeting open next week – we have a new early bird registration deadline coming up in April, providing a major savings over our standard registration rate.
Read on for some more exciting news and thank you for being a vital part of our Association!
Andy Vance
Executive Director, PSA