Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund Newsletter

December 2022 / Issue 15: 2

Prince Takamado Japan-Canada Memorial Fund issues our newsletter twice a year. To subscribe, please visit here.


Director's Message

It is my pleasure to send you the 15th annual newsletter for the Prince Takamado Japan-Canada Memorial Fund. As the year 2022 comes to an end, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for all of you who supported out programs. At the beginning of 2022, H.E. Kawamura Yasuhisa then Ambassador of Japan, offered our students an opportunity to meet virtually. After his departure, I was very honoured to have an opportunity to exchange ideas with the new Japanese Ambassador, H.E. Yamanouchi Kanji, in Calgary.

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Upcoming Events (Please check our messages for many exciting talks in 2023!)

  • Webinar Series: "Japanese Popular Culture as Japan's National Brand: Opportunities and Challenges" (More information will be available soon!) funded by the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary

  • Canadian National Japanese Language Speech Contest, March 26, 2023

JACOS/JAPEX Scholarships in Engineering

Since its establishment at the University of Alberta in 2008, the JACOS/JAPEX Scholarship has grown and now is offered annually at the three Alberta institutions: the University of Alberta, Keyano College, and the University of Calgary. Students with superior academic achievement entering their second, third, or fourth year of study are eligible for the award in the fields of Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. The following students are 2022-2023 recipients of this scholarship:

University of Alberta

Maria Perez

Mohammed Ali Haider

Paola Becerra

The fourth recipient will be announced in the next newsletter.

University of Calgary

Abdel Rahman Abbas

Maria Law

Spencer Tourigny

Mia Mrljic

Keyano College (2021-2022):

Zeeshan Hamayun

Priscilla Gallagher

Aisha MacKay

JACOS/JAPEX 工学技術奨学金は、2008年の設立以来拡大され、現在アルバータ州の3大学(アルバータ大学、キアノ・カレッジ、カルガリー大学)の学生のうち、鉱山工学、石油工学、科学工学、マテリアル工学、地質工学、環境工学に就学中の2、3、4年生の中から最も優秀な成績を収めた学生に授与されます。本年度の受賞者は、 下記の通りです。















2022 Princess Takamado Essay Contest

Congratulations to the 2022 winners of the Princess Takamado Essay Contest! This year, the awards were given to the best students' essays submitted to Replaying Japan.

Gregory Blomquist, University of Alberta

“Wild MEWTWO appeared! A Transmedia Character Study of Pokémon”

Atsuo Nakayama, Waseda University

“Play to earn/Play to gain-How Blockchain game 2021’s expansion synchronize with Social game 2010’s expansion”

2022年度高円宮妃殿下英語論文コンテストの受賞者は以下の通りです。本年度は、Replaying Japanとの連携により、本学会に優れた論文を提出した学生に賞が贈られました。




『Play to earn/Pay to gain―2021年のブロックチェーンゲーム拡大と2010年のソーシャルゲーム拡大の同調』

Conversation with Mei Nan

Winner of the Asiatic Society of Japan 2022 Young Scholars’ Program

Mei Nan is a graduate of UofA’s Department of East Asian Studies, who is currently a PhD student in Comparative Literature at Harvard University. She was selected as a winner of the Asiatic Society of Japan 2022 Young Scholars’ Program.

As a part of the 2022 Young Scholars’ Program, Mei is set to write an article of her choosing that will be published in the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, the Society’s annual journal in 2024. She plans to write about the experiences of Taiwanese and Japanese people after World War II, and how memory and trauma is reflected in literature, media and history.


2022年度若手学者支援プログラムの一環として、ナンさんが執筆した学術論文が日本アジア協会年間学術誌『Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan』の2024年号に掲載されます。ナンさんは、第二次世界大戦後の台湾人や日本人の体験を論文のテーマとし、記憶や心的外傷がどのように文学、メディア、歴史に反映されているかを探る予定とのことです。

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