Good morning PSR families,

This year we are taking on Box of Joy as our service focus for this fall semester. Box of Joy is an outreach of Cross Catholic Outreach, which provides Christmas Gifts to children in developing countries like Haiti, Malawi, and the Dominican Republic. Our goal as a PSR is to be able to fill 1 box per class---that is 14 boxes for kids in need, and if that is too easy, we are STRETCHING to 20 boxes. Check out the list below of suggested items. Students can bring an item to PSR any Wednesday of October, with the 30th being our final collection night.

We also have the opportunity to partner with St. Michael the Archangel parish in Erwin, TN in supporting families impacted by Hurricane Helene. Donations are asked to be dropped off after Masses October 12/13th in the back of Church.

Don't forget to present the Safe Touch curriculum at home this month.

Bring in an item to fill our Family Focused Box of Joy on October 20th!

See you Wednesday at 5:15 pm in Church!

Start bringing in items for our Boxes of Joy. Collection lasting all October.

Need to report an absence or early dismissal? Please use our online form! 4 quick questions so we can serve you best.

Registration Open!

This event is FREE, but requires advanced registration due to space limitations.

Mark 10: 17-22

This Sunday we hear of Jesus' encounter with the Rich Young Man. A man approaches Jesus and inquires, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds with sharing the commandments, and then follows up with "Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor." The young man went away sad, for he had many possessions. This young man is much like each of us, we desire to follow Jesus yet sometimes what He asks seems too hard. To follow Jesus requires us to let go of the comforts and possessions we cling to, to follow him with abandon demands are whole heart. Jesus calls us to shed things, not because he wants to make our lives more difficult, but because it is preventing us from giving ourselves totally to him. There is nothing Jesus desires more than for us to be united to Him.

On the way to Mass:  What do you want to ask Jesus today?

On the way home from Mass: Why do you think the young man went away sad? How might he have felt if he decided to follow Jesus?

Challenge of the Week: How can you share what you have with the poor this week? Consider going through your clothes, toys, or a crowded closet to see what can be donated to those in need.

Bookmark our Website

Don't forget to bookmark our website! Scroll to the bottom for a Google Calendar for the year that you can add to your personal calendar. It will update your calendar automatically with any schedule adjustments! Printable copies of the calendar are also available online.

We've added a section to our website that contains our newsletters, and we will keep that updated throughout the year. If you ever delete a message and need to look back, hop on over to our landing page.

God bless, 

Emily Kopff
