Good afternoon PSR families!

This year we are taking on Box of Joy as our service focus for this fall semester. Box of Joy is an outreach of Cross Catholic Outreach, which provides Christmas Gifts to children in developing countries like Haiti, Malawi, and the Dominican Republic. These boxes of goodies may be the first Christmas gift a child has ever received!

Cross Catholic Outreach seeks to provide Christmas gifts for children in need by filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, accessories, and other practical items. Our initial goal will be for each PSR classroom to sponsor 1 shoebox each, putting us at 14 shoeboxes. Our stretch goal will be to fill 20 shoeboxes for children in need! I cannot wait to see how much JOY we are able to spread this year. Stay tuned for details on how to participate in our efforts to share the joy of Jesus with children less fortunate.

What is one thing you can do to grow as a Family of Faith this month?

It was great to see so many of you. If you missed this month's gathering don't forget to check your pacing guide to keep yourself on track. As always, if you have any questions please let me know.

See you Wednesday at 5:15 pm in Church!

Each week we begin in church as a community, students will sit with their classes. Pews will be labeled with grade and teacher's name to help everyone find the right spot!

Need to report an absence or early dismissal? Please use our online form! 4 quick questions so we can serve you best.

Save the Date!!

Our Trunk or Treat Tailgate is coming up, and registration opens next week.

This event is FREE, but requires advanced registration due to space limitations.

Are you looking to grow in your faith? Seeking to be better equipped to respond to questions or challenges about what the Church teachers? Evangelization 301 might be for you!

Mark 10: 2-9, 13-16

This Sunday Jesus speaks so clearly about the dignity of children, and their place in the kingdom of Heaven. Not only do children belong in the kingdom of Heaven, the kingdom belongs to them, Jesus says. It can be hard to go to Mass or even to pray as a family, sometimes we wonder if it's even worth it. Jesus is saying that little children have a natural disposition toward receiving his promise. Children are a good model for us adults in embracing the trust, honesty, and wonder that opens children to receive the kingdom of God. May we look to the example of our children this week and embrace their simplicity and docility.

On the way to Mass:  Do you think grown ups and kids pray the same way?

On the way home from Mass: How do you like to talk to Jesus?

Challenge of the Week: This week let your children take the lead in prayer. Perhaps this is starting meal prayer at breakfast or dinner, or leading a bedtime prayer. Encourage your child to make use of your prayer space in your home, maybe it's time to refresh the space with a new prayer card or statue.

Bookmark our Website

Don't forget to bookmark our website! Scroll to the bottom for a Google Calendar for the year that you can add to your personal calendar. It will update your calendar automatically with any schedule adjustments! Printable copies of the calendar are also available online.

We've added a section to our website that contains our newsletters, and we will keep that updated throughout the year. If you ever delete a message and need to look back, hop on over to our landing page.

God bless, 

Emily Kopff
