Good morning PSR families!

Each year the Archdiocese requires us to complete the Safe Touch program with all students, we will begin these presentations on September 25th. Please contact Emily if you would like to opt your child out of these safety presentations.

What a great morning exploring what it means to be a Family of Faith!

It was great to see so many of you. If you missed this month's gathering don't forget to check your pacing guide to keep yourself on track. As always, if you have any questions please let me know.

See you Wednesday at 5:15 pm in Church!

Each week we begin in church as a community, students will sit with their classes. Pews will be labeled with grade and teacher's name to help everyone find the right spot!

Need to report an absence or early dismissal? Please use our online form! 4 quick questions so we can serve you best.

Save the Date!!

Our Trunk or Treat Tailgate is coming up, and registration opens soon.

This event is FREE, but requires advanced registration due to space limitations.

Stay tuned for registration.

Are you looking to grow in your faith? Seeking to be better equipped to respond to questions or challenges about what the Church teachers? Evangelization 301 might be for you!

Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

This Sunday we hear Jesus tell his followers that "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea." Wow. That is a strong admonishment and warning. Jesus is reminding us that the way we teat others, react to situations, and approach our daily tasks gives an example to those around us---for better of for worse. Jesus is very clear; if any of our habits or tendencies leads us or others to sin, we must root it out. This is a challenging call, but when accepted bears the fruit of eternal joy in Heaven.

On the way to Mass:  Who is someone you look up to?

On the way home from Mass: Whose footsteps or example do you try to follow?

Challenge of the Week: This week take time together to reflect on the example you provide to others. Perhaps walk through an examination on conscience to identify any ways you are providing a destructive example to those around you. Take advantage of the sacrament of Reconciliation as a family!

Bookmark our Website

Don't forget to bookmark our website! Scroll to the bottom for a Google Calendar for the year that you can add to your personal calendar. It will update your calendar automatically with any schedule adjustments! Printable copies of the calendar are also available online.

We've added a section to our website that contains our newsletters, and we will keep that updated throughout the year. If you ever delete a message and need to look back, hop on over to our landing page.

God bless, 

Emily Kopff
