Several U.S. Representatives came together in July to introduce a bipartisan bill that to support greater participation in Medicare Alternative Payment Models (APMs). Reps. DelBene, LaHood, Schrier, Wenstrup, Blumenauer, and Bucshon are proposing several changes, including the extension of the 5% incentive payment for Advanced APM Participants.
In her press release, DelBene stated "Physicians and hospitals participating in Alternative Payment Models are leading the changes our health care system needs to focus on value instead of volume. The Value in Health Care Act would encourage more providers to join these models and accelerate this change, leading to improved quality of care and health outcomes for seniors."
Key changes included in the Value Act are:
- Increased percentage of shared savings for beginner participants.
- Modifies risk adjustment to be more realistic and better reflect factors participants encounter like health and other risk variables in their communities.
- Removes barriers to ACO participation by eliminating arbitrary program distinctions so all participants are participating on a level playing field.
- Supports fair and accurate benchmarks by modifying performance metrics so participants aren’t competing against their own successes in providing better care.
- Provides greater technical support to ACO participants to cover the significant startup costs associated with program participation.
- Incentivizes participation in Advanced APMs by extending the annual lump sum participation bonus for an additional two years.
- Corrects arbitrary thresholds for Advanced APM qualification to better reflect the existing progress of the value-based movement and to encourage bringing more patients into this model of care.
Click here to view the Value Act or view the summary of the bill by the Alliance for Value-Based Patient Care.