Luke 1:39-45
This Sunday we hear the story of Mary visiting her cousin, Elizabeth. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting, the baby in her womb leaps! That baby, John the Baptist, recognizes even in his mother's womb the great presence of the Savoir before him. This is a beautiful illustration of how the Lord desires our own lives to be---to have faithful disciples bringing Jesus to others, leading to great rejoicing at His presence. There are times we are called to share Jesus with others, and other moments where another brings Jesus to us. Where do you find yourself today?
On the way to Mass: What friendships bring you joy?
On the way home from Mass: How do you think Elizabeth felt when she saw Mary? What do you imagine they did after this?
Challenge of the Week: Pray for those who have shared Jesus with your family, and any friends or neighbors the Lord may be calling you to share Him with.