PTC Class Leaders and Master Trainers
A Fond Farewell to Leslie Congleton
After 25 years, Leslie Congleton is stepping away from PTC. Below is her parting message to the PTC nation. If you would like to say a personal farewell to Leslie, a card shower is organized for her. Please send cards to the following address by July 1st: Iowa State University, Ann Christenson, 101 MacKay Hall, 2302 Osborn Drive, Ames, Iowa 50011-1078.

Dear PTC Community of Friends,
If you are receiving this newsletter, then you are part of the dedicated community sharing the Powerful Tools for Caregivers program with caregivers far and wide. It is a privilege for each of us to belong to this community of PTC Staff, Class Leaders, Master Trainers, Community Sponsors, as well as the amazing Caregivers we serve. I have 25 years of memories with PTC and on June 9th will be stepping aside as the Transition Specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach. It has been wonderful to work with the ISU team over the past year and it I am delighted to see the ways in which PTC will continue to grow with the support of the incredible team of staff and resources that come from ISU to make a solid foundation for PTC for years to come. I would like to express gratitude to the many individuals and organizations that make PTC a possibility. I trust you know what a profound difference you make in people’s lives. The passage below is by Winston O. Abbott. My parents shared a book of his words of wisdom with me when I was a teen–many years ago! I wanted to share it as it so beautifully illustrates how intertwined our lives are. I will always remember the years with PTC fondly, and welcome whatever the future may bring. With thanks to you all! Carry on!
-Leslie Congleton

"And as my life has been gently touched by other lives—it follows that I have touched theirs too—one cannot always know the time of greatest need—perhaps this is as it should be—perhaps it is only for me to light one darkened corner of the path–to place a hand upon your shoulder as a symbol of my kinship and my love—perhaps I came this way—as did you—to fill some special need—but this is not always given to us to know—

From many lives I have gathered courage and strength—I have learned humility and gentleness and forgiveness—and for all of these blessings—I am grateful—And so, you must understand that your life is not your own—it has become a part of mine—and so it follows that my life does not belong to me—it is yours—"
Upcoming Webinar
Learn and Share with PTC,
Christine Fruhauf leads the GrandCARES Project at Colorado State University. She will speak on caregiving situations that arise in grandfamilies as well as provide information about her project success.
Date and Time: TBD
Format: virtual via zoom
If interested, please email for registration information.
New Dates for Master Trainer Trainings
New Master Trainer Trainings added to PTC Website!
Applications are open! Do you know someone who would be an amazing PTC trainer? Encourage fellow Class Leaders to apply for the below Master Trainer Trainings.
  • Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:00pm–4:00pm CST
  • Wednesday, October 19, 2022 10:00am–12:00pm CST
  • Friday, January 27, 2023 1:00–3:00pm CST
  • Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:00am–12:00pm CST
  • Tuesday, June 6, 2023 1:00–3:00pm CST
  • Friday, August 18, 2023 10:00am–12:00pm CST
If interested, please fill out the Master Trainer application form.
Materials for PTC Classes
After setting up an account, Class Leaders can access PTC files through the ISU Extension Store. When you set up your ISU Extension Store account, be sure to use the primary email address that PTC uses to contact you.


Additional details for PTC Class Leaders and Master Trainers on the PTC website.
The Caregiver Helpbook
Do you need to order The Caregiver Helpbook for upcoming caregiver classes?

The books are available through the Iowa State University Extension Store.

Need help creating an account to purchase books or access class materials? See our How-To Guide.
Planning PTC Caregiver classes?
Be sure to add your upcoming PTC class series using the "add a class" form.

Let us know about your upcoming class leader training events through this "confirmation" form.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers