Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund Newsletter

June 2023 / Issue 16: 1

Prince Takamado Japan-Canada Memorial Fund is pleased to launch its first online newsletter! To subscribe, please contact


Farewell Message from Dr. Aya Fujiwara, Director

My term as the Director of the Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research comes to an end in June 2023. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who helped me over the past eight years. First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado for her support and guidance. Working under her direction was a great honour, and this invaluable experience will be my lifetime asset. I am also grateful for the donors and advisors who supported our activities and gave me critical advice....Read More 日本語はこちらから

University of Alberta's Japan Mission, 25 February - 1 March 2023

The PTJC organized the University of Alberta's Japan mission with the University of Alberta International. In this mission, President Bill Flanagan travelled to Japan with Dr. Cen Huang (AVP International) and Dr. Aya Fujiwara (Director) and met with Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, Ambassador Ian Mackay, the members of the PTJCMF advisors, President Teruo Fujii (University of Tokyo), Mr. Daylin Breen (Director, the Alberta-Japan Office, the members of the Japan Foundation, and the University of Alberta alumni and friends. In Kyoto, the PTJC facilitated the signing of the MOU between the Kule Institute for Advanced Studies and Ritsumeikan Centre for Game Studies. University of Alberta researchers, Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell, Department of Philosophy and Dr. Eleni Stroulia, Department of Computer Science were major contributing scholars from the University of Alberta. This project strengthens the relationship between two universities through Replaying Japan Conference and opens a new collaboration towards AI-based solutions for healthy aging. The MOU was signed by President Bill Flananagan, the University of Alberta and President Yoshio Nakatani at Ritsumeikan University. 


Read More: Folio Article

Featured: Japan-Canada Academic Consortium Student Forum

February 21-March 1, 2023

The JACAC celebrated its final forum in Chiba and Tokyo. The 14th forum was hosted by Josai International University under the theme “Canada and Japan: Towards 100 years of diplomatic relations”. For this final forum, participants looked back at the history of relations between Canada and Japan, as well as forward to how the two countries can strengthen relations in the future. Four academic sessions looked at specific key themes such as societal changes, gender issues, aspects of volunteering and community involvement, and the environment. Each session was composed of a lecture and a workshop where students actively discussed and shared ideas on these four broad themes. There was also be a selection of cultural events, exchange activities and a tour of Tokyo.


Event Report

Research News

Past Wrongs, Future Choices, SSHRC Partnership Grant Project

The Past Wrongs, Future Choices project is a multi-year SSHRC Partnership grant project, led by Professor Jordan Stanger-Ross. As a co-applicant of the project, Dr. Aya Fujiwara will organize a global symposium at the Banff Centre in 2024. This project focuses on the injustice and racism that Japanese people confronted in Canada, the US, Australia, and Latin America during World War II and to learn future lessons. For more information about the project, please visit its website.



The Hirabayashi Anti-Racism Project

The PTJC funded two programs under the Hirabayashi Anti-Racism Project, which aimed to bring awareness about the racism facing Asian Canadians, particularly since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also supported by the Government of Alberta, Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF), University of Alberta (Faculties of Arts and Education, Departments of Drama and Sociology, Timms' Innovation Fund, President’s Fund), Edmonton Japanese Community Association (EJCA), and the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC), The first program, led by Professor Olenka Bilash (the Faculty of Education) offered Albertans of all ages opportunities to engage with the experiences and contributions of Japanese Canadians and to take these and other resources into public school curricula. The second program was the film screening of the Model Minority: Asian Canadian Experience Through Performance Arts" organized by Rabbits Three Cultural Connections on 4 June.

当センターは、特にコロナ禍拡大以降アジア系カナダ人が直面してきた人種差別に対する社会的意識を高める目的で、「ヒラバヤシ反人種差別プロジェクト」の一部として2つのプログラムに資金を提供しました。当センターの他、アルバータ州政府、カナダ人種間関係協会(CRRF)、アルバータ大学(文学・教育学部、演劇・社会学科、ティムズイノベーション基金、学長基金)、エドモントン日本文化協会(EJCA)、全カナダ日系人協会(NAJC)による支援がありました。第1のプログラムでは、オレンカ・ビラシュ教授(教育学部)の指揮のもと、幅広い年齢のアルバータ住民に日系カナダ人の体験や貢献に触れる機会を与え、得た情報やその他の資料を公立学校のカリキュラムに持ち込む機会を作りました。第2のプログラムは、ラビッツスリー・カルチャーコネクションの主催により6月4日に行われた映画『Model Minority: Asian Canadian Experience Through Performance Arts』(モデルマイノリティ:パフォーマンスアートを通したアジア系カナダ人の体験)の上映会でした。

Webinar Series:

“Popular Culture as a Japanese National Brand: Possibilities and Challenges”

In collaboration with the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary, PTJC has organized four webinars in its series in 2022-2023 under the theme "Popular Culture as a Japanese National Brand: Possibilities and Challenges". The webinars were streamed from March 13-25, 2023. Please visit our website for more information.


Video: Webinar 1

Video: Webinar 2

Video: Webinar 3

Video: Webinar 4


Lecture Event: "Canada-Japan Relations in the Indo-Pacific Era", February 6, 2023

The PTJC hosted Jonathan B. Miller's lecture at the University of Alberta in February. He is an international affairs professional with expertise on security, defense and geo-economic issues in the Indo-Pacific.

Canada released its Indo-Pacific Strategy in late November attempting to craft out a long term vision for the region. Miller's talk looked at Canada's relationship with Japan in the new Indo-Pacific era and how the relationship is evolving in trade, security and other areas.




Event: The “Lock on the Northern Gate”: Militarized Settler Colonialism on the Russo-Japanese Borderland, February 13, 2023

The PTJC hosted Dr. Michael Roellinghoff's lecture on the Hokkaido pioneers in February. He is a historian specializing in Indigeneity, settler colonialism, and race in modern Japan.

In this presentation, he examined the lives of Japanese Tondenhei farmer-soldiers and their civilian family members in late 19th century Hokkaido. He examined the process by which Tondenhei villages, which were located in the settler colonial borderland, became liminal spaces where distinctions between public/private, civilian/military, Indigenous/exogenous, and foreign/domestic were blurred.




Student Programs

Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest, March 11, 2023

PTJC hosted the 32nd Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest online. In the Beginner category, Beichen Wang won first place, Hussain Cochinwalai won second place and Ezgi Ince won third place. In the Intermediate category, Jessie Zheng won first place, Lavender Wong won second place and Dayee Lee won third place. In the Advanced category, Erica Kim won first place and Kayla Zurakowski won second place.



Canadian National Japanese Speech Contest, March 26, 2023

The 34th Canadian National Japanese Speech Contest was hosted by Professor Ikuko Komuro-Lee (University of Toronto) on March 26, 2023 at The Japan Foundation, Toronto. Risha Pelchat was awarded the PTJCMF's travel award, which was sent to a participant who gave the best speech. This year, the following students received awards.



"In the three weeks that followed the OJSC, I practiced at least two hours a day for the NJSC, only to get sick the day right before. Not wanting my efforts to be for naught, I roused myself the next morning, and was – very fortunately – able to get on stage. However, it was after meeting the other participants – who’d all won first place in their own districts – that it’d occurred to me that I wasn’t the only one who was hardworking. And so, I plan to use the scholarship I was generously granted to go to a Japanese language school in Japan for three months. I’m going to work hard to raise the level of my Japanese higher and higher!"


JACOS/JAPEX Scholarships in Engineering

Since its establishment at the University of Alberta in 2008, the JACOS/JAPEX Scholarship has grown and now is offered annually at the three Alberta institutions: the University of Alberta, Keyano College, and the University of Calgary. Students with superior academic achievement entering their second, third, or fourth year of study are eligible for the award in the fields of Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. The following students are 2022-2023 recipients who were not announced in the previous newsletter:

University of Alberta (2022-2023)

Maria Perez

Mohammed Ali Haider

Paola Becerra

Abby Grace Chauvet Holman

Keyano College (2022-2023)

Christina Sibley

Jessica Sparks

Ellen M. Fabros

University of Calgary (2022-2023)

Abdel Rahman Abbas

Maria Law

Spencer Tourigny

Mila Mrljic

JACOS/JAPEX 工学技術奨学金は、2008年の設立以来拡大され、現在アルバータ州の3大学(アルバータ大学、キアノ・カレッジ、カルガリー大学)の学生のうち、鉱山工学、石油工学、科学工学、マテリアル工学、地質工学、環境工学に就学中の2、3、4年生の中から最も優秀な成績を収めた学生に授与されます。前回のニュースレターで未発表の本年度の受賞者は、 下記の通りです。










カルガリー大学 2022~2023年度)





Ritsumeikan Summer Japanese Program

The Prince Takamado Japan Centre and the Department of East Asian Studies coordinate a summer study abroad program in Japan. The 5-week program was held at Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus, located in northwestern Kyoto, a 1200-year-old city rich in culture and art.

The 2023 winners of the Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund Summer Travel Award were:

Karen Vuong

Cameron Dribnenky

Sara Jenna Liron Hafer

Cameron James Matthew

Jessica Rachel Tan









Kakehashi Project

This year, thanks to the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary and the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, we sent ten students to Japan in February through the Kakehashi Project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan. Our participants represented many universities in Canada: Queens' University, the University of Alberta, the University of British Columbia, Université de Montréal, the University of Regina, York University, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Prince Edward Island. 


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