Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund Newsletter
July 2021 / Issue 14: 1
Japan-Canada Academic Consortium Student Forum, February 13-19, 2021
The 12th JACAC Student Forum was held online hosted by University of Alberta under the timely theme “Youth During and After the Pandemic: A Proposal for the New Normal.” This online forum offered a space for conversations to explore the impact of the pandemic on young people and to stay connected with the international academic community. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the future of today’s young people, restricting their opportunities to learn and work. As problems linger, including economic uncertainty, stereotypes against young people, isolation, and unemployment, students will think together of ways to empower our lives at this time of crisis.


Webinar Series:
“Ageing Society in the Era of Pandemics: Approaches in Japan and Canada”
Sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary, PTJC has organized four webinars in its series in 2020-2021. All webinar videos are available from our website.

13 July: “COVID-19: Policies in Japan and in Alberta”
Participants: Dr. Hitoshi Oshitani, Professor of Virology at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Member of the Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting, Government of Japan, and Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of the Government of Alberta

23 November: "Seniors' Care during the COVID-19"
Dr. Reiko Hayashi, deputy director-general of Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS) and Dr. Jasneet Parmar, an Associate Professor at the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta and the Medical Lead of Alberta Health Services, Edmonton Zone Home Living and Transitions

14 December: "Applying AI in COVID-19"
Dr. Yuzuru Tanaka, Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University, and a Program Officer of the JST CREST Program on Big Data Applications and Dr. Randy Goebel, Professor of Computing Science in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta and Associate Vice President (Research & Innovation), and Fellow and co-founder of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii).

27 January: "Mobilizing Serious Game during COVID-19"
Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell, Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta and Dr. Hiroyuki Matsuguma, Director of Serious Game Project, Kyushu University.


押谷仁先生 東北大学大学院医学系研究科微生物学分野教授
ディーナ・ヒンショウ先生 アルバータ州首席医務官

11月23日 『コロナ禍での高齢者ケア』
林玲子先生 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所副署長
ジャスニート・パーマー先生 アルバータ大学家庭医学准教授

田中譲先生 北海道大学名誉教授
ランディー・ゴーベル先生 アルバータ大学研究・イノベーション担当副学長補兼コンピューター・サイエンス学科教授

1月7日 『コロナ禍におけるシリアスゲームの応用』
ジョフリー・ロックウェル先生 アルバータ大学哲学学科教授
松隈浩之先生 九州大学芸術工学研究院准教授
Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest, March 7, 2021
PTJC hosted the 30th Alberta District Japanese Speech Contest online. In the Beginner category, Ryan Domoslai won first place. In the Intermediate category, Kelly Ma won first place. In the Advanced category, Tiffany Chang won first place. In the Open category, Niran Pon won first place.

Canadian National Japanese Speech Contest, March 28, 2021
The 32nd Canadian National Japanese Speech Contest was hosted virtually by the University of British Columbia on 28 March 2021. This year, the following students received awards offered by the Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund.

Heshan Wadumasethrige (Beginner, York University)
Peter Zang (Intermediate, York University)
Dylan Kim (Advanced, Mount Alison University)


ディーラン・キム (上級、マウント・アリソン大学)

Peter Zang, Winner of the Intermediate Category
Upcoming Conferences, August 2021
At the initiative of the Kule Institute for Advanced Studies and the AI for Society Signature Area at the University of Alberta, Prince Takamado Japan Centre will co-host Replaying Japan 2021: The 9th International Japan Game Studies Conference, "Artificial Intelligence in Japanese Games," 9-13 August 2021. This international conference hosts presenters from Japan, Canada, US, and Europe.

Our centre will also host the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, "Japanese Language Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era -- Opportunities for Change and Growth," 17-19 August 2021. This conference will have a public lecture by Ms. Elena Kamenetzky (Eastern High School, 2021 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year on 17 August. For registration, please visit the CAJLE site.

高円宮センターは、アルバータ大学クール先端研究研究所とAI4Sの主導により、8月9日から13日の日程で「日本のゲームにおけるAI」というテーマのもと、第9回国際日本ゲーム研究学会を共催します。また、8月17日から19日の日程で、「コロナ後の日本語教育ー変革と成長の機会へー」というテーマのもと、カナダ日本語教育復興会の年次大会を共催します。この学会では、8月17日にプレカンファレンス行事として、イレーナ・カメネツキー先生(イースタン高校、2021年度ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year)による講演を一般公開致します。登録はこちらのCAJLEウェブサイトをご覧ください。