Motor vehicle crashes continue to be one of the leading causes of death among American workers, and distracted driving is a major contributing factor behind many of those crashes. Distracted driving occurs any time you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off your primary task of driving.
On the state level, most states ban texting while driving, and a growing number also ban the use of handheld devices. (Follow this link for information on state laws on cellphone use while driving.)
Federal law prohibits drivers of commercial motor vehicles from sending or reading texts while driving or using a handheld device while driving. (Click HERE to view the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s rule for commercial motor vehicle drivers.)
In terms of federal regulations, distracted driving falls under OSHA’s General Duty Clause, which means there are no direct OSHA guidelines for how employers must protect employees from the dangers of distracted driving. So it is up to employers to institute their own measures to keep employees safe.
Given that April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, there’s no better time than NOW to take steps to prevent distracted driving in your company. Here are four suggested actions to help you get started:
■ Download the National Safety Council’s free Safe Driving Kit by clicking HERE. The kit includes videos, fact sheets, posters, and numerous other materials to share with employees year-round to educate and engage them on distracted driving.
■ Create or update your company policy on cellphone use while driving company vehicles as well as company cellphone use while driving personal vehicles.
■ Include a module on distracted driving in your company’s motor vehicle safety training.
■ Consider technology solutions like telematics, driver monitoring, and apps that minimize distracted driving.