Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund Newsletter
December 2021 / Issue 14: 2
It is my great pleasure to issue the 14th annual newsletter for the Prince Takamado Japan-Canada Memorial Fund. As the year 2021 comes to an end, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who supported our activities. It was a very difficult year for us because our long-term supporter, the JACOS/JPEX, which established its scholarships in Engineering, has withdrawn its business from Alberta.
Upcoming Events
Webinar Series, "The Path to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Approaches in Japan and Canada" (online), January 13, 2022 (Speakers: Dr. Hyunjoo Naomi Chi, Hokkaido University, Dr. Sara Dorow, University of Alberta) Please register for the event here.
- Canadian National Japanese Language Speech Contest, March 26, 2022
CAJLE Annual Conference 2021, August 18-19, 2021
The Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research and the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Alberta hosted the annual conference of the 2021 CAJLE (Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education). Under the theme of “Japanese Language Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era--Opportunities for Change and Growth,” speakers shared and discussed what Japanese language teachers have learned through the online classes that started as a countermeasure against the spread of COVID-19, as well as pedagogical issues that have surfaced.
アルバータ大学・高円宮センター並びに東アジア学科は、カナダ日本語教育振興会との共催により2021年度CAJLE年次大会をオンラインで開催しました。『コロナ後の日本語教育: 変革と成長の機会へ』というテーマのもと、コロナ禍で始まったオンライン授業をきっかけに、日本語教師が学んだこと、顕在化された日本語教育の課題などを共有、議論し、教師の役割や授業のあり方など、これからの日本語教育の方向性を考えました。
Replaying Japan 2021, August 9-13, 2021
Replaying Japan held its 9th annual conference virtually at the University of Alberta. It was also the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Replaying Japan. Organized by a partnership of the AI for Society (AI4S) signature area, the Prince Takamado Japan Centre (PTJC), and the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) at the University of Alberta, it celebrated the strong international research community that has evolved over the decade.
This year’s conference theme was “Artificial Intelligence in Japanese Game Culture”. Particular attention was paid to how AI is represented in Japanese games, the evolution of game AIs, and how big data analytics have changed the game industry.
Replaying Japanは第9回目の国際年次大会をアルバータ大学にてオンラインで開催しました。また、本年度Replaying Japanは10周年を迎え、AI for Society (AI4S) 、アルバータ大学の高円宮センター、Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)の提携により開催された本大会では、10年間に渡り進化を遂げてきた研究コミュニティの国際連携の強化を確認しました。
JACOS/JAPEX Scholarships in Engineering
Since its establishment at the University of Alberta in 2008, the JACOS/JAPEX Scholarship has grown and now is offered annually at the three Alberta institutions: the University of Alberta, Keyano College, and the University of Calgary. Students with superior academic achievement entering their second, third, or fourth year of study are eligible for the award in the fields of Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. The following students are 2021-2022 recipients of this scholarship:
University of Alberta
Mofetoluwa Oluwakanyin Akindele (2020-2021)
Benjamin David Corenblum
Joshua Rene Du Plessis
Katherine Yu Lin
Qianyu Yang
University of Calgary
Mohammed Mustafa
Linh Vu Ai Tran
Mariel Kylie Palaganas
Muhammad Rafeh Khan
JACOS/JAPEX 工学技術奨学金は、2008年の設立以来拡大され、現在アルバータ州の3大学(アルバータ大学、キアノ・カレッジ、カルガリー大学)の学生のうち、鉱山工学、石油工学、科学工学、マテリアル工学、地質工学、環境工学に就学中の2、3、4年生の中から最も優秀な成績を収めた学生に授与されます。本年度の受賞者は、 下記の通りです。
Webinar Series:
“The Path to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Approaches in Japan and Canada”
Sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary, PTJC has organized three webinars in its series in 2021-2022. All webinar videos are available from our website.
27 October: "Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Museum"
Dr. Shiro Sasaki, Executive Director of the National Ainu Museum
Dr. Maddie Knickerbocker, Professor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
10月27日 『先住民の文化遺産と博物館』
佐々木史郎先生 国立アイヌ民族博物館館長
マディー・ニッカボッカー先生 クワントレン工科大学
Kakehashi Project Virtual Exchange, September 28, 2021
PTJC has hosted a virtual exchange program, in cooperation with the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. The session began with interesting presentations on Japanese popular culture and literature by Japanese students at Meijo University. Approximately 24 Meijo students and 18 UAlberta students attended the session, exchanging their ideas.
2021 Princess Takamado Essay Contest
Congratulations to the 2021 winners of the Princess Takamado Essay Contest! This year, the awards were given to the best students' essays submitted to Replaying Japan.
Luca Paolo Bruno, Leipzig University
“Artificial Intimacy: Gynoid and Artificial Intelligence as Visual Novel Game Character Templates”
Yang Siyu, Ritsumeikan University
“China’s Governmental Restrictions and Game Players’ Countermeasures to it: The Virtual Place Created in Battlefield 4.”
Bianca Chui, University of British Columbia
“Eating Your Way Through Sugoroku: Imaginary Travel in a Japanese Board Game”
2021年高円宮妃殿下英語論文コンテストの受賞者は以下の通りです。本年度は、Replaying Japanとの連携により、本学会に優れた論文を提出した学生に賞が贈られました。
『中国政府による規制とゲームプレイヤーの対抗策―Battlefield 4における仮想空間』
Prince Takamado Japan Center | Website