February 2023

Featured Topic

Let's Squawk About It

PSA Insights

Executive Director, PSA

2023 PSA Annual Meeting

Abstract Submissions, Registration, and Symposia Schedule

Interpretive Summary

Broilers chicks are not impacted by a few hours of darkness.

Member Spotlight

Oscar Tejeda

Additional Reading

Effects of Supplemental Biochar on Broilers

Welcome Center

New Members of PSA

Poultry Peeps

PSA Member Named Mississippi State Department Head

Additional News

Topics of Interest to Poultry Scientists

PSA Career Center & Calendar

Job Openings & Noteworthy Events

Featured Topic

Let's Squawk About It

Enhancing Poultry Welfare Monitoring Through Truck Sensors

A technology, initially presented in 2018, is now being applied to enhance poultry welfare during transportation. Truck sensors are giving insights into the temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions of the vehicle where poultry are kept during transportation. The system notifies key stakeholders, including the driver, in the event there are complications. Join us as we discuss this technology with Elizabeth Doughman of WATT Global Media.

Watch the episode by clicking the video link below!

PSA Insights

January is behind us and the year is off to a great start! The PSA Board of Directors met in the days just prior to IPPE in Atlanta, and it is an exciting time for our Association. The organization is in excellent financial health, membership is growing, and the leadership has a tremendous program of activities scheduled for the year.

Among those activities is another set of scientific and professional development webinars. Our first quarterly scientific webinar is coming up March 29 at Noon EDT: Dr. Charles Hofacre will present, “Why Is On-Farm Campylobacter Control Not the Same As Salmonella Control?” I think you’ll agree this is an important topic, and Dr. Hofacre will lead a really interesting and insightful discussion. View details and save the date here.

I mentioned IPPE; once again Atlanta was the place to be for poultry professionals from around the world! The PSA staff enjoyed the chance to interact with many of you face-to-face, and for me personally it was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with many of you I have known from my prior industry involvement, and to meet many members and stakeholders for the first time.

Underscoring the excitement for getting involved with our Association was a rush of new membership applications from the meeting. We welcomed at least a dozen new members from folks who stopped by our exhibit hall booth. The staff is excited to report that total membership for 2023 is running about 35% ahead of where we were last year; if you have renewed already, thank you, and if you haven’t, now is a great time to do so!

Finally, we are excited to welcome you to Philadelphia this summer for our Annual Meeting. The Symposia Program has been finalized, and it is absolutely fantastic. Submissions are open for abstract and poster sessions, so be sure to submit your work and present at this year’s session. Also note that registration and housing for the meeting open next week – we have a new early bird registration deadline coming up in April, providing a major savings over our standard registration rate.

Read on for some more exciting news and thank you for being a vital part of our Association!

Andy Vance

Executive Director, PSA

2023 Annual Meeting

Abstract Submissions

The 2023 PSA Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee is now seeking abstract submissions. Please be sure to review all materials and guidelines prior to submitting your abstract.

More Details & Submission Site

Registration & Hotel Reservations Opening Soon

Registration for the 2023 PSA Annual Meeting will open on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. A standalone email will be sent once attendees can register next week. In addition to the registration announcement, attendees will also receive notice that special room rate at the conference hotel, the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, will be available for booking.

Symposia Schedule

PSA is pleased to offer a large variety of symposia presentations at this year's Annual Meeting! The schedule for symposia is now available through the link below.

View the Schedule

Interpretive Summary

Broiler chicks are not impacted by a few hours of darkness.

Scientists at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and Auburn University have found that broiler chicks were not negatively impacted by a few hours of darkness each day. The concern that the chicks would not be able to find food or water during these dark hours proved to not be an issue and intake did not change.

Read the Summary

Member Spotlight

Are you interested in being featured in a Member Spotlight? Or maybe you would like to nominate someone? Complete the Member Spotlight submission form here!

Oscar Tejeda

Current Employer:

Southern Arkansas University


  • Bachelor's Degree - Zamorano University of Agriculture
  • Master's Degree - Auburn University
  • PhD - University of Georgia

Area of Expertise:

Dietary fiber, feed additives (i.e. enzymes, prebiotics), and use of alternative feed ingredients in production efficiency of poultry

Where did you grow up and did you have poultry in your youth?

I grew up in Comayagua, Honduras. Growing up I always had access to backyard flocks for production of meat and eggs. I have always been involved with poultry either helping in family business or doing internships in poultry.

If you had a motto that applied to your daily professional career, what would it be?

"Things don't come by themselves."

What value does your PSA membership offer you?

Connection with fellow scientists from other universities nationally and internationally.

What is your favorite poultry breed?

New Hampshire

Additional Reading

Effects of Supplemental Biochar on Broilers

This research note examines the effects of supplementing broiler diets with biochar. Biochar has been shown to have a positive effect on body weight gain in both pigs and turkeys. The study did not find similar changes in body weight gain in broilers as had been reported in pigs and turkeys. However, apparent ileal digestible energy was reduced with a greater amount of biochar supplementation.

Read the Research Note

Welcome Center

New Members of the Poultry Science Association

The Association is pleased to welcome the following individuals who started their PSA membership in January 2023.

Professional Members

Brandon R. Clonch

Church & Dwight and Arm & Hammer

Brian Davis

Simmons Foods, Inc.

Jenna Gottfried

Eggland's Best

Richard S. "Rich" Meyer

Texas Tech University

Ernest Nartey


Chad Stahl PhD

University of Maryland, College Park

Karim A. Zaher

El Yasmine Company for Poultry Production

Graduate Student Members

Oloriire K. Aderemi

Federal University Oye-Ekiti

Vinicius Buiatte

Penn State University

Michael Carroll

Mississippi State University

Shahna Fathima

University of Georgia

Graduate Student Members


Madalyn Jennings

Auburn University

Nikolai Kolba

Cornell University

Abhisek Niraula

University of Georgia

Mohamed Elfateh Salem

McGill University

Bikas R. Shah

University of Georgia

Will Strickland

University of Georgia

Rana Waqar Tabish

Auburn University

Myunghwan Yu

Chungnam National University

Undergraduate Student Members

Shevonne A. Bryne

University of Guyana

Ruthann Morris

University of Guyana

Alessandro Rocchi

University of Arkansas

Poultry Peeps

PSA Member Named Mississippi State Department Head

Ken Macklin, a long time member of PSA, has been announced as the new Poultry Science Department Head at Mississippi State University. Macklin looks forward to working with all of the excellent faculty, staff and students at MSU. He is also excited to help the department reach its goal of building a feed mill.

Read the Announcement Here

Additional News

Topics of Interest to Poultry Scientists

Last month, we polled readers of PSA Postings asking for input on what to include as a new article feature in 2023. The majority opted for a section on Additional News Impacting the Poultry Science Industry and Profession. Below you will find several news articles relevant and of interest to the poultry science community.

Role of Ratios of Limestone Particle Size and Phytase to Support Late Lay in Single Cycled Laying Hens – Focus on Eggshell Quality, Bone Quality and Gut Health


New USDA tool provides a visual guide on poultry grading defect tolerances that impact product quality


Mycotoxins Can Be A Shot to the Gut of Poultry


Department Head - Animal Science

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Senior Customer success manager - Poultry Industry South and Midwest USA

Alura, member of Iluma Alliance

USDA Postdoctoral Fellowship

USDA Maryland

Extension Educator

Pennsylvania State University

Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Avian Health Biologist

University of Delaware

Do you have a position to list in the Career Center?

PSA is also happy to include complimentary positions, internships, and scholarships directly targeted towards students on the PSA Hatchery site. Please send inquires to Sam Shafer for details.


February 14-16, 2023

Tulare, CA

Poultry Federation All Member Meeting

February 16, 2023

Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences

Fayetteville, Arkansas

2023 National Turkey Federation Annual Convention

February 22-25, 2023

La Quinta Resort & Club

La Quinta, CA

Annual Meat Conference

March 6-8, 2023

Hilton Anatole

Dallas, TX

Food Safety Conference

March 7-9, 2023

Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort

Hotsprings, AR

PEAK (Powered by the Midwest Poultry Federation)

April 11-13, 2023

Minneapolis Convention Center

Minneapolis, MN

2023 AAAP Annual Meeting

June 11-14, 2023

Sawgrass Marriott

Jacksonville, FL

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