Speak Up And Save A Life

In light of the recent celebrity suicides and public attention around this issue,  ADAA wants you to know that you are not alone. There is help and hope available. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and should never be ignored. ADAA offers many resources to help identify what to watch for if you feel that someone you care about might be at risk and what action steps you can take. ADAA also provides blog posts, infographics, webinars, and access to trending articles that help you or a loved one cope with a mental health crisis. Please remember - there is support and treatment available. We encourage you to take advantage of ADAA's resources and to share them with your friends, family members and colleagues.   
June is PTSD Awareness Month
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects over 7 million Americans ages 18 and older.  In honor of PTSD Awareness Month, ADAA has compiled resources to help you or a loved one manage PTSD and learn about treatment options. 
Personal Story of Triumph: 
Broken for a Reason
By Stephanie Cardamone
"...Acceptance for me is truly a journey. Vital, but never-ending. Last May, I had 263 people reach out to me {after ADAA posted my first blog post}. People that I knew and loved, people that I hadn't spoken to in years, people that I didn't know at all. 263 people contacted me to thank me for speaking up; to ask me for help. I was so extremely grateful to know that by sharing I was benefiting others, but true to form, my anxiety reared its ugly head. Only two months after I pled to you about acceptance, I had arrived at the worst day of my life. On July 6, 2017, I attempted suicide..."   Read more.

Interested in sharing your personal story of triumph with anxiety, depression, or co-occurring disorders? Contact kpatel@adaa.org for more information.

Taking Action - Donor Corner:
Generation Nine's "Anxiety" Collection
Our design known as the "anxiety" collection is something that came about in perfect Generation Nine style. It was not a design that was created with the idea of necessarily looking "cool" or "fitting in". The design originated because of the harm that anxiety, along with other mental disorders, has had on our generation. Moreover, it is actually a problem that affects many other generations as is not limited necessarily to a specific one.

Interested in starting a fundraiser to support ADAA's mission? Contact kpatel@adaa.org for more information.

First Cousins: Photography Exhibition Supporting Mental Health
"...Like many people, I deal with depression and anxiety. Some episodes are minor, while others are paralyzing. Throughout all this, I am always looking for opportunities to turn these struggles into something more positive... Additionally, we wanted to partner with an organization that not only can relate to our struggles, but also provide helpful mental health resources. As a result, we decided to work with ADAA and donate proceeds from our exhibition..."  Read more.
New Free Recorded Webinar: 
Depression Among College Students
The Jed Foundation's JED Campus advisors, Erica Riba, LCSW and Diana Cusumano, LHMC, NCC talk about depression in college students today and how the JED Campus program and other outside resources can help those who are struggling and learn skills to reach out to others.

NIH Study: Concerned That Your Teenager Has Depression? 
Join a research study seeking to find causes and treatments of depression in teenagers. The study is recruiting participants ages 11-17 who are depressed and have a pediatrician or medical provider. Eligible participants may receive treatment of evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and if indicated, standard medicines. There is no cost to participate; compensation is provided. www.nimh.nih.gov/TeenDepressionStudy
Call 1-301-827-1350 [TTY: 1-866-411-1010] to learn more or e mail depressedkids@mail.nih.gov
ADAA Member Publications

Our ADAA professional members author excellent self-help books about anxiety, depression and co-occurring disorders. 

Have a question? Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Want to share your story
Please send us an email.  We would love to hear from you. 
June 2018
New ADAA Member Blog Posts
by Dr. Jenny Yip

A wealth of studies on attachment theories have stressed the importance of the early parent-child bond to a child's well-being. Secure attachment to a primary caregiver is one of the foremost contributors to establishing healthy emotional and interpersonal growth. Decades of research on the lifelong outcomes of children being separated from their parents have repeatedly informed us that early trauma has significant hindrance on a child's development and functioning.  Read more.

by Dr. Ashley Smith

As a clinical psychologist, I probably think about suicide more often and in different ways than most. I've read the research. I've been trained to ask the hard questions. I am all too familiar with the frustrating gaps in our knowledge base: what causes it, who is at risk, how do we prevent it? I understand the stigma and misconceptions surrounding it, and I know, firsthand, the collateral damage that stems from it.  Read more.

ADAA in the News
ADAA resources, programs and initiatives as well as many ADAA member experts are frequently quoted/highlighted in national and international news platforms. We invite you to  browse through current articles .

Recent Articles:  
Search ADAA's Find a Therapist online directory (all professional members of ADAA). 

Have questions about how to choose the right therapist for you? Check out    ADAA's Choosing a Therapist website page.
ADAA's English and Spanish HealthUnlocked Communities
ADAA's anonymous peer-to-peer online anxiety and depression support group is a friendly, safe and supportive place for individuals and their families to share information and experiences. Join today!

Grupo anónimo peer-to-peer línea de apoyo ansiedad y la depresión de ADAA es un lugar agradable, seguro y de apoyo para los individuos y sus familias para compartir información y experiencias.  Suscríbete hoy!
ADAA Store
All purchases benefit ADAA's Educational Outreach. Thank you!

Facing Panic: 
Self-Help for People With Panic Attacks 

Triumph Over Shyness: 
Conquering Social Anxiety Disorder  

ADAA stress relief kits make great gifts and support ADAA at the same time! Kits include fidget toys and more.

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety Core Concepts (DVD)

With Reid Wilson, PhD

Fundraising With Facebook
Did you know that you can start your own personal fundraiser on Facebook? You and your Facebook friends can support causes that are important to you (like ADAA!) by raising funds and awareness without leaving Facebook! Start your own Facebook fundraiser here today. 

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