"partner with and equip present and emerging
PC(USA) faith communities in central Alabama
to serve Christ and our neighbors"
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Mark your calendars for the
Presbytery's Annual Christmas Party
Tuesday, December 17th
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
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The Presbytery office will be closed for Christmas and the New Year, December 23rd through January 1, 2025. We will re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2025. The Presbytery staff wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! | |
Louisville Seminary
Dr. Dianne Reistroffer Endowed Scholarship Fund
Louisville, KY, – Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) is thrilled to announce the creation of the Dr. Dianne Reistroffer Endowed Scholarship Fund for Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Students, established by alum Dr. Bryan “Champ” Champion (DMin ‘02) to expand financial accessibility for DMin students pursuing advanced theological and ministerial education.
The scholarship fund honors Rev. Dr. Dianne Reistroffer, a highly respected figure at Louisville Seminary who has served as the Director of the DMin program, Seminary Dean, and is currently the program’s interim director. Dr. Reistroffer’s impact on her students and colleagues has been profound, guiding countless seminarians and ministers through transformative spiritual and academic growth.
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Healthy Boundaries Training
All ministers and ruling elders are required to participate in Healthy Boundary Training for the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley. Below is a link to a Jotform Registration Form. This registration form contains registration information as well as the link to the video (which is password protected) and the password. The video takes you to another link for you to watch the content.
After watching, It is very important to return to the Jotform, acknowledge your completion and SUBMIT the form. This will ensure the stated clerk receives notice that you have completed the training.
Thank you for participating in the required Healthy Boundaries training. Your comments on both the process and the content are welcome. Please reply to our Stated Clerk if you have any questions and/or wish to share your comments.
Registration and link to Healthy Boundary Training for the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley
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Apply for Montreat Summer Staff!
by Celeste Abney-Crowe, creative services manager at Montreat Conference Center
Do you know a young adult looking for a summer job? Montreat Conference Center is currently accepting applications for its 2025 Summer Staff season. All young adults who are at least one year out of high school are invited to apply.
Available positions cover a wide range of skills and interests such as childhood education, hospitality, recreation, and more! All positions are paid and include the option to live on campus. Plus, certain positions may qualify for college credit.
This is a great opportunity to gain valuable job experience and enjoy life in our close-knit mountain community. If you think someone you know would be interested, please encourage them to apply at montreat.org/summer-staff! First round selections begin on January 17, 2025. Apply early for top consideration!
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The Impact of Churches’
Hunger Action Programs in this Presbytery
We are compiling a list of this Presbytery’s churches’ activities in combating hunger. We are wondering what your church is doing to combat hunger, such as: donating to food pantries, operating food pantries, rescuing edible foods, giving food from members’ gardens, participating in the Cents-Ability and Pentecost Can-paign programs, volunteering at food banks, etc.
Our churches are acting to help the hungry and food insecure. Let’s see what everyone is doing. Perhaps we can get ideas from each other on combating hunger.
Please send your church’s information to Ralls Coston, Mission Coordinator, rcoston@pslpcusa.org., phone 205-617-0216. Thank you for all you are doing.
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APCE Annual Event
A message from the Office of Christian Formation
Join faith formation leaders, pastors, and youth workers in Memphis, TN, January 29th – February 1st, 2025 for the Association of Partners in Christian Education annual gathering. The theme is “Wrestling with God and Church: Toward a More Beloved Community.” Learn more and register here. Early bird registration runs through November 15th.
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Please be sure to check out the job openings around our Presbytery at the bottom of this page. | |
Greater Birmingham Ministries Christmas 2024
Planning for GBM's Christmas Drive is underway! 100 families are counting on us for assistance with toys, food and gift cards for their children ages 4-12 years old. You can help by organizing a Christmas Drive at your church. For more information, contact michelle@gbm.org.
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Prayer Concerns
Chuck Kukal - Hip replacement on January 15, 2025
Richard Hanna and family - on the passing of his wife, Lisa Kidd Hanna
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Dallas County Long Term Recovery Group
This Presbytery has been involved with the Dallas County LTRG (Long Term Recovery Group) for the past year. The LTRG is working on Selma’s recovery from the January 2023 tornado which destroyed or damaged so much of Selma and Dallas County. So far, the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley has distributed over $31,000 to six cases in Selma. This money has been used to replace beds, tables, washing machines, dryers and roofing for the six different families impacted by the tornado. The funds for these cases came from contributions from the Presbyterian Disaster Fund, Independent Presbyterian Church, Southminster Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian-Wetumpka and Oakmont Chapel Presbyterian Church. Thank you to all the donors.
There is still plenty to do in Dallas County/Selma’s recovery. Other organizations, such as United Way, Mennonite Disaster Services, Lutheran Disaster Services, Gospel Tabernacle Church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, and the Edmundite Missions of the Catholic Church are some of the workers/contributors to Selma’s recovery.
This Presbytery can continue to help by providing funds to the Presbytery’s Perry/Dallas County Fund. Both churches and individuals may contribute to this fund. And, as the United Methodist case managers provide the cases, we can continue to help.
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Ministry in the church can be life-giving and life-changing and, in the midst of it, we all need faithful companions along the road. Welcome to Along the Road – a podcast on faith and leadership for ministry leaders of the PC(USA). | |
Newsletters, Bulletins, News
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Just a reminder that the Presbytery office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday's from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (4 PM on Friday). The staff works from home on Tuesday and Thursday's.
Please check with the office for availability before scheduling committee meetings.
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Sue Westfall
General Presbyter
Tammy Strickland
Presbytery Administrator
Assistant to the Stated Clerk
Jay Wilkins
Stated Clerk
Linda Burrowes
Recording Clerk
Jean Russell
Ralls Coston
Volunteer Mission Coordinator
Pat Goodman
Volunteer Nurture Coordinator
James Ephraim
Volunteer Liaison for
African American Churches
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Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church (MBPC) is currently seeking to fill the full-time position of Director of Youth and Christian Education.
MBPC is a gospel-driven church that views everything through the lens of the two great commandments - love God and love your neighbor. MBPC is dedicated to nurturing these Gospel values in the Mountain Brook community but is keen to remember its place in the greater Birmingham area. MBPC hosts a worship service that leans traditional. However, in the last three years, MBPC has sought to faithfully and artfully implement contemporary components into the service - especially its musical components which seem to hit all the right notes (pun intended!) of balancing the "oldies but goodies" with vibrant and joyful contemporary music. MBPC has been blessed with small, but steady growth in its congregation and worship services. As a result, more and more children are coming through the doors. As such, MBPC is seeking director of Youth and Christian Education who has the maturity, energy, and professionalism to help MBPC navigate its path towards growth without compromising its gospel values. Additionally, MBPC is seeking someone who can exemplify the joy of our faith and help steer our children in that joyful direction!
A full job description is attached. Additional information about our church can be found on our website at mbpcusa.org. If you, or anyone you know in your organization is interested in applying for the position, please email your resume directly to me at mroberts@mbpcusa.org. Or, you can visit this LINK on indeed to apply for the job.
North Alabama Presbytery Executive Presbyter Job Description Opening
Application Process for Position of NAP Executive Presbyter
The NAP EP Search Committee is seeking applications for the position of Executive Presbyter. (part-time, 25 hrs/week)
Applications must include 1) a one-page cover letter speaking to why you feel called to the position of NAP EP and 2) your resume. Please include contact information (phone, email) for three recommendations. Please send applications to Anita Raby at araby123@bellsouth.net.
In person interviews will be scheduled.
Click below for the EP Position Description.
| South Highland is looking to hire a part time Children's Ministry Director. Attached is the job description for this position. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this information to them. |
First Presbyterian Church - Alexander City is seeking pulpit supply until they can fill their pastoral vacancy. Their worship services are on Sundays at 11:00 for one hour. If you are interested, please call the church office at (256) 329-0524.
“If you are interested in applying for our pastoral vacancy, please visit the CLC. Our MDP is posted there for details.”
| First Presbyterian Church, Eufaula, is looking for pulpit supply in a transitional period. Please contact Sue Westfall, General Presbyter for details. 520.490.1261. |
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL is in need of a Musician. If you or someone you know are interested in applying, please contact the church office at
(205) 322-0161 for more information.
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3603 Lorna Ridge Drive ~ Birmingham, AL 35216
Phone: 205-978-0320 ~ Fax: 205-978-0330
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