Welcome to the new Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois Newsletter
A new kind of information sharing
We have updated this newsletter as a means of getting relevant information to you promptly. However, this newsletter can be much more with your help.

We're looking for ministry stories, photos, information about your events and so much more. The content of this newsletter is mostly what you have to say! So, join us in telling the world about great stories, showing beautiful images and relaying the good news about the Good News!

Send your stories, images, information and more to thomas.riggs@synodsun.org (read the article below about the partnership between the Presbytery and the Communication Services Plan of the Synod of the Sun).
Navigating Healthy Relationships
Many thanks to all who participated in the new approach to boundary training for our presbytery! The COM is grateful to the folks who developed the workshops, the congregation of Sparta Westminster for their support, and everyone who participated in the workshops. We will email an evaluation form soon to all who attended and encourage your feedback.

We need your help as we expand and strengthen the workshops. 
  • We are seeking ideas for additional topics. Perhaps you have always wondered how to effectively deal with a specific situation and think that a workshop on that topic would be useful.
  • We need people to join the presentation team. Our goal is to develop a team of presenters who are effective communicators and teachers, as well as knowledgeable in specific areas.
  • We would like to make these workshops available to congregations.

If you have suggestions for topics, are interested in being a presenter or know someone who is gifted in that area, or would like to schedule a training for your congregation, please contact Ann Schwartz, COM Vice Moderator, at revann@fpcdanville.org .

Watch this newsletter and other forms of communication for the announcement of the next presentation of “Navigating Healthy Relationships.”
Session Records Review in regional locations
Beginning September 16th and running through November 4th, Session Records Reviews will occur throughout the Presbytery.

All Session Records must be read prior to the November 15th Presbytery meeting. Even as events are help in regional locations, you may attend one in another region if that date is better for you.

CLERKS - If none of these dates work for you, then send your moderator to the reading with the records or another member of Session or a previous clerk.

All events are on Sundays from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm.

Moving Expenses No Longer Tax Free
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Congress in late 2017 included a change to the tax treatment for job-related moving expenses. Mid councils, churches, and ministers should be mindful of this change in tax treatment for moving expenses as terms of call are being negotiated for new pastoral relationships that involve a qualifying move.

Ruling Elders: The creative tension in spiritual leadership.
The PC(USA) offers a monthly series for spiritual leaders. This month's offering addresses Ruling Elders and the creative tension of spiritual leadership. Written by RE Joan S. Gray, Moderator of the 217th General Assembly.

Those who partner with God in the spiritual leadership of the church live between two important truths. The first of these we hear from Jesus on the occasion of his last gathering with his disciples: “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).  Nothing  is a very hard word. It must have been hard for the first disciples to hear. First, Jesus talks about his going away from them and then they hear that without him they can do nothing. How was the work to go forward? How was God’s agenda going to be accomplished if Jesus was going away and if without him they could do nothing?

Selecting 2019 BOP benefits
The Board of Pensions can work with you to design an employee benefits program exactly the way you need it to be. Whether it's employee-paid coverage like vision eyewear or a 403(b)(9) savings plan, or a full complement of healthcare and income security coverage, the Board of Pensions continues to give you flexibility and choice for 2019, with expanded programs under the stewardship of experienced benefits professionals.

Who is this "Tom" and what's going on with our communications?
The Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois has signed entered into a contract with the Communication Services Plan of the Synod of the Sun. This new CSP allows your Presbytery staff to focus on the critical business of the Presbytery while the CSP handles newsletter production, website editing, and social media updates.

In addition to freeing up the staff, the CSP also has many additional benefits:

  • The program is competitively priced, coming in less expenseive than most services.
  • The CSP provides quick turn around regarding editing and posting.
  • During an emergency, the CSP is on call. Should a natural or human-made disaster occur, the CSP can make changes, post on social media and create newsletters on very short notice. We hunker down with you during the event.
  • We are Presbyterian! We speak the language of the church and can translate for the non-initiated. Go ahead and say "decently and in order." We know what you mean.

Speaking of Social Media - You can now find PSEI on Twitter and Instagram! If you are on either/both of those platforms, search @pseillinois. We are also adding content to the PSEI Facebook Group with plans of starting a PSEI Facebook Page.

Speaking of the website - The pseillinois.org website will soon get a makeover! The transition is in the process, and you can even see the progress at:

Also coming soon through the CSP are webinars on Social Media, Online Collaborations, Digital Living Wills, and Creative Storytelling/Photography for Church Media.

Send your pictures, stories, event information and ideas to that "Tom" guy (the CSP coordinator) at thomas.riggs@synodsun.org.